Spinal Cord Decks

Spinal Cord Deck 1



SPINAL CORD – location[a] vertebral canal


Cervical Enlargement – define[a]the thickened part of cord where nerves for upper extremities attach


Lumbar Enlargement – define[a] the thickened part of cord where nerves for lower extremities attach


Conus Medullaris – define[a] the inferior border of cord proper around L2


Spinal Segments – define[a] the sections of the cord that give rise to a pair of spinal nerves


Dermatome – define[a] an area of skin innervated by a specific segment


Myotome – define[a] an area of muscles innervated by a specific segment


Scleratome – define[a] an area of connective tissue innervated by a specific segment




Pia Mater – define[a] the innermost layer of meninges that adheres directly to cord


Filum Terminale – define[a] the string like continuation of Pia mater that anchors cord to sacrum


Arachnoid Mater – define[a] the middle layer of meninges


Sub Arachnoid Space – define[a] the space between Arachnoid mater and Pia mater filled with Cerebrospinal fluid for extra cushioning and protection


Dura Mater – define[a] the outer most layer of meninges which travels down to sacrum


Subdural space – define[a] the space between Dura mater and Arachnoid mater


Epidural space – define[a] the space outside Dura mater between it, the vertebrae and skull


Central Canal – define[a] the hole in the center of cord lined with ependymal cells and filled with Cerebrospinal fluid.


Posterior Grey Horn – function[a] the area where 1st order neurons synapse with second order sensory neurons


Anterior Grey Horn – function[a] the area where CNS motor neurons synapse with soma of lower motor neurons


Lateral Grey Horn – structure[a] the area composed of somas of autonomic preganglionic neurons


Dorsal Root Ganglion – define[a] the bump on dorsal root that contains cell bodies of unipolar sensory neurons


Columns/Funiculi – define[a] the Posterior, Anterior, and Lateral areas of white matter in the cord


Tracts/Fasiculi – define[a] smaller bundles of white matter within the columns of the cord which carry impulses up and down cord


Spinal Cord deck 1 reversed



Which part of the CNS is located in the vertebral canal?[a]SPINAL CORD


Which term describes the thickened part of cord where nerves for upper extremities attach?[a]Cervical Enlargement


Which term describes the thickened part of cord where nerves for lower extremities attach?[a]Lumbar Enlargement


Which term describes the inferior border of cord proper around L2?[a]Conus Medullaris


Which term describes the sections of the cord that give rise to a pair of spinal nerves?[a]Spinal Segments


Which term describes an area of skin innervated by a specific segment?[a]Dermatome


Which term describes an area of muscles innervated by a specific segment?[a]Myotome


Which term describes an area of connective tissue innervated by a specific segment?[a]Scleratome




Which term describes the innermost layer of meninges that adheres directly to cord?[a]Pia Mater


Which term describes the string like continuation of Pia mater that anchors cord to sacrum?[a]Filum Terminale


Which term describes the middle layer of meninges?[a]Arachnoid Membrane


Which term describes the space between Arachnoid mater and Pia mater filled with Cerebrospinal fluid for extra cushioning and protection?[a]Sub Arachnoid Space


Which term describes the outer most layer of meninges?[a]Dura Mater


Which term describes the space between Dura mater and Arachnoid mater?[a]Subdural space


Which term describes the space between the Dura mater and the bone surrounding it?[a]Epidural space


Which term describes the hole in the center of cord lined with ependymal cells and filled with Cerebrospinal fluid?[a]Central Canal


In which area od a spinal segment do 1st order neurons synapse with second order sensory neurons?[a]Posterior Grey Horn


In which area od a spinal segment do CNS motor neurons synapse with soma of lower motor neurons?[a]Anterior Grey Horn


In which area of a spinal segment do you find autonomic preganglionic neurons?[a]Lateral Grey Horn


Which term describes the bump on dorsal root that contains cell bodies of unipolar sensory neurons?[a]Dorsal Root Ganglion


Which term describes the Posterior, Anterior, and Lateral areas of white matter in the cord?[a]Columns/Funiculi


Which term describes smaller bundles of white matter within the columns of the cord which carry impulses up and down cord?[a]Tracts/Fasiculi


Spinal Cord deck 2



Long tracts – function[a]These tracts connect brain to cord or cord to brain


Short tracts/propriospinal tracts – function[a]These tracts connect different segments of the cord to coordinate movements and reflexes


Ascending tracts – function[a]These tracts are sensory tracts and carry info up to the brain


Descending tracts – function[a]These tracts are motor tracts that carry info down from the brain


Dorsal Root – structure[a]This root contains the PNS sensory neurons that end up in Posterior gray horn of spinal cord


Ventral Root – structure[a]Thise root contains motor neurons that begin in the Anterior and Lateral gray horns


Spinal Nerve – structure[a]These mixed nerves are formed where roots merge and exit the vertebral column through intervertebral foramina


Rami – define[a]This term describes the branches of the spinal nerves located outside the vertebral column


Posterior Ramus – structure[a]This branch of spinal nerve contains neurons that innervate the skin and muscles in a small strip just lateral to vertebral column


Anterior Ramus – structure[a]This branch of the spinal nerve contains the neurons that innervate the trunk and limbs except for the paraspinal muscles


Rami Communicans – structure[a]This branches of the spinal nerve attach the sympathetic chain ganglia to the spinal nerves


White rami communicans – structure[a] These branches of the Anterior Ramus contain sympathetic preganglionic neurons


Grey rami communicans – structure[a]This branch of the spinal nerve contains sympathetic postganglionic neurons


1st order neuron – pathway[a]These neurons travels from the receptor into the Posterior Gray Horn and synapses with 2nd order neuron


2nd order neuron – pathway[a]These neurons originate in the Posterior Gray Horn and travel in a tract up to the thalamus.


3rd order neuron – pathway[a]This neuron goes from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex Has precise localization of sensation and conscious awareness.


What kind of information travels along the Spinothalamic tracts?[a] touch


What kind of information travels along the Posterior/Anterior Spinocerebellar Pathways?[a] proprioception


Upper motor neuron – pathway[a]This neuron begins in the brain, travels down a tract, ends in the Anterior Gray Horn and synapses with the lower motor neuron.


Lower motor neuron – pathway[a]This neuron begins in the Anterior Gray Horn, travels out through the ventral root into the spinal nerve and on to the effector


What kind of information travels along the Pyramidal/Corticospinal Tracts?[a] Signals from cerebral cortex to Anterior Gray Horn for voluntary control of skeletal muscle


What kind of information travels along the Extrapyramidal tract?[a]Commands for involuntary control of skeletal muscle


What causes flaccid paralysis?[a] lower motor neuron damage


What causes spastic paralysis?[a] upper motor neuron damage


AUTONOMIC MOTOR SYSTEM- PATHWAY[a] Preganglionic neurons go from lateral gray horn/cranial nerve nuclei to an autonomic ganglion. Then Postganlionic neurons go from ANS ganglion to the effector organ.


INTERNUNCIAL POOL – define[a]A group of nearby neurons in the spinal cord which can all be facilitated by a strong enough stimulus.


Which spinal nerves form the CERVICAL Plexus?[a]spinal nerves C1 to C4/C5


Which spinal nerves form the BRACHIAL Plexus?[a] C5 to T1


Which spinal nerves form the LUMBAR Plexus?[a] L1 to L4


Which spinal nerves form the SACRAL Plexus?[a] L4 or L5 to S3


Spinal Cord Deck 2 reversed



Which type of tracts connect brain to cord or cord to brain?[a]Long tracts


Which type of tracts connect different segments of the cord to coordinate movements and reflexes?[a]Short tracts/propriospinal tracts


Which type of tracts are sensory tracts and carry info up to the brain?[a]Ascending tracts


Which type of tracts are motor tracts that carry info down from the brain?[a]Descending tracts


Which type of root contains the PNS sensory neurons that end up in Posterior gray horn of spinal cord?[a]Dorsal Root


Which type of root contains motor neurons that begin in the Anterior and Lateral gray horns?[a]Ventral Root


Which type of mixed nerve is formed where roots merge and exits vertebral column through intervertebral foramina?[a]Spinal Nerve


Which term describes the branches of the spinal nerves located outside the vertebral column?[a]Rami


Which branch of spinal nerve contains neurons that innervate the skin and muscles in a small strip just lateral to vertebral column?[a]Posterior Ramus


Which branch of the spinal nerve contains the neurons that innervate the trunk and limbs except for the paraspinal muscles?[a]Anterior Ramus


Which branches of the spinal nerve attach the sympathetic chain ganglia to the spinal nerves?[a]Rami Communicans


Which branches of the Anterior Ramus contain sympathetic preganglionic neurons?[a]White rami communicans


Which branch of the spinal nerve contains sympathetic postganglionic neurons?[a]Grey rami communicans


Which type of neuron originates in the Posterior Gray Horn and travels in a tract up to the thalamus?[a]2nd order neuron


Which type of neuron goes from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex?[a] 3rd order neuron


Which tracts transmits touch?[a]What kind of information travels along the Spinothalamic tracts?


Which tracty transmits proprioceptive info to the cerebellum for coordination of movement?[a]Spinocerebellar tract


Which type of neuron begins in the brain, travels down a tract, ends in the Anterior Gray Horn and synapses with the lower motor neuron?[a]Upper motor neuron


Which type of neuron begins in the Anterior Gray Horn, travels out through the ventral root into the spinal nerve and on to the effector?[a]Lower motor neuron


Which tracts carry signals from cerebral cortex to Anterior Gray Horn for voluntary control of skeletal muscle?[a] Pyramidal/Corticospinal Tracts


Which tract is composed of axons of neurons which travel down to the Anterior Gray Horn for involuntary control of skeletal muscle?[a] Extrapyramidal tract


Which type of condition occurs due to lower motor neuron damage?[a] flaccid paralysis?


Which type of condition occurs due to upper motor neuron damage?[a] spastic paralysis?


In which pathway do preganglionic neurons go from lateral gray horn/cranial nerve nuclei to an autonomic ganglion and postganlionic neurons go from autonomic ganglion to the effector organ?[a]AUTONOMIC MOTOR


Which structure is formed by a group of nearby neurons in the spinal cord which can be activated by a strong stimulus?[a]INTERNUNCIAL POOL


Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves C1 to C4/C5?[a]the CERVICAL Plexus?


Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves C5 to T1?[a] the BRACHIAL Plexus?


Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves L1 to L4?[a] the LUMBAR Plexus?


Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves L4 or L5 to S3?[a]the SACRAL Plexus?


Which type of neuron travels from the receptor into the Posterior Gray Horn and synapses with 2nd order neuron?[a]1st order neuron


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