Reproduction System Flashcards

Reproductive deck



Meiosis – define[a]This process forms the creation of a haploid cell (gamete) containing 23 chromosomes.


Mitosis – define[a]This process forms the creation of a diploid cell (body cell) containing 46 chromosomes.


Ovum – define[a]This term describes the female gamete.


Sperm – define[a]This term describes the male gamete.


Male sex organs – list structures[a]testes, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra & penis.


Male accessory sex glands – list[a]seminal vesicle, prostate & Cowper’s gland


Testes – define[a]This term describes the male gonads.


Spermatogenesis & production of testosterone occurs where?[a] testes.


Seminiferous tubules – function[a]In this structure sperm are produced.


Sperm mature & learn to swim – where[a]epididymis.


Vas deferens – define[a]This is the structure are where sperm are stored and moved from the tesetes to the ejaculatory duct.


Prostate gland – Pathology[a]This gland can become enlarged causing difficulty in urination.


Seminal vesicles, prostate & Cowper’s gland – function[a]These glands make additional fluid to complete formation of semen.


Oogenesis – define[a]This term describes the maturation of oocytes/ova.


Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) -function[a]This hormone stimulates maturation of ovum within follicle & releases estrogen.


Lutenizing Hormone (LT) – function[a]This hormone stimulates ovulation & creation of corpus luteum.


Corpus luteum – function[a]This structure makes progesterone and estrogen.


Progesterone – function[a]This hormone causes buildup of the endometrium & breast tissue.


Fallopian tube – function[a]Through this structure does the ovum travel to the uterus.


Zygote – define[a]This term describes a fertilized egg.


Endometrium – define[a]This structure provides nourishment to the placenta.


Fimbriae – define[a]This structure guides the ovum to the fallopian tube.


Female reproductive organs – list[a]ovary, fimbriae, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix & vagina.


Fertilization – define[a]This process occurs when ovum and sperm join together to form a zygote.


What goes on in the Fallopian tube?[a]hanky panky (fertilization)


Reproductive deck reversed



Which process forms the creation of a haploid cell (gamete) containing 23 chromosomes?[a]Meiosis


Which process forms the creation of a diploid cell (body cell) containing 46 chromosomes?[a]Mitosis


Which term describes the female gamete?[a]Ovum


Which term describes the male gamete?[a]Sperm


Which type of organs include: seminal vesicle, prostate & Cowper’s gland?[a]Male accessory sex glands


What is the name for the male gonads?[a]Testes


Describe the functions of testes.[a]Spermatogenesis & production of testosterone


In which structures are sperm produced?[a]Seminiferous tubules


Which processes do sperm undergo in the epididymis?[a]Sperm mature & learn to swim


In which structure are sperm stored and moved?[a]Vas deferens


Which gland can become enlarged causing difficulty in urination?[a]Prostate gland


Which glands make additional fluid to complete formation of semen?[a]Seminal vesicles, prostate & Cowper’s gland


Which term describes the maturation of oocytes/ova?[a]Oogenesis


Which hormone stimulates maturation of ovum within follicle & releases estrogen?[a]Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)


Which hormone stimulates ovulation & creation of corpus luteum?[a]Lutenizing Hormone (LT)


Which structure stimulates production of progesterone?[a]Corpus luteum


Which hormone causes buildup of the endometrium & breast tissue?[a]Progesterone


Through which structure does the ovum travel to the uterus?[a]Fallopian tube


Which term describes a fertilized egg?[a]Zygote


Which structure provides nourishment to the placenta?[a]Endometrium


Which structure guides the ovum to the fallopian tube?[a]Fimbriae


Which type of organs are these: ovary, fimbriae, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix & vagina?[a]Female reproductive organs


What is the event where the ovum and sperm join together to form a zygote?[a]Fertilization


In which stucture does fertilization occur?[a] Fallopian tube.


Heart Flashcards

Heart 1



What is in the Mediastinum?[a]heart


Right side of the heart – function[a]This side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs.


Left side of the heart – function[a]This side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body.


Pericardium contains what?[a]the heart.


Epicardium – aka[a]visceral pericardium.


Outermost layer of pericardium is the?[a]fibrous percardium.


Parietal pericardium – define[a]This structure composes the inner layer of fibrous pericardium, a serous membrane that secretes lubricating fluid into Pericardial cavity.


Visceral pericardium – define[a]This structure is a serous membrane and composes the outermost layer of the heart wall.


What organ is in the pericardial cavity?[a]the heart.


Myocardium – composition[a]This structure is composed of cardiac myocytes and forms the bulk of the heart.


Endocardium – composition[a]This structure is composed of endothelial cells (squamous epithelium) and lines the inner chambers of the heart


Pericardium & Heart Wall – list layers superficial to deep.[a]1.Fibrous pericardium, 2.Parietal pericardium, 3.Pericardial space, 4.Visceral pericardium/Epicardium, 5.Myocardium, 6.Endocardium


Pericardium – function[a]This structure reduces friction against surrounding structures as heart expands and contracts.


Atria – function[a]These chambers receive blood from the body.


Ventricles – function[a]These chambers pump blood out of the heart.


Right atrium – function[a]This chamber receives deoxygenated blood from systemic circulation.


Left atrium – function[a]This chamber receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary circulation.


Right ventricle – function[a]This chamber receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs.


Left ventricle – function[a]This chamber receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it to the body.


Pulmonary Circuit – define[a]This circuit carries the flow of blood from the heart through the lungs, where deoxygenated blood receives O2 and discards CO2.


Systemic Circuit – define[a]This circuit carries the flow of blood from the heart through the rest of the tissues in the body and back again.


Superior Vena Cava (SVC), Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) and Coronary Sinus – drain blood into the…[a]right atrium.


2 right and 2 left pulmonary veins drain blood into…[a]the left atrium.


Pulmonary trunk caries blood out of…[a]the right ventricle.


Aorta caries blood out of…[a]the left ventricle.


Pulmonary Circuit – route[a]Blood flows from the heart to pulmonary trunk to pulmonary arteries to lungs to pulmonary veins to heart.


Systemic Circuit – route[a]Blood that flows from the heart to aorta to the whole body to SVC, IVC, or coronary sinus to heart.


The right side of the heart contains what kind of blood?[a]deoxygenated blood


The left side of the heart contains what kind of blood?[a]oxygenated blood


The SVC and IVC contain what kind of blood?[a]deoxygenated blood


Aorta – contains what kind of blood?[a]oxygenated blood.


Pulmonary veins carry what kind of blood?[a]oxygenated blood


Pulmonary arteries carry what kind of blood?[a]deoxygenated blood.


Heart valves – function[a]These structures prevent blood from flowing backwards by closing if blood flows the wrong way.


Semilunar valves – function[a]These valves prevent backflow into the ventricles.


Atrioventrivular valves – function[a]These valves prevent backflow into the atria.


Mitral valve aka[a]Bicuspid valve aka


Right atrioventricular valve aka[a]Tricuspid valve aka


Heart 1 reversed



Tricuspid valve aka[a]Right atrioventricular valve


Bicuspid valve aka[a]Mitral valve


Which valves prevent backflow into the atria?[a]Atrioventrivular valves


Which valves prevent backflow into the ventricles?[a]Semilunar valves


Which structures prevent blood from flowing backwards by closing if blood flows the wrong way?[a]Heart valves


Which blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs?[a]Pulmonary arteries


Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart?[a]Pulmonary veins


Which blood vessel carries oxygenated blood away from the heart?[a]Aorta


Which blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood to the heart?[a]The SVC and IVC


On which side of the heart is oxygenated blood located?[a]The left side


On which side of the heart is deoxygenated blood located?[a]The right side


Blood that flows from the heart to aorta to the whole body to SVC, IVC, or coronary sinus to heart describes which circuit?[a]Systemic Circuit


Blood that flows from the heart to pulmonary trunk to pulmonary arteries to lungs to pulmonary veins to heart describes which circuit?[a]Pulmonary Circuit


Which vessel caries blood out of the left ventricle?[a]Aorta


Which vessels carries blood out of the right ventricle?[a]Pulmonary trunk


Which vessels carry blood into the left atrium?[a]2 right and 2 left pulmonary veins


Which vessels carry blood into the right atrium?[a]Superior Vena Cava (SVC), Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) and Coronary Sinus


Which circuit carries the flow of blood from the heart through the rest of the tissues in the body and back again?[a]Systemic Circuit


Which circuit carries the flow of blood from the heart through the lungs, where deoxygenated blood receives O2 and discards CO2?[a]Pulmonary Circuit


Which chamber receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it to the body?[a]Left ventricle


Which chamber receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs?[a]Right ventricle


Which chamber receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary circulation?[a]Left atrium


Which chamber receives deoxygenated blood from systemic circulation?[a]Right atrium


Which chambers pump blood out of the heart?[a]Ventricles


Which chambers receive blood from the body?[a]Atria


Which structure reduces friction against surrounding structures as heart expands and contracts?[a]Pericardium


Which structure composed of endothelial cells (squamous epithelium) lines the inner chambers of the heart?[a]Endocardium


Which structure is composed of cardiac myocytes and forms bulk of the heart?[a]Myocardium


Which cavity encloses the heart?[a]pericardial cavity


Which structure is a serous membrane and composes the outermost layer of the heart wall?[a]Visceral pericardium


Which structure makes up the outer layer of the serous pericardium, a serous membrane that secretes lubricating fluid into Pericardial cavity?[a]Parietal pericardium


Which layer does the fibrous percardium form?[a]Outermost layer of pericardium


visceral pericardium aka[a]Epicardium


Which structure contains the heart?[a]Pericardium


Which side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body?[a]Left side of the heart


Which side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs?[a]Right side of the heart


Where is the heart located?[a]Mediastinum


Heart 2



Semilunar valves have how many flaps?[a]3 flaps


Papillary muscles – function[a]These heart structures prevent valvular prolapse.


What contracts during ventricular systole besides the ventricles?[a]papillary muscles


Chordae tendonae – location[a]in the ventricles between the papillary muscles and the leaves of the valves


Valvular insufficiency – define[a]a heart murmur or valvular prolapse where valves do not close completely.


Valvular stenosis – define[a]A condition where valves don’t open completely.


“Lub” sound – define[a]Sound caused by the closing of the AV valves.


“Dup” sound – define[a]Sound caused by the closing of the semilunar valves.


Systole – define[a]This is the contraction of a heart chamber.


Diastole – define[a]the relaxation of a heart chamber.


“Lub” sound – occurs during what stage of a heart beat?[a]Beginning of ventricular systole.


“Dup” sound – occurs during what stage of a heart beat?[a]Beginning of ventricular diastole.


Myocyte – define[a]a heart cell.


Functional syncytium – define[a]all myocytes contract together.


Myogenic – define[a]a self stimulating cell


The Cardiac Conduction System – define[a]A system composed of nodal tissue that causes the heart to beat.


Sinoatrial Node (SA Node) – location[a]upper wall of right atrium


Atrioventricular Node (AV Node) – location[a]floor of right atrium or at the base of the interatrial septum


Atrioventricular Node (AV Node) – function[a]receives the action potential from the SA node


Sinoatrial Node (SA Node) – function[a]Generates the sinus rhythm considered to be the basic heart rate


Cardiac skeleton – define[a]This is the fibrous CT which supports myocardium, forms a thick insulating wall between atria and ventricles, and keeps ventricles from contracting prematurely.


Atrioventricular bundle – aka[a]Bundle of His.


Bundle of His – define[a]This structure carries the action potential across cardiac skeleton into interventricular septum & splits into Left/Right Bundle branches.


Purkinje fibers – define[a]These heart fibers carry action potential from the apex of the heart to the myocardium causing the ventricles to contract.


Vagus nerve – effect on heart rate[a]decreases heart rate via the Parasympathetic NS.


Cardiac nerve – effect on heart rate[a]increases heart rate via the Sympathetic NS.


Sino – atrial (SA) node – rhythm[a]72 beats per minute (BPM).


Cardiac cycle – define[a]This cycle is composed of Atrial systole and diastole & Ventricular systole and diastole.


If the heart is beating 72 times a minute, what part of the beat would be .1 sec long?[a]atrial systole


If the heart is beating 72 times a minute, what part of the beat would be .3 sec long?[a]ventricular systole


If the heart is beating 72 times a minute, what part of the beat would be .7 sec long?[a]atrial diastole


If the heart is beating 72 times a minute, what part of the beat would be .5 sec long?[a]ventricular diastole


If the heart is beating 72 times a minute, what part of the beat would be .8 sec long?[a]The whole cardiac cycle.


Atrial systole – define[a]This is the first part of a heart beat.


Cardiac Output (CO) – define[a]This is the amount of blood pumped out the left ventricle per minute.


Stroke Rate (SR) – define[a]number of beats per minute.


Stroke Volume (SV) – define[a]the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle per beat.


What is this equation? SR x SV = CO[a]the equation for Cardiac Output.


Heart 2 reversed



What is the equation for Cardiac Output?[a]SR x SV = CO


Which term describes the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle per beat?[a]Stroke Volume (SV)


Which term describes the number of beats per minute?[a]Stroke Rate (SR)


Which term describes the amount of blood pumped out the left ventricle per minute?[a]Cardiac Output (CO)


What is the first part of a heart beat?[a]Atrial systole


What is the duration of the full cardiac cycle with a heart rate of 72 BPM?[a].8 sec long


What is the duration of ventricular diastole with a heart rate of 72 BPM?[a].5 sec long


What is the duration of atrial diastole with a heart rate of 72 BPM?[a].7 sec long


What is the duration of ventricular systole with a heart rate of 72 BPM? [a].3 sec long


What is the duration of atrial systole with a heart rate of 72 BPM?[a].1 sec


Which cycle is composed of Atrial systole, diastole & Ventricular systole, diastole? [a]Cardiac cycle


Which heart structure has a rhythm of 72 beats per minute (BPM)?[a]Sino atrial node


Which nerve increases heart rate via the Sympathetic NS?[a]Cardiac nerve


Which nerve decreases heart rate via the Parasympathetic NS?[a]Vagus nerve


Which heart fibers carry action potential from the apex of the heart to the myocardium causing the ventricles to contract?[a]Purkinje fibers


Which structure carries the action potential across cardiac skeleton into interventricular septum & splits into Left/Right Bundle branches?[a]Bundle of His


Which is another term for the Bundle of His?[a]Atrioventricular bundle


Which term describes the fibrous CT which supports myocardium, forms a thick insulating wall between atria and ventricles and keeps ventricles from contracting prematurely?[a]Cardiac skeleton


Which node generates the sinus rhythm considered to be the basic heart rate?[a]Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)


Which conduction node receives the action potential from the SA node?[a]Atrioventricular Node (AV Node)


Which conduction node is located in floor of right atrium or at the base of the interatrial septum?[a]Atrioventricular Node (AV Node)


Which conduction node is located in the wall of the right atrium?[a]Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)


Which system causes the heart to beat?[a]The Cardiac Conduction System


What is the term for a self stimulating cell?[a]Myogenic


What term describes when all myocytes contract together?[a]Functional syncytium


What is the name of a heart cell?[a]Myocyte


Which heart sound do you hear at the beginning of ventricular diastole?[a]”Dup” sound


Which heart sound do you hear at the beginning of ventricular systole?[a]”Lub” sound


Which term describes the relaxation of a heart chamber?[a]Diastole


Which term describes the contraction of a heart chamber?[a]Systole


Which sound is caused by the closing of the semilunar valves?[a]”Dup” sound


Which sound is caused by the closing of the AV valves?[a]”Lub” sound


Which term describes a condition where valves don’t open completely?[a]Valvular stenosis


Which term describes a heart murmur or valvular prolapse?[a]Valvular insufficiency


Which heart structures are located in the ventricles?[a]Chordae tendonae and paillary muscles


When do the papillary muscles contract?[a]ventricular systole


Which heart structures prevents valvular prolapse?[a]Papillary muscles and chordae tendonae


Which valves have 3 flaps?[a]Semilunar valves, and the tricuspid.


Heart 3



Preload – define[a]This is the amount of blood filling the heart before systole.


Afterload – define[a]This is the amount of pressure exerted by arterial blood, which must be overcome by left ventricle to force more blood into the aorta.


Factors Affecting Stroke Volume – list[a]preload, venous return and afterload


Positive Inotropic Agents – define[a]These chemical agents strengthen the contractile power of the heart


Negative Inotropic Agents – define[a]These chemical agents weaken the contractile power of the heart


Positive Inotropic Agents – list[a]epinephrine, NE, glucagon, thyroid hormone, dopamine & digitalis


Negative Inotropic Agents – list[a]Anoxia (oxygen deprivation) Acidosis, Excess extracellular potassium, Ca++ channel blockers, beta blockers


List the factors that effect the Stroke Rate[a]ANS, chemicals, age, gender, fitness level and body size


Starling’s Law – define[a]This rule states that an increase in venous return will cause an increase in cardiac output (CO)


Increased resting heart rate – causes[a]increased temperature, small body size and low level of fitness


Decreased resting heart rate – caused by[a]large body size, high level of fitness, decreased temperature


Baroreceptors & chemreceptors – define[a]These receptors are found in carotid and aortic artery reflexes as well as the atrium reflex


Blood pressure reflex centers – location[a]medulla


Vagus N & Glossopharyngeal N – function[a]These nerves carry information to the cardiac centers


Vagus N and Cardiac N – function[a]These nerves carry motor commands to the heart.


What is the Aortic reflex response to high blood pressure?[a]This reflex responds to systemic high blood pressure by causing vasodilation and decrease in heart rate.


What is the Right heart reflex response to high blood pressure?[a]This reflex responds to high blood pressure by causing an increase in heart rate.


What is the Carotid reflex response to high blood pressure?[a]This reflex responds to high blood pressure in the head by causing vasodilation and a decrease in heart rate.


What is the Aortic reflex response to low blood pressure?[a]This reflex responds to low blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction and increase in heart rate.


What is the Right heart reflex response to low blood pressure?[a]This reflex responds to low blood pressure by causing decrease in heart rate.


What is the Carotid reflex response to low blood pressure?[a]This reflex responds to low blood pressure in the head by causing vasoconstriction and increase in heart rate.


What is the body’s response to hypoxia or hypercapnia?[a]vasoconstriction and an increase in heart & breathing rate


Hypercapnia – define[a]too much CO2 in the blood


Hypoxia – define[a]too little O2 in the blood


Acidosis – define[a]a low blood pH


What is a 120/80 reading mean?[a]normal blood pressure for a body at rest


The Phrenic nerve is used in what reflexes?[a]This nerve is activated in heart reflexes that affect breathing.


Systolic pressure – define[a]blood pressure when ventricles are contracting


Diastolic pressure – define[a]blood pressure when ventricles are relaxing


What is the formula for Blood Pressure?[a] Cardiac Output x Systemic Vascular Resistance


Viscosity – define[a]thickness of blood


What contributes to Systemic Vascular Resistance?[a]blood viscosity, total blood vessel length, vessel diameter & smoothness of endothelial lining.


What is the BP in arteries compared to other vessels?[a]highest


What is the BP in veins compared to other vessels?[a]lowest


What is the Velocity in arteries compared to other vessels?[a]highest


What is the Velocity in capillaries compared to other vessels?[a]lowest


Angina pectoris – define[a]chest pain due to myocardial ischemia


When the body is at rest (72 bpm), what part of the cardiac cycle is .4 sec long?[a]diastasis (all four chambers at rest)


Heart 3 reversed



When the body is at rest(72 bpm), how long are all four chambers in diastole?[a] .4 sec


Which term describes chest pain due to myocardial ischemia?[a]Angina pectoris


In which vessels in the CV system is blood velocity lowest?[a]Velocity in capillaries


In which vessels in the CV system is blood velocity highest?[a]Velocity in arteries


In which vessels in the CV system is blood pressure lowest?[a]BP in veins


In which vessels in the CV system is blood pressure highest?[a]BP in arteries


Which term describes the effect of blood viscosity, total blood vessel length, vessel diameter & smoothness of endothelial lining?[a] Systemic Vascular Resistance


Which term describes thickness of blood?[a]Viscosity


Which blood quality is measured by Cardiac Output x Systemic Vascular Resistance?[a]Blood Pressure


Which term describes blood pressure when ventricles are relaxing?[a]Diastolic pressure


Which term describes blood pressure when ventricles are contracting?[a]Systolic pressure


Which nerve is activated in heart reflexes that affect breathing?[a]The Phrenic nerve


What is considered to be normal blood pressure for a body at rest?[a]120/80


Which condition describes a low blood pH?[a]Acidosis


Which condition describes too little O2 in the blood?[a]Hypoxia


Which condition describes too much CO2 in the blood?[a]Hypercapnia


Which blood chemistry conditions cause the vasoconstriction and an increase in heart & breathing rate?[a]WThis is the body’s response to hypoxia or hypercapnia.


Which reflex responds to low blood pressure in the head by causing vasoconstriction and increase in heart rate?[a]Carotid reflex


Which reflex responds to low blood pressure by causing decrease in heart rate?[a]Right heart reflex


Which reflex responds to low blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction and increase in heart rate?[a]Aortic


Which reflex responds to high blood pressure in the head by causing vasodilation and a decrease in heart rate?[a]Carotid reflex


Which reflex responds to high blood pressure by causing an increase in heart rate?[a]Right heart reflex


Which reflex responds to systemic high blood pressure by causing vasodilation and decrease in heart rate?[a]Aortic reflex


Which nerves carry motor commands to the heart?[a]Vagus N and Cardiac N


Which nerves carry sensory information to the cardiac centers?[a]Vagus N & Glossopharyngeal N


Which cardiac reflexe centers are contained in the medulla?[a]Blood pressure reflex centers


Which type of receptors are found in carotid and aortic artery reflexes as well as the atrium reflex?[a]Baroreceptors & chemreceptors


Which effect do the following have on resting heart rate: large body size, high level of fitness, decreased temperature?[a]Decreased resting heart rate


Which effect do the following have on resting heart rate: increased temperature, small body size and low level of fitness?[a]Increased resting heart rate


Which rule states that an increase in venous return will cause an increase in cardiac output (CO)?[a]Starling’s Law


Which heart function (SR or SV) do the following factors effect: ANS, chemicals, age, gender, fitness level and body size?[a]Stroke Rate


Which Inotropic agents include: Anoxia (oxygen deprivation) Acidosis, Excess extracellular potassium, Ca++ channel blockers, beta blockers?[a]Negative Inotropic Agents


Which Inotropic agents include: epinephrine, NE, glucagon, thyroid hormone, dopamine & digitalis?[a]Positive Inotropic Agents


Which chemical agents weaken the contractile power of the heart?[a]Negative Inotropic Agents


Which chemical agents strengthen the contractile power of the heart?[a]Positive Inotropic Agents


Which factors do preload, venous return and afterload contribute to?[a]Stroke Volume


Which term describes the amount of pressure exerted by arterial blood, which must be overcome by left ventricle to force more blood into the aorta?[a]Afterload


Which term describes the amount of blood filling the heart before systole?[a]Preload


Endocrine System Flashcards

Endocrine 1



Endocrine glands – define[a]These glands are ductless and secrete hormones into blood.


Exocrine glands – define[a]These glands secrete their products into ducts that lead to a body area. (sweat, salivary glands)


Pancreas – functions[a]This unusual gland is both exocrine and endocrine


Hormones – define[a]These chemical substances are secreted by cells into extracellular fluids to regulate metabolism of other cells in the body.


Synergism – define[a] This process describes hormones working together to produce a stronger effect.


Antagonism – define[a]This process describes when hormones have opposite effects


Humoral change, neural & other hormonal stimulation – function[a]These stimuli will cause the release of hormones


Pituitary – define[a] This is the “master gland” of the endocrine system


Infundibulum – define[a] This structure attaches the pituitary to the hypothalamus


Adenohypophysis – define[a]anterior lobe of the pituitary


Neurohypophysis – define[a]posterior lobe of the pituitary


Pituitary – location[a] sella turcica


Thyroid – location[a] on the larynx


Parathyroid glands – location[a] behind the thyroid


Adrenal Glands – location[a]on the kidneys


Pineal – location[a]roof of the third ventricle


Thymus – location[a] mediastinum


Ovaries – location[a]in the pelvis


Testes – location[a] scrotum


Pancreas – location[a]behind the stomach


Gigantism & Acromegaly – cause[a] oversecretion of Growth Hormone (GH)


Pituitary dwarfism – cause[a]undersecretion of Growth Hormone (GH)


Grave’s Disease (Hyperthyroidism)- cause[a] oversecretion of T3 and T4


Hypothyroidism – cause[a] undersecretion of T3 and T4


Goiter – cause[a]lack of iodine


Cushing’s Syndrome – cause[a] hypersecretion of cortisol


Addison’s Disease – cause[a] hyposecretion of both aldosterone and cortisol


Diabetes mellitus – cause[a] hyposecretion of or insensitivity to insulin


Seasonal Affective Disorder – cause[a]Which condition is the result of hypersecretion of melatonin in the winter


Endocrine 1 reversed



Which type of glands are ductless and secrete hormones into blood?[a]Endocrine glands


Which type of glands secrete their products into ducts that lead to a body area? (sweat, salivary glands)[a]Exocrine glands


Which unusual gland is both exocrine and endocrine?[a]Pancreas


Which type of chemical substances are secreted by cells into extracellular fluids to regulate metabolism of other cells in the body[a]Hormones


Which process describes hormones working together to produce a stronger effect?[a]Synergism


Which process describes when hormones have opposite effects?[a]Antagonism


Which type of stimuli will cause the release of hormones?[a]Humoral change, neural & other hormonal stimulation


Which gland is the “master gland” of the endocrine system?[a]Pituitary


Which structure attaches the pituitary to the hypothalamus?[a]Infundibulum


Which structure composes the anterior lobe of the pituitary?[a]Adenohypophysis


Which structure composes the posterior lobe of the pituitary?[a]Neurohypophysis


How many hormones does the anterior lobe of the pituitary make?[a] 7 hormones


How many hormones does the posterior lobe of the pituitary make?[a]2 hormones –


Which gland is located in the sella turcica?[a]Pituitary


Which gland is located on the larynx?[a]Thyroid


Which glands are located behind the thyroid?[a]Parathyroid gland


Which glands are located on the kidneys?[a]Adrenal Glands


Which gland is located on the roof of the third ventricle?[a]Pineal


Which gland is located in the mediastinum?[a]Thymus


Which female glands are located in the pelvis?[a]Ovaries


Which glands are located in the scrotum[a]Testes – location


Which gland is located behind the stomach?[a]Pancreas – location


Which conditions are the result of an oversecretion of Growth Hormone? (GH)[a]Gigantism & Acromegaly


Which condition is the result of undersecretion of Growth Hormone? (GH)[a]Pituitary dwarfism


Which condition is the result of oversecretion of T3 and T4[a]Hyperthyroidism


Which condition is the result of undersecretion of T3 and T4?[a]Grave’s Disease (hypothtroidism)


Which condition is the result of lack of iodine?[a]Goiter


Which syndrome is the result of hypersecretion of cortisol?[a]Cushing’s Syndrome


Which disease is the result of hyposecretion of cortisol?[a]Addison’s Disease


Which disease is the result of hypersecretion of or insensitivity to insulin?[a]Diabetes mellitus


Which condition is the result of hypersecretion of melatonin in the winter?[a]Seasonal Affective Disorder


Endocrine 2 triggers



Low levels of GH, exercise, low blood glucose level’s (BGL) – trigger release of[a] Growth Hormone (GH)


Low levels of thyroid hormone – triggers release of[a]Thyroid Stimulation Hormone (TSH)


Stress, illness, injury, low levels of glucocorticoids & low Blood Glucose Level’s (BGL) – trigger release of[a] Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH)


Low levels of estrogen or testosterone – triggers release of[a]Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Lutenizing Hormone (LH)


UV Radiation – triggers release of[a] Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH)


Increased blood osmolarity – triggers release of[a] Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)


Stimulation of the cervix or nipple – triggers release of[a] Oxytocin


Low levels of thyroid hormone, pregnancy, prolonged cold – triggers release of[a]Thyroxine


Increase in blood calcium levels – triggers release of[a]Calcitonin


Decrease in blood calcium levels – triggers release of[a]Parathyroid Hormone


Angiotensin II – triggers release of[a] Aldosteron


Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) – triggers release of[a] Cortisol


The Sympathetic NS – triggers release of[a] Epinephrine


Low Blood Glucose Level’s (BGL) – triggers release of[a] Glucagon


High Blood Glucose Level’s (BGL) – triggers release of[a] Insulin


Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) – causes production of[a] Estrogen


Lutenizing Hormone (LH) – causes production of[a] Progesterone


Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) – triggers release of[a] Testosterone


Darkness – triggers release of[a]Melatonin


Low BP & Blood volume – trigger release of[a] Renin


Hypoxia – triggers release of[a] Erythropoietin


Food, caffiene, alcohol & stretch of stomach – trigger release of[a] Gastrin


Acidic food entering small intestine – triggers release of[a]of Secretin


Fatty food entering small intestine – triggers release of[a]Cholecystokinin


Increased blood volume – triggers release of[a] Atrial Natriuretic Peptide


the embryo – triggers release of[a] Human Chorionic Gonadotropin


Pregancy – triggers release of[a] Relaxin


Endocrine 2 triggers reversed



Which conditions trigger release of Growth Hormone? (GH)[a]Low levels of GH, exercise, blood glucose level’s (BGL)


Which condition triggers release of Thyroid Stimulation Hormone? (TSH)[a]Low levels of thyroid hormone


Which conditions trigger release of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone? (ACTH)[a]Stress, illness, injury, low levels of glucocorticoids & low Blood Glucose Level’s (BGL)


Which conditions trigger release of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Lutenizing Hormone? (FSH)[a]Low levels of estrogen or testosterone


Which condition triggers release of Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone? (MSH)[a]UV Radiation


Which condition triggers release of Antidiuretic Hormone? (ADH)[a]increased blood osmolarity


Which conditions trigger release of Oxytocin?[a]Stimulation of the cervix or nipple


Which conditions trigger release of Thyroxine?[a]Low levels of thyroid hormone, pregnancy, prolonged cold


Which condition triggers release of Calcitonin?[a]Increase in blood calcium levels


Which condition triggers release of Parathyroid Hormone?[a]Decrease in blood calcium levels


Which condition triggers release of Aldosterone?[a]Angiotensin II


Which hormone triggers release of Cortisol?[a]Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)


Which system triggers release of Epinephrine?[a]The Sympathetic NS


Which condition triggers release of Glucagon?[a]Low Blood Glucose Level’s (BGL)


Which condition triggers release of Insulin?[a]High Blood Glucose Level’s (BGL)


Which hormone triggers release of Estrogen?[a]Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)


Which hormone triggers release of Progesterone?[a]Lutenizing Hormone (LH)


Which hormone triggers release of Testosterone?[a]Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH)


Which condition triggers release of Melatonin?[a]Darkness


Which conditions trigger release of Renin?[a]Low BP & Blood volume


Which condition triggers release of Erythropoietin?[a]Hypoxia


Which hormone triggers release of Calcitriol?[a]Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)


Which conditions trigger release of Gastrin?[a]Food, caffiene, alcohol & stretch of stomach


Which conditions trigger release of Secretin?[a]Acidic food entering small intestine


Which condition triggers release of Cholecystokinin?[a]Fatty food entering small intestine


Which condition triggers release of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide?[a]Increased blood volume and pressure


Which condition & structure triggers release of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin?[a]Pregancy & the embryo


Which condition triggers release of Relaxin?[a]Pregancy


Endocrine 3 actions



Growth Hormone (GH) – action[a]This hormone causes lengthening of bone increase in muscle mass & blood glucose levels. (BGL)


Thyroid Stimulation Hormone (TSH) – action[a]This hormone causes production of Thyroid hormone.


Adrenocorticotropin Hormone (ACTH)- action[a]This hormone causes secretion of Glucocorticoid hormones.


Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)- action[a]This hormone causes spermatogenesis in men and maturation of the ova in women.


Prolactin (PRL) – action[a]This hormone causes production of breast milk.


Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) – action[a]This hormone causes increase in skin pigment.


Lutenizing Hormone (LH) – action[a]This hormone causes testosterone production in men and ovulation in women.


Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)- action[a]This hormone causes increased reabsorption of water in the kidneys and therefore less urine production.


Oxytocin (OT) – action[a]This hormone causes uterine contraction and milk letdown.


Thyroxine (T4) – action[a]This hormone increases basal metabolic rate, promotes glycogenolysis & has calorigenic (heat producing) effect.


Calcitonin (CT) – action[a]This hormone causes calcium to be moved from the blood to the bones.


Cortisol – action[a]This hormone causes increase in BGL and is an antiinflammatory.


Aldosterone – action[a]This hormone causes an increase in Na+ reabsorbtion and blood pressure.


Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) – action[a]This hormone causes movement of CA++ from bones to the blood & increases reabsorption of Ca++ from kidneys.


Glucagon – action[a]This hormone causes an increase in BGL’s.


Insulin – action[a]This hormone causes a decrease in BGL’s.


Estrogen – action[a]This hormone regulates menses & stimulates breast tissue growth.


Progesterone – action[a]This hormone maintains the endometrium after ovulation & during pregnancy.


Testosterone – action[a]This hormone causes larger larynx & vocal cords, male pattern hair growth, increased muscle mass & bone density.


Melatonin – action[a]This hormone regulates the sleep/wake cycle.


Renin – action[a]This hormone converts Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I.


Erythropoietin – action[a]This hormone causes bone marrow to produce more Erythrocytes.


Parathroid Hormone – action[a]This hormone causes an increase in absorption of calcium from dietary sources in small intestine.


Gastrin – action[a]This hormone causes secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.


Secretin – action[a]This hormone causes the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate to neutralize acids in food coming from stomach & stimulates liver to make bile to break down fats.


Cholecystokinin – action[a]This hormone causes the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes & stimulates gallbladder to empty bile into small intestine.


Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) – action[a]This hormone inhibits production of renin & aldosterone increasing urine output & decreassing blood pressure.


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – action[a]This hormone stops the Corpus Luteum from deteriorating.


Relaxin – action[a]This hormone softens connective tissues.


Diabetes Mellitus – list symptoms[a] Polyphagia, polyuria & polydyspia are symptoms of this disease.


Addison’s Disease – define[a]This disease causes fat deposits on the face and back, hypotension, fatigue and low resistance to stress.


Endocrine 3 actions reversed



Which hormone causes lengthening of bone, increase in muscle mass & blood glucose levels? (BGL)[a]Growth Hormone (GH)


Which hormone causes production of Thyroid hormone?[a]Thyroid Stimulation Hormone (TSH)


Which hormone causes secretion of Glucocorticoid hormones?[a]Adrenocorticotropin Hormone (ACTH)


Which hormone causes spermatogenesis in men and maturation of the ova in women?[a]Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)


Which hormone causes production of breast milk?[a]Prolactin (PRL)


Which hormone causes increase in skin pigment?[a]Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH)


Which hormone causes testosterone production in men and ovulation in women?[a]Lutenizing Hormone (LH)


Which hormone causes increased reabsorption of water in the kidneys and therefore less urine production?[a]Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)


Which hormone causes uterine contraction and milk letdown?[a]Oxytocin (OT)


Which hormone increases basal metabolic rate, promotes glycogenolysis & has calorigenic (heat producing) effect?[a]Thyroxine (T4)


Which hormone causes calcium to be moved from the blood to the bones?[a]Calcitonin (CT)


Which hormone causes increase in BGL and is an antiinflammatory?[a]Cortisol


Which hormone causes an increase in Na+ reabsorbtion and blood pressure?[a]Aldosterone


Which hormone causes movement of CA++ from bones to the blood & increases reabsorption of Ca++ from kidneys?[a]Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)


Which hormone causes an increase in BGL’s?[a]Glucagon


Which hormone causes a decrease in BGL’s?[a]Insulin


Which hormone regulates menses & stimulates breast tissue growth?[a]Estrogen


Which hormone maintains the endometrium after ovulation & during pregnancy?[a]Progesterone


Which hormone causes larger larynx & vocal cords, male pattern hair growth, increased muscle mass & bone density?[a]Testosterone


Which hormone regulates the sleep/wake cycle?[a]Melatonin


Which hormone converts Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I?[a]Renin


Which hormone causes bone marrow to produce more Erythrocytes?[a]Erythropoietin


Which hormone causes an increase in absorption of calcium from dietary sources in small intestine?[a]Parathyroid Hormone (with Calcitriol)


Which hormone causes secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?[a]Gastrin


Which hormone causes the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate to neutralize acids in food coming from stomach & stimulates liver to make bile to break down fats?[a]Secretin


Which hormone causes the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes & stimulates gallbladder to empty bile into small intestine?[a]Cholecystokinin


Which hormone inhibits production of renin & aldosterone increasing urine output & decreassing blood pressure?[a]Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)


Which hormone stops the Corpus Luteum from deteriorating?[a]Human Chorionic Gonadotropin


Which hormone softens connective tissues?[a]Relaxin


Polyphagia, polyuria & polydyspia are symptoms of which disease?[a]Diabetes Mellitus


Which disease causes hypotension, fatigue and low resistance to stress?[a]Addison’s Disease


Endocrine 4 targets



What regulatory molecules are made of amino acids?[a]Most hormones


Steroid hormones have which suffixes?[a] ONE, OL, or OGEN


Epiphyseal plates of long bones & skeletal muscle and liver are targets of which hormone?[a] GH.


Thyroid Gland has receptors for which hormone?[a] TSH.


Adrenal cortex has receptors for which hormone?[a] ACTH.


Gonads have receptors for which hormone?[a] FSH.


Breast tissue has receptors for which hormone?[a] PRL.


Interstitial cells of testes & ovarian follicles have receptors for which hormone?[a] LH.


Melanocytes have receptors for which hormone?[a] MSH.


Kidneys have receptors for which hormone?[a] ADH.


Uterine smooth muscle & breast tissue have receptors for which hormone? [a]OT.


Almost every cell in the body has receptors for which hormone? [a]thyroxin.


Ostoeclast has receptors for which hormone?[a] calcitonin


Osteoclasts, kidneys & intestines has receptors for which hormone?[a] Parathyroid Hormone.


Kidneys have receptors for which hormone?[a] Aldosterone to increase reabsorption of Na from urine.


Body cells which promote gluconeogenesis and the stress response have receptors for which hormone?[a] Cortisol.


All Sympathetic erffectors have receptors for which hormone?[a]Epinephrine.


Liver has receptors from this hormone to release more sugar.[a]glucagon.


Most body cells has receptors for which hormone?[a] insulin to absorb blood sugar.


Uterus, breast tissue and most female body cells has receptors for which hormone?[a] Estrogen.


Uterus, especially endometrium & breast tissue has receptors for which hormone?[a] Progesterone.


Entire male reproductive system and to some extent entire body has receptors for which hormone?[a] Testosterone.


This targets the Gonads, NS & Pituitary gland to put you to sleep.[a] Melatonin.


T cells has receptors for which hormone?[a]thymic hormones


Cortex of Adrenal Glands has receptors for which hormone?[a] Renin.


Bone marrow has receptors for which hormone?[a] Erythropoietin.


Small intestines has receptors for which hormone?[a] Parathyroid Hormone


Stomach has receptors for which hormone?[a] Gastrin.


Targets Liver & pancreas for digestion[a] Secretin.


Targets Pancreas & gallbladder for digestion.[a] Cholecystokinin.


Targets kidney to make more urine.[a]ANP.


Corpus luteum has receptors for which hormone?[a] Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.


Targets connective tissues to loosen in pregnancy.[a] Relaxin.


Endocrine 4 targets reversed



Which tissues are targeted by Progesterone?[a]Uterus, especially endometrium & breast tissue is targeted by which hormone?


Which tissues are targeted by Testosterone?[a]Entire male reproductive system and to some extent entire body has receptors for (is targeted by) what hormone?


Which tissues are targeted by Melatonin?[a]Gonads, NS & Pituitary gland have receptors for and are downregulated by


Which system do thymic hormones target?[a]T cells


Where is the hypophyseal portal system located?[a]infundibulum


Which tissues are targeted by Renin?[a]Cortex of Adrenal Glands


Which tissues are targeted by Erythropoietin?[a]Bone marrow to make more RBC’s


Which tissues are targeted by PTH?[a]Small intestines targeted by this to absorb more Calcium.


Which tissues are targeted by Gastrin?[a]Stomach


Which tissues are targeted by Human Chorionic Gonadotropin?[a]Corpus luteum


Which tissues are targeted by Relaxin?[a]Targets connective tissues to loosen in pregnancy.


Which organs are targeted by Secretin?[a]Targets Liver & pancreas for digestion


Which organs are targeted by Cholecystokinin?[a]Targets Pancreas & gallbladder for digestion.


Which tissues are targeted by ANP?[a]Targets kidney to make more urine.


Most hormones are composed of which substance?[a]amino acids


Which type of hormones have suffixes that ends in ONE, OL, or OGEN?[a]Steroid hormones


Which tissues are targeted by GH?[a]Epiphyseal plates of long bones & skeletal muscle and liver


Which gland is targeted by TSH?[a]Thyroid Gland


Which gland is targeted by ACTH?[a]Adrenal cortex


Which glands are targeted by FSH?[a]Gonads


Which tissues are targeted by PRL?[a]Breast tissue


Interstitial cells of testes & ovarian follicles have receptors for[a]LH


Melanocytes & neurons in the CNS have receptors for[a]MSH


Which tissues are targeted by ADH?[a]Kidneys


Which tissues are targeted by OT?[a]Uterine smooth muscle & breast tissue


Which tissues are targeted by thyroxin?[a]Almost every cell in the body


Which tissues are targeted by calcitonin?[a]Ostoeclast to inhibit


Which tissues are targeted by Parathyroid Hormone?[a]Osteoclasts, kidneys & intestines


Which tissues are targeted by Aldosterone to increase reabsorption of Na from urine?[a]Kidneys


Which tissues are targeted by Cortisol?[a]Body cells which promote gluconeogenesis and inhibit inflammation


Which organs are targeted by Epinephrine?[a]All Sympathetic effectors


Which organ is targeted by glucagon?[a]Liver to release more sugar.


Which tissues are targeted by Estrogen?[a]Uterus, breast tissue and most female body cells


Which tissues are targeted by insulin to absorb blood sugar?[a]Most body cells
