Upper Extremity Flashcards

upper extremity



This makes up the PECTORAL (or SHOULDER) GIRDLE.[a]The two clavicles and the two scapulae.


The clavicle connects which bones?[a]This bone links the sternum to the scapula.


spine of the scapula – features[a]This structure has the acromion at one end and the root at the other.


glenoid fossa – function[a]This strucure receives the head of the humerus to form the GLENOHUMERAL JOINT (shoulder joint).


glenoid labrum -describe[a]This is the lip of cartilage around edge of glenoid fossa


coracoid process – location[a]This is the most anterior feature of the scapula, for muscle attachment.


HUMERUS – describe[a]This is the largest bone of the upper extremity.


Head of humerus articulates with?[a]This part of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa.


surgical neck – describe[a]This is the constriction distal to the head of humerus, a common fracture site.


greater tubercle – describe[a]This is the large and lateral bump for muscle attachment for three (3) of the rotator cuff muscles.


lesser tubercle – describe[a]This is the small and anterior bump for muscle attachment of one (1) of the rotator cuff muscles.


intertubercular sulcus/bicipital groove – describe[a]This is the groove located between the tubercles which stabilizes one of the tendons (long head) of the biceps brachii muscle.


trochlea – describe[a]This is the spool-shaped projection at the distal end of the humerus which receives the trochlear notch of the ulna to form the humeroulnar joint.


capitulum – describe[a]This is the round projection lateral to the trochlea that receives the top of the head of the radius to form the radiohumeral joint.


olecranon fossa – describe[a]This is located on the posterior surface of the humerus just proximal to the trochlea which receives olecranon process of ulna in full extension of the elbow.


coronoid fossa – describe[a]This is located on the anterior surface of the humerus, just proximal to the trochlea which receives the coronoid process of the ulna in full flexion of the elbow.


lateral/medial epicondyles – describe[a]This are the small bumps at distal ends of supracondylar ridges which serve as muscle attachment sites.


Acromioclavicular joint is formed by what bones?[a]This is the joint between the scapula and the clavicle.


Sternoclavicular joint is formed by what bones?[a]This is the joint between the sternum and the clavicle.


Glenohumeral joint is formed by what bones?[a]This is the joint between the scapula and the humerus.


olecranon process – describe[a]This is the prominence of ulna which forms the proximal lip of the trochlear notch.


coronoid process – describe[a]This forms distal lip of trochlear notch of ulna.


trochlear (semilunar) notch – describe[a]This part of the ulna wraps around the trochlea of the humerus.


radial notch – describe[a]This structure receives the head of the radius to form the PROXIMAL RADIOULNAR JOINT.


styloid process – describe[a]This is located on both the radius and ulna at their most distal extremity.


ulnar notch – describe[a]This structure is located at distal end of radius and receives head of ulna to form the DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT.


Interosseous membrane – describe[a]This is the fibrous connective (ligamentous) tissue that connects the radius and the ulna along their length. It helps to stabilize the forearm.


Proximal Row of carpals – list[a]scaphoid (also called the navicular), lunate triquetrum, pisiform (easily palpated)


Distal Row of carpals – list[a] trapezium (tubercle easily palpated), trapezoid, capitate, hamate (the hook of the hamate is easily palpated)


Bones of the RADIOCARPAL JOINT – list[a]The radius, scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum .


What do you have 5 of in each hand?[a]METACARPALS


What do you have 14 in each hand?[a]PHALANGES


upper extremity reversed



PHALANGES location and number?[a]14 in each hand and foot


METACARPALS location and number?[a]5 of in each hand


The radius, scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum form which joint?[a]Bones of the RADIOCARPAL JOINT


What is the fibrous connective (ligamentous) tissue that connects the radius and the ulna along their length?[a]Interosseous membrane


What structure is located at distal end of radius and receives head of ulna to form the DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT?[a]ulnar notch


What is located on both the radius and ulna at their most distal extremity?[a]styloid process


What structure receives the head of the radius to form the PROXIMAL RADIOULNAR JOINT?[a]radial notch


Which part of the ulna is actually in contact with the trochlea of the humerus?[a]trochlear (semilunar) notch


What forms distal lip of trochlear notch of ulna?[a]coronoid process


What is the prominence of ulna which forms the proximal lip of the trochlear notch?[a]olecranon process


What is the joint between the scapula and the humerus?[a]Glenohumeral joint


What is the joint between the sternum and the clavicle?[a]Sternoclavicular joint


What is the joint between the scapula and the clavicle?[a]Acromioclavicular joint


What are the small bumps at distal ends of supracondylar ridges which serve as muscle attachment sites?[a]lateral/medial epicondyles


What is located on the anterior surface of the humerus, just proximal to the trochlea which receives the coronoid process of the ulna in full flexion of the elbow?[a]coronoid fossa


What is located on the posterior surface of the humerus just proximal to the trochlea which receives olecranon process of ulna in full extension of the elbow?[a]olecranon fossa


What is the round projection lateral to the trochlea that receives the top of the head of the radius to form the radiohumeral joint?[a]capitulum


What is the spool-shaped projection at the distal end of the humerus which receives the trochlear notch of the ulna to form the humeroulnar joint?[a]trochlea


What is the groove located between the tubercles which stabilizes one of the tendons (long head) of the biceps brachii muscle?[a]intertubercular sulcus/bicipital groove


What is the small and anterior bump for muscle attachment of one (1) of the rotator cuff muscles?[a]lesser tubercle


What is the large and lateral bump for muscle attachment for three (3) of the rotator cuff muscles?[a]reater tubercle


What is the constriction distal to the head of humerus; a common fracture site?[a]surgical neck


Which part of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa?[a]Head of humerus


What is the largest bone of the upper extremity?[a]HUMERUS


What is the most anterior feature of the scapula, for muscle attachment?[a]coracoid process


What is the lip of cartilage around edge of glenoid fossa?[a]glenoid labrum


What strucure receives the head of the humerus to form the GLENOHUMERAL JOINT (shoulder joint)?[a]glenoid fossa


What structure has the acromion at one end and the root at the other?[a]spine of the scapula


What bone links the sternum to the scapula?[a]The clavicle


The two clavicles and the two scapulae make up what structure?[a]the PECTORAL (or SHOULDER) GIRDLE


Pelvic Bones Flashcards




Define PELVIC GIRDLE[a]This structure is formed by two bones, the OS COXAE.


Define os coxa[a]This structure is formed by the fusion of three distinct bones – the ILIUM, ISCHIUM and PUBIS.


Define Ilium[a]This is the most superior bone of the os coxa.


Define Ischium[a]This is the inferior, posterior bone of the os coxa.


Define Pubis[a]This is the most anterior, inferior bone of the os coxa.


Define Acetabulum[a]This is a very deep socket that articulates with the HEAD OF THE FEMUR to form the ILIOFEMORAL joint.


Define Obturator Foramen[a]This is the largest foramen in the body, formed by the pubis and the ischium and covered by a membrane and muscles.


Define Iliac Crest[a]This is the most superior margin of os coxa.


Define Anterior Superior Iliac Spine: (ASIS)[a]This is the tip at the anterior end of the iliac crest.


Define Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine[a]This is the lower tip at the anterior end of the iliac crest.


Define Posterior Superior Iliac Spine[a]This is the superior spine overhanging the sacrum at the posterior end of the iliac crest. Lies just lateral to L5.


Define Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine[a]This is the inferior spine overhanging the sacrum inferior to the PSIS.


Define Greater Sciatic Notch[a]This is the huge notch just inferior and lateral to the PIIS. Provides passage for the SCIATIC NERVE.


Define Iliac Fossa[a]This is the depression on the anterior (medial) surface of the ilium which is filled with the muscle iliacus.


Define Auricular Surface[a]This articulates with AURICULAR SURFACES of the SACRUM to form the SACROILIAC JOINTS.


Define Sacrospinous Ligaments[a]Which ligaments run from the sacrum to the spine of the ischium.


Define Ischial Tuberosity[a]This is the large, rounded prominence of ischium that you usually sit on.


Define Ischial (a.k.a. Sciatic) Spine[a]This is the bony prominence just inferior to the greater sciatic notch.


Define Lesser Sciatic Notch[a]This is the notch just inferior to the ischial spine. A muscle passes through this groove (obturator internus)


Define Symphysis Pubis[a]This is a disk of fibrocartilage that joins the os coxae together. It is between the pubic bodies of both os coxae.


Define Inferior Ramus[a]This is the portion of the pubis connecting the body to the ischial ramus.


Define Superior Ramus[a]This is the bony part connecting the body of the pubis to the ilium near the acetabulum.


Define Pubic Crest[a]This is the anterior, superior edge of the pubic body.


Define Pubic Tubercle[a]This is the small bump at medial tips of pubic crest.


PELVIS list the bones[a]This is composed of four bones – two os coxae, sacrum, coccyx.


Define Anterior Tilt [a]In this condition the ASIS lies anterior to the pubic crest on the coronal plane.


Define Posterior Tilt [a]In this condition the ASIS lies posterior to the pubic crest on the coronal plane.


Head of the femur joins with what?[a]This bone articulates with the acetabulum.


Pelvis reversed



Which bone articulates with the acetabulum?[a]Head of the femur


In what condition does the ASIS lie posterior the pubic crest on the coronal plane?[a] Posterior Tilt


In what condition does the ASIS lie anterior to the pubic crest on the coronal plane?[a] Anterior Tilt


What is composed of four bones – two os coxae, sacrum, coccyx?[a]PELVIS


What is the small bump at medial tips of pubic crest?[a] Pubic Tubercle


What is the anterior, superior edge of the pubic body?[a] Pubic Crest


What is the bony part connecting the body of the pubis to the ilium near the acetabulum?[a] Superior Ramus


What is the portion of the pubis connecting the body to the ischial ramus?[a] Inferior Ramus


What is a disk of fibrocartilage that joins the os coxae together?[a] Symphysis Pubis


What is the notch just inferior to the ischial spine?[a] Lesser Sciatic Notch


What is the bony prominence just inferior to the greater sciatic notch?[a] Ischial (a.k.a. Sciatic) Spine


What is the large, rounded prominence of ischium that you usually sit on?[a] Ischial Tuberosity


Which ligaments run from the sacrum to the spine of the ischium?[a] Sacrospinous Ligaments


What articulates with AURICULAR SURFACES of the SACRUM to form the SACROILIAC JOINTS?[a] Auricular Surface


What is the depression on the anterior (medial) surface of the ilium which is filled with the muscle iliacus?[a] Iliac Fossa


What is the huge notch just inferior and lateral to the PIIS?[a] Greater Sciatic Notch


What is the inferior spine overhanging the sacrum inferior to the PSIS?[a] Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine


What is the superior spine overhanging the sacrum at the posterior end of the iliac crest?[a] Posterior Superior Iliac Spine


What is the lower tip at the anterior end of the iliac crest?[a] Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine


What is the tip at the anterior end of the iliac crest?[a] Anterior Superior Iliac Spine: (ASIS)


What is the most superior margin of os coxa?[a] Iliac Crest


What is the largest foramen in the body, formed by the pubis and the ischium and covered by a membrane and muscles?[a] Obturator Foramen


What is a very deep socket that articulates with the HEAD OF THE FEMUR to form the ILIOFEMORAL joint?[a] Acetabulum


What is the most anterior, inferior bone of the os coxa?[a] Pubis


What is the inferior, posterior bone of the os coxa?[a] Ischium


What is the most superior bone of the os coxa?[a] Ilium


What structure is formed by the fusion of three distinct bones;the ILIUM, ISCHIUM and PUBIS?[a] os coxa


What structure is formed by two bones, the OS COXAE?[a] PELVIC GIRDLE


Lower Extremity Flashcards

osteology – lower extremity



Define Fovea[a]This is a slight depression on the head of the femur.


What is the pubic angle of a female?[a]A pubic angle of greater than 90 degrees is found on a female.


Define Greater Trochanter[a]This is a very large bulge at the lateral aspect of the proximal shaft of the femur.


Define Lesser Trochanter[a]This is a medial and posterior, smaller bump across from the greater trochanter.


Define Linea Aspera[a]This is a rough line all along posterior shaft of the femur with many muscle attachments.


Define Femoral Condyles[a]These are huge, rounded processes which articulate with the TIBIA to form part of the knee joint.


Define Patellar Surface[a]This is an anterior space between the condyles of the femur. The PATELLA rides along this groove and rests in it.


Define Intercondylar Notch[a]This is a posterior and inferior notch between the two condyles.


Define Popliteal Surface or Space[a]This is a triangular space on the posterior, distal femur formed by the supracondylar lines.


Define Adductor Tubercle[a]This is a small bump on the superior edge of medial epicondyle of the femur.


Define Medial/Lateral Condyles of Tibia[a]These are the two flat condyles which articulate with medial/lateral condyles of femur to form part of the TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT (knee).


Define Intercondylar Eminence[a]This is a peg-like projections of the tibia that fits into the intercondylar notch of the femur.


Define Tibial Tuberosity[a]This is a large, prominent bump on anterior, proximal shaft of the tibia.


Define Tibial Crest[a]This is a sharp edge on the anterior shaft of the tibia.


Define Medial Malleolus[a]This is the medial “ankle bone. Part of the tibia.


Define Soleal Line[a]This is a rough oblique line on posterior, proximal shaft of the tibia.


Define PATELLA[a]This is a sesamoid bone that everyone has.


Define Meniscus[a]These are the semilunar cartilages.


Define Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligaments[a]These are intracapsular ligaments of the knee.


Define FIBULA[a] the lateral leg bone.


Define Lateral Malleolus[a] lateral “ankle bone”, part of the fibula.


Define Interosseous Membrane[a]This membrane lies between the tibia and fibula.


Define Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis[a]This is the amphiarthrotic joint where ligaments bind the distal ends of the tibia and fibula.


Which group of 7 bones is in the foot?[a] tarsals


This group of 14 bones is in the foot?[a]phalanges


Define Talus[a]This is the most proximal tarsal.


Define Calcaneous[a]This is the most posterior and largest of the tarsals … heelbone.


Define Navicular[a]This bone is anterior to the talus on the medial aspect of the foot.


Define Cuneiforms[a]These are the three small bones anterior to the navicular numbered I, II, III (medial, intermediate, and lateral).


Define Cuboid[a]This is the tarsal lateral to cuneiforms and anterior to calcaneus.


osteology – lower extremity reversed



What is the tarsal lateral to cuneiforms and anterior to calcaneus?[a]Cuboid


What are the three small bones anterior to the navicular numbered I, II, III (medial, intermediate, and lateral)?[a]Cuneiforms


Which bone is anterior to the talus on the medial aspect of the foot?[a]Navicular


Which is the most posterior and largest of the tarsals … heelbone?[a]Calcaneous


What is the most proximal tarsal?[a]Talus


What is the number of phalanges in one foot?[a]14 bones


What is the number of tarsals in one foot?[a] bones


What is the amphiarthrotic joint where ligaments bind the distal ends of the tibia and fibula?[a]Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis


What are the criss-crossing of ligaments between the tibia and fibula?[a]Interosseous Membrane


Which is the lateral “ankle bone”, part of the fibula?[a]Lateral Malleolus


Which is the lateral leg bone?[a]FIBULA


Which are intracapsular ligaments of the knee?[a]Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligaments


What are the semilunar cartilages?[a]Meniscus


What is a sesamoid bonethat everyone has?[a]PATELLA


What is a rough oblique line on posterior, proximal shaft of the tibia?[a]Soleal Line


What is the medial “ankle bone?[a]Medial Malleolus


What is a sharp edge on the anterior shaft of the tibia?[a]Tibial Crest


What is a large, prominent bump on anterior, proximal shaft of the tibia?[a]Tibial Tuberosity


What is a peg-like projections of the tibia that fits into the intercondylar notch of the femur?[a]Intercondylar Eminence


Which are the two flat condyles which articulate with medial/lateral condyles of femur to form part of the TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT (knee)?[a]Medial/Lateral Condyles of Tibia


What is a small bump on the superior edge of medial epicondyle of the femur?[a]Adductor Tubercle


What is a triangular space on the posterior, distal femur formed by the supracondylar lines?[a]Popliteal Surface or Space


What is a posterior and inferior notch between the two condyles?[a]Intercondylar Notch


What is an anterior space between and proximal to the condyles of the femur? The PATELLA rides along this groove and rests in it.[a]Patellar Surface


What are huge, rounded articular processes which articulate with the TIBIA to form part of the knee joint?[a]Femoral Condyles


What is a rough line all along posterior shaft of the femur with many muscle attachments?[a]Linea Aspera


What is a medial and posterior, smaller bump across from the greater trochanter?[a]Lesser Trochanter


What is a very large bulge at the lateral aspect of the proximal shaft of the femur?[a]Greater Trochanter


A pubic angle of greater than 90 degrees is found on a male or a female?[a] female


What is a slight depression on the head of the femur?[a]Fovea


Axial Skeleton Flashcards




What structure is made of 80 bones[a] the axial skeleton


What structure is made of 126 bones[a]the appendicular skeleton


What structure is made of 26 bones[a] vertebral column


Which part of the VC is made of 7 bones[a] cervical


Which part of the VC is made of 12 bones[a] thoracic


Which part of the VC is made of 5 bones[a]lumbar


What structure is made of 5 fused vertebrae[a] sacrum


posterior (primary) curves – list[a]thoracic and sacral curves


anterior (secondary) curves – list[a] the cervical and lumbar curves


What is the lowest bone in the vertebral column/[a] the coccyx


What are the most anterior structure of vertebra?[a] the body of the vertebra


What are the pedicles?[a]These are the “bridges” between the body and the transverse processes of the vertebrae (Each has a superior and inferior VERTEBRAL NOTCH.)


What are the laminae?[a]These are the “bridges” between the transverse processes and spinous processes of the vertebrae (When the column is stacked they form the LAMINAR GROOVE.)


What is the neural arch?[a]This structure is formed by the pedicles and laminae on the posterior portion of the vertebra.


What are the transverse processes?[a]These are located on each side of a vertebra, point laterally and are used for muscle and rib attachment in the thoracic region.


Where are the spinous process[a]These are the most posterior portion of a vertebra.


What are the SUPERIOR ARTICULAR FACETS and INFERIOR ARTICULAR FACETS for?[a]These structures forms joints with adjacent vertebrae


The POSTERIOR INTERVERTEBRAL JOINTS are composed of which processes?[a]These joints are formed by the inferior and superior articular processes of the posterior vertebrae.


Where are the ANTERIOR INTERVERTEBRAL JOINTS/ SYMPHYSES?[a]These are the joints located between the vertebral bodies.


intervertebral disc – structure[a] fibrocartilage surrounnding a colloid (acts like a shock absorber)


The annulus fibrosus is part of what?[a] fibrocartilage outer part of a disc


The nucleus pulposus is part of what?[a] gelatinous fluid within a disc


transverse foramina – location[a] small holes in the transverse processes of all the cervical vertebrae


bifid spinous processes – location[a] the spinous processes of C2-C6 forked to accommodate the nuchal ligament


C1 aka[a] the atlas


C2 aka[a] the axis


Which bones make up the atlantooccipital joint[a] the atlas and condyles (rounded bumps) of the occipital bone of the skull


What movement does the atlantoaxial joint allow for[a]This joint permits neck rotation. (Looks like shaking your head “no” and is a synovial pivot joint.)


vertebra prominens – location[a] C7


Vertebrae reversed



What is located at C7?[a]vertebra prominens


What is the joint that permits neck rotation? (Looks like shaking your head “no” and is a synovial pivot joint.)[a]the atlantoaxial joint


What is the joint between the atlas and condyles (rounded bumps) of the occipital bone of the skull?[a] the atlantooccipital joint


What vertebea forms the axis?[a]C2


What vertebrea forms the atlas?[a]C1


How are the spinous processes of C2-C6 different?[a]bifid spinous processes and transverse foramina


What are the small holes in the transverse processes of all the cervical vertebrae?[a]transverse foramina


What is the gelatinous fluid within a disc?[a]The nucleus pulposus


What is the collagenous(fibrous) outer part of a disc?[a]The annulus fibrosus


What is made of fibrocartilage and acts like a shock absorber?[a]intervertebral disc


What are the joints located between the vertebral bodies?[a] ANTERIOR INTERVERTEBRAL JOINTS/ SYMPHYSES


What joints are formed by the inferior and superior articular processes of the posterior vertebrae?[a]The POSTERIOR INTERVERTEBRAL JOINTS


What structures forms the posterior joints with adjacent vertebrae?[a] the SUPERIOR ARTICULAR FACETS and INFERIOR ARTICULAR FACETS


What is located on the most posterior portion of a vertebra?[a] the spinous process


What is located on each side of a vertebra, point laterally and are used for muscle and rib attachment in the thoracic region?[a] the transverse processes


What is the structure formed by the pedicles and laminae on the posterior portion of the vertebra?[a] the neural arch


What are the “bridges” between the transverse processes and spinous processes of the vertebrae? (When the column is stacked they form the LAMINAR GROOVE)[a]the laminae


What are the “bridges” between the body and the transverse processes of the vertebrae? (Each has a superior and inferior VERTEBRAL NOTCH.)[a] the pedicles


Where is the body of the vertebra?[a] the most anterior structure of vertebra


What are the cervical and lumbar curves?[a]anterior (secondary) curves


What are the thoracic and sacral curves?[a]posterior (primary) curves


What is the sacrum made of?[a] 5 fused vertebrae


What is the number of lumbar vertebrae?[a] 5 bones


What is the number of thoracic vertebrae?[a] 12 bones


What is the number of cervical vertebrae?[a] 7 bones


What is the number of bones in the vertebral column?[a]of 26 bones


What is the number of bones in the appendicular skeleton?[a]126 bones


What is the number of bones in the axial skeleton?[a] 80 bones


What is the number of bones in the entire skeleton?[a]206 bones


Vertebral column thorax and skull



COSTOVERTEBRAL JOINTS – describe[a]These joints are located between the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and the heads of the ribs.


List the bones of the the thorax[a]the ribs, thoracic vertebrae and sternum compose.


True Ribs aka[a]These are the vertebrosternal ribs


False Ribs aka[a]These are the vertebrochondral and floating ribs.


costal cartilage – describe[a] This binds ribs to sternum.


xiphoid process – describe[a]That is the lowest portion of the sternum and the site of muscle attachment for diaphragm and rectus abdominus.


GOMPHOSES – location[a]These type of joints are located between the teeth and alveoli.


SUTURES – location[a]These type of joints bind the cranial bones together.


Sagittal suture – location[a] the suture between parietal bones.


Coronal suture – location[a] the suture between frontal and parietal bones.


Squamosal suture – location[a]the suture between temporal bones and parietal/frontal/sphenoid bones.


Lambdoidal suture – location[a] the suture between occipital and parietal bones.


Fontanels – location[a] The “soft spots” on infants heads where the bones of the skull have not ossified.


incus aka[a] anvil.


malleus aka[a] hammer.


stapes aka[a] stirrup. (it even looks like one)


Vertebral column thorax and skull reversed



Which auditory ossicle is called the stirrup? [a]stapes


Which auditory ossicle is called the hammer?[a]malleus


Which auditory ossicle is called the anvil?[a]incus


Name the “soft spots” on infants heads where the bones of the skull have not ossified.[a]Fontanels


Name the suture between occipital and parietal bones.[a]Lambdoidal suture


Name the suture between temporal bones and parietal/frontal/sphenoid bones.[a]Squamosal suture


Name the suture between frontal and parietal bones.[a]Coronal suture


Name the suture between parietal bones.[a]Sagittal suture


Which type of joints bind the cranial bones together?[a]SUTURES


Which type of joints are located between the teeth and alveoli?[a]GOMPHOSES


What is the lowest portion of the sternum and the site of muscle attachment for diaphragm and rectus abdominus?[a]xiphoid process


What attaches ribs to sternum?[a]costal cartilage


Which are the vertebrochondral and floating ribs?[a] False Ribs


Which are the vertebrosternal ribs[a]True Ribs


What do the bones of the ribs, thoracic vertebrae and sternum compose?[a]the thorax


Which joints are located between the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and the heads of the ribs?[a]COSTOVERTEBRAL JOINTS





NASAL BONES – describe [a] the bridge of the nose.


INFERIOR NASAL CONCHAE – describe [a]These scroll shaped bones articulate with the ethmoid.


VOMER – describe [a] the inferior portion of the nasal septum.


ZYGOMATIC (MALAR) BONES – describe [a] These bones form the prominence of the cheeks and part of orbit.


the cranial bones – list [a] frontal (1), parietal (2), temporal (2), occipital (1), ethmoid (1), and sphenoid (1).


PALATINE BONES – describe [a] These are the “L” shaped bones that contribute to the roof of the mouth.


LACRIMAL BONES – describe [a]These are the smallest bones of the face and lie in the medial walls of the orbits.


List the Facial bones:[a]the nasal (2), maxilla (2), lacrimal (2), zygomatic (2), mandible (1), inferior nasal conchae (2), palatine (2), vomer (1)


foramen magnum – function [a]This is the hole through which the spinal cord exits the cranium.


occipital condyles – function [a]These features articulate with the superior articular processes of the atlas to form the atlantooccipital joint.


supraorbital ridge – location [a]This is the ridge forming superior margin of orbit of the frontal bone.


PARIETAL BONES – function [a]These bones form the side walls and bulk of the roof of the cranium.


OCCIPITAL BONE – function [a]This bone forms the lower cranial floor.


external auditory meatus – location [a]This is the canal through the temporal bone.


mandibular fossa – describe [a]This is the indentation anterior to the auditory meatus of the temporal bone that receives the mandibular condyle o form the TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT.


styloid process – describe [a]This projects down from the temporal bone and suspends the hyoid


mastoid process – describe [a]large rounded bumps that serve as a muscle attachment for the sternocleidomastiod. (temporal)


sella turcica – describe [a] “seat” or “saddle” for the pituitary gland. (sphenoid)


ETHMOID – describe [a]This forms most of nasal cavity, a tiny part of cranial floor and some of the orbit.


crista galli “cock’s comb” – describe [a]This structure which anchors the DURA MATER of the brain to the ethmoid bone.


turbinates – describe [a]These are the scroll-shaped projections covered by a mucous membrane that extend from the labyrinths into the cavity of ethmoid.


MANDIBLE – describe [a] the lower jawbone.


mandibular condyle – describe [a]This is the rounded projection on the posterior aspect of the ramus that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone.


alveolar ridge w/ alveoli – describe [a]These are the portions of the mandible and maxillae that receive teeth.


MAXILLARY BONES- describe [a] the upper jaw bones.


skull reversed



What is the name of the upper jaw bones?[a]MAXILLARY BONES


What is the portion of the mandible and maxillae that receive teeth?[a]alveolar ridge w/ alveoli


What is the rounded projection on the posterior aspect of the ramus of the mandible that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone?[a]mandibular condyle


What is the name of the lower jawbone?[a]MANDIBLE


What are the scroll-shaped projections covered by mucous membrane that extend from the labyrinths into the cavity of ethmoid?[a]turbinates


What is the structure which anchors the DURA MATER of the brain to the ethmoid bone?[a]crista galli “cock’s comb”


What forms most of nasal cavity, a tiny part of cranial floor and some of the orbit?[a]ETHMOID


What serves as a “seat” or “saddle” for the pituitary gland?[a]sella turcica


What is the “keystone” of the skull?[a]SPHENOID BONE


What are the large rounded bumps that serve as a muscle attachment for the sternocleidomastiod?[a] mastoid process


What projects down from the temporal bone and suspends the hyoid?[a] styloid process


What is the indentation anterior to the auditory meatus of the temporal bone that receives the mandibular condyle to form the TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT?[a]mandibular fossa


What is the canal through the temporal bone?[a]external auditory meatus


Which bone forms the lower cranial floor?[a]OCCIPITAL BONE


Which bones form the side walls and bulk of the roof of the cranium?[a]PARIETAL BONE


What is the ridge forming superior margin of orbit of the frontal bone?[a]supraorbital ridge


What features articulate with the superior articular processes of the atlas to form the atlantooccipital joint?[a]occipital condyles


What is the hole through which the spinal cord exits the cranium?[a]foramen magnum


Which are the smallest bones of the face and lie in the medial walls of the orbits?[a]LACRIMAL BONES


Which are the “L” shaped bones that contribute to the roof of the mouth?[a]PALATINE BONES


Which bones form the prominence of the cheeks and part of orbit?[a]ZYGOMATIC (MALAR) BONES


Which bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum?[a]VOMER


Which scroll shaped bones articulate with the ethmoid?[a]INFERIOR NASAL CONCHAE


What bones make the bridge of the nose?[a]NASAL BONES


What are the only freely movable joints of the skull?[a]TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINTS (TMJ)


Muscle Histology Flashcards

Muscle histology



SMOOTH MUSCLE – describe[a]This type of muscle is INVOLUNTARY and NON-STRIATED.


SMOOTH MUSCLE – location[a]This type of muscle is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels.


CARDIAC MUSCLE – describe[a]This type of muscle is STRIATED AND INVOLUNTARY.


SKELETAL MUSCLE – describe[a]This type of muscle is STRIATED AND VOLUNTARY.


SARCOLEMMA – define[a]This is the name of muscle fiber membrane.


ENDOMYSIUM – define[a]This is the name of the sheet of loose connective tissue surrounding a muscle cell.


FASCICLES – define[a]This is a group of muscle fibers surrounded by connective tissue called the PERIMYSIUM.


EPIMYSIUM – define[a]This is the name of the outer wrapping of the muscle.


MYOFIBRILS – define[a]This is the name of the fine fibers found within the sarcolemma.


MYOFILAMENTS are made of what?[a]Myosin and actin.


SARCOMERES – define[a]These are repeating subunits that make up the myofibril.


Z-lines – define[a]This is the structure that marks the ends of a sarcomere.


Tropomyosin – define[a]This is the name of the protein that covers the binding sites when the muscle is relaxed.


T-TUBULES – define[a]This is the name of the tubules that penetrate the sarcomere from the surface of the cell.


The SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM stores what?[a]This structure stores Ca++ inside the muscle cell.


MOTOR UNIT – define[a]This is a motor neuron and the muscle cells it innervates.


How many muscle cells do smaller motor units have?[a]Small motor units have as few as 3-5 muscle cells per neuron.


How many muscle cells do larger motor units have?[a]Large motor units have as many as 1000 muscle cells per neuron.


MYONEURAL or NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION – define[a]synapse between the motor neuron and the muscle cell meet.


THE ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE – define[a]This principle states: there is no such thing as a partial contraction of a muscle fiber.


Spasm – define[a]This is a sustained muscle contraction due to excessive neuromuscular activity. They can be short-term or long-term.


HYPOTONIA – define[a]Decreased muscle tone


ATONIA – define[a]Loss of muscle tone characteristic of paralysis)


HYPERTONIA – define[a]Increased muscle tone


Slow twitch muscle fibers – define[a]These are muscle fibers with lots of mitochondria, capillaries (aerobic) and resistance to fatigue.


Fast twitch muscle fibers – define[a]This are muscle fibers that are strong, rapid, and fatigue easily.


Muscle histology reversed



What muscle fibers are strong, rapid, and fatigue easily?[a]Fast twitch muscle fibers


What are muscle fibers with lots of mitochondria, capillaries (aerobic) and resistance to fatigue?[a]Slow twitch muscle fibers


Increased muscle tone is called?[a]HYPERTONIA


Loss of muscle tone is called? (Characteristic of paralysis)[a]ATONIA


Decreased muscle tone is called?[a]HYPOTONIA


What is a sustained muscle contraction due to excessive neuromuscular activity? They can be short-term or long-term.[a]Spasm


What principle states: “There is no such thing as a partial contraction of a muscle fiber?”[a]THE ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE




Where do the motor neuron and the muscle cell meet?[a]MYONEURAL or NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION


Which motor units have as many as 1000 muscle cells per neuron?[a] larger motor units, i.e. in the quads


Which motor units have as few as 2-5 muscle cells per neuron?[a]smaller motor units, i.e. in the hands and face for fine motor control


What is the structure that includes the neuron and the muscle cells it innervates?[a]MOTOR UNIT


What structure stores Ca++ inside the muscle cell?[a]The SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM


What is the name of the tubules that penetrate the sarcomere from the surface of the cell?[a]T-TUBULES


What is the name of the protein that covers the binding sites when the muscle is relaxed?[a]Tropomyosin/Troponin Complex


What is the structure that marks the ends of a sarcomere?[a]Z-lines


What is the name of the repeating subunits that compose the myofibril?[a]SARCOMERES


Myosin and actin compose what structure?[a]MYOFILAMENTS


What is the name of the fine fibers found within the sarcolemma?[a]MYOFIBRILS


What is the name of the outer wrapping of the muscle?[a]EPIMYSIUM


What is the name of groups of fibers surrounded by PERIMYSIUM?[a]FASCICLES


What is the name of the sheet of loose connective tissue surrounding a muscle cell?[a]ENDOMYSIUM


What is the name of muscle fiber membrane?[a]SARCOLEMMA




What type of muscle is MYOGENIC?[a] CARDIAC MUSCLE




What type of muscle is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?[a]SMOOTH MUSCLE


