Upper Extremity Flashcards

upper extremity



This makes up the PECTORAL (or SHOULDER) GIRDLE.[a]The two clavicles and the two scapulae.


The clavicle connects which bones?[a]This bone links the sternum to the scapula.


spine of the scapula – features[a]This structure has the acromion at one end and the root at the other.


glenoid fossa – function[a]This strucure receives the head of the humerus to form the GLENOHUMERAL JOINT (shoulder joint).


glenoid labrum -describe[a]This is the lip of cartilage around edge of glenoid fossa


coracoid process – location[a]This is the most anterior feature of the scapula, for muscle attachment.


HUMERUS – describe[a]This is the largest bone of the upper extremity.


Head of humerus articulates with?[a]This part of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa.


surgical neck – describe[a]This is the constriction distal to the head of humerus, a common fracture site.


greater tubercle – describe[a]This is the large and lateral bump for muscle attachment for three (3) of the rotator cuff muscles.


lesser tubercle – describe[a]This is the small and anterior bump for muscle attachment of one (1) of the rotator cuff muscles.


intertubercular sulcus/bicipital groove – describe[a]This is the groove located between the tubercles which stabilizes one of the tendons (long head) of the biceps brachii muscle.


trochlea – describe[a]This is the spool-shaped projection at the distal end of the humerus which receives the trochlear notch of the ulna to form the humeroulnar joint.


capitulum – describe[a]This is the round projection lateral to the trochlea that receives the top of the head of the radius to form the radiohumeral joint.


olecranon fossa – describe[a]This is located on the posterior surface of the humerus just proximal to the trochlea which receives olecranon process of ulna in full extension of the elbow.


coronoid fossa – describe[a]This is located on the anterior surface of the humerus, just proximal to the trochlea which receives the coronoid process of the ulna in full flexion of the elbow.


lateral/medial epicondyles – describe[a]This are the small bumps at distal ends of supracondylar ridges which serve as muscle attachment sites.


Acromioclavicular joint is formed by what bones?[a]This is the joint between the scapula and the clavicle.


Sternoclavicular joint is formed by what bones?[a]This is the joint between the sternum and the clavicle.


Glenohumeral joint is formed by what bones?[a]This is the joint between the scapula and the humerus.


olecranon process – describe[a]This is the prominence of ulna which forms the proximal lip of the trochlear notch.


coronoid process – describe[a]This forms distal lip of trochlear notch of ulna.


trochlear (semilunar) notch – describe[a]This part of the ulna wraps around the trochlea of the humerus.


radial notch – describe[a]This structure receives the head of the radius to form the PROXIMAL RADIOULNAR JOINT.


styloid process – describe[a]This is located on both the radius and ulna at their most distal extremity.


ulnar notch – describe[a]This structure is located at distal end of radius and receives head of ulna to form the DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT.


Interosseous membrane – describe[a]This is the fibrous connective (ligamentous) tissue that connects the radius and the ulna along their length. It helps to stabilize the forearm.


Proximal Row of carpals – list[a]scaphoid (also called the navicular), lunate triquetrum, pisiform (easily palpated)


Distal Row of carpals – list[a] trapezium (tubercle easily palpated), trapezoid, capitate, hamate (the hook of the hamate is easily palpated)


Bones of the RADIOCARPAL JOINT – list[a]The radius, scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum .


What do you have 5 of in each hand?[a]METACARPALS


What do you have 14 in each hand?[a]PHALANGES


upper extremity reversed



PHALANGES location and number?[a]14 in each hand and foot


METACARPALS location and number?[a]5 of in each hand


The radius, scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum form which joint?[a]Bones of the RADIOCARPAL JOINT


What is the fibrous connective (ligamentous) tissue that connects the radius and the ulna along their length?[a]Interosseous membrane


What structure is located at distal end of radius and receives head of ulna to form the DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT?[a]ulnar notch


What is located on both the radius and ulna at their most distal extremity?[a]styloid process


What structure receives the head of the radius to form the PROXIMAL RADIOULNAR JOINT?[a]radial notch


Which part of the ulna is actually in contact with the trochlea of the humerus?[a]trochlear (semilunar) notch


What forms distal lip of trochlear notch of ulna?[a]coronoid process


What is the prominence of ulna which forms the proximal lip of the trochlear notch?[a]olecranon process


What is the joint between the scapula and the humerus?[a]Glenohumeral joint


What is the joint between the sternum and the clavicle?[a]Sternoclavicular joint


What is the joint between the scapula and the clavicle?[a]Acromioclavicular joint


What are the small bumps at distal ends of supracondylar ridges which serve as muscle attachment sites?[a]lateral/medial epicondyles


What is located on the anterior surface of the humerus, just proximal to the trochlea which receives the coronoid process of the ulna in full flexion of the elbow?[a]coronoid fossa


What is located on the posterior surface of the humerus just proximal to the trochlea which receives olecranon process of ulna in full extension of the elbow?[a]olecranon fossa


What is the round projection lateral to the trochlea that receives the top of the head of the radius to form the radiohumeral joint?[a]capitulum


What is the spool-shaped projection at the distal end of the humerus which receives the trochlear notch of the ulna to form the humeroulnar joint?[a]trochlea


What is the groove located between the tubercles which stabilizes one of the tendons (long head) of the biceps brachii muscle?[a]intertubercular sulcus/bicipital groove


What is the small and anterior bump for muscle attachment of one (1) of the rotator cuff muscles?[a]lesser tubercle


What is the large and lateral bump for muscle attachment for three (3) of the rotator cuff muscles?[a]reater tubercle


What is the constriction distal to the head of humerus; a common fracture site?[a]surgical neck


Which part of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa?[a]Head of humerus


What is the largest bone of the upper extremity?[a]HUMERUS


What is the most anterior feature of the scapula, for muscle attachment?[a]coracoid process


What is the lip of cartilage around edge of glenoid fossa?[a]glenoid labrum


What strucure receives the head of the humerus to form the GLENOHUMERAL JOINT (shoulder joint)?[a]glenoid fossa


What structure has the acromion at one end and the root at the other?[a]spine of the scapula


What bone links the sternum to the scapula?[a]The clavicle


The two clavicles and the two scapulae make up what structure?[a]the PECTORAL (or SHOULDER) GIRDLE


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