Respiratory Flashcards

Respiratory Deck



RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – function[a]This system allows gas exchange in the blood.


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – structure [a] This system includes the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.


Pharynx – define [a]This structure contains a passage way for air and food.


What is in the larynx?[a]This structure houses the vocal cords.


Trachea – define [a]This structure serves as an air passage below the larynx.


Bronchi – define [a]This structure includes two branches of the trachea, one going to each lung.


Lungs – function[a]These organs allow exchange of gases between blood and air in alveoli.


Ciliated mucous membrane – location [a]This membrane lines the upper and much of lower respiratory tract.


Ciliated mucous membrane – function[a]This membrane cleans, warms and moistens air.


Nasal septum – structure [a]This structure includes the perpendicular plate of ethmoid, vomer & cartilage.


Nasal conchae – function[a]These structures direct air into the sinuses and hang off nasal septum.


Paranasal sinuses – location [a]These structures are mucous lined cavities in frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid & maxillary bones.


Paranasal sinuses – function[a]These structures function as resonating chambers for speech, plus warming and moistening air.


Olfactory epithelium – function[a]In this structure the dendrites of the olfactory nerve located.


Cribriform plate – function[a]Through this structure the olfactory nerve passes.


Nasolacrimal duct – function[a]This structure moves tears from the eye into the nasal cavity.


Pharynx – structure [a]This structure is composed of the following: nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx.


Nasopharynx – features[a] the pharyngeal tonsil and the opening for Eustachian tube


What is found in the oropharynx?[a] the palatine and lingual tonsils


Laryngopharynx – features[a]This structure opens into esophagus and larynx.


What is found in the larynx?[a] the vocal cords located.


The epiglottis – function[a]This structure prevents food from going into the trachea.


Trachea – define [a]This structure is a mucous membrane lined tube supported by smooth muscle and “C” shaped cartilage.


Tracheobronchial tree – structure [a]This tubular structure is made of a series of cartilage rings and smooth muscle that branch from the trachea and get progressively smaller.


Bronchioles – define [a]These tiny tubular structures enter the alveoli.


Alveoli – structure [a]These structures are composed of air sacs of simple squamous epithelium.


Alveoli – function[a] gas exchange between air and blood.


Upper respiratory tract – list parts [a]This structure includes: nasal cavity and pharynx.


Lower respiratory tract – list parts [a] This structure includes: larynx, trachea and bronchi.


Lungs – location [a]This structures take up the most space in the thoracic cavity from above clavicle to diaphragm.


Visceral pleura – define [a]This structure is a serous membrane making up the outer surface of lungs.


Parietal pleura – define [a]This structure is a serous membrane that lines thoracic cavity, internal rib cage, superior surface of diaphragm


Pleural cavity – define [a]This structure consists of a tiny space between the pleural membranes filled with serous fluid.


Pulmonary Ventilation – define [a]This term describes an action done 16-20 times a minute at rest and is a fancy name for breathing.


Inspiration – aka[a]inhalation


Expiration – aka[a]exhalation


Inhalation at rest – muscles involved[a]the diaphragm and external intercostals.


Exhalation at rest – cause[a] passive elastic recoil of lungs and thoracic wall without muscle activity.


Strenuous inhalation – muscles involved[a]Diaphragm, External intercostals,Sternocleidomastoid,Scalenes,Pectoralis Minor


Strenuous Exhalation – muscles involved[a] the internal intercostals and the abdominals.


Medullary Rhythmicity Center-function[a]This center controls the basic rhythm of respiration.


Tidal Air Volume – define [a] the amount of air inhaled/exhaled in normal inhalation at rest. (500mL)


Vital Capacity – define [a]The maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration. (4800mL)


dyspnea – define [a] labored, painful, irregular breathing.


Asthma – define [a] muscle spasm in walls of small bronchi and bronchioles.


Emphysema – define [a]Alveolar walls degenerate, leading to larger alveoli with a decreased surface area.


Respiratory deck reversed



In which disease do alveolar walls degenerate, leading to larger alveoli with a decreased surface area?[a]Emphysema


Which term describes muscle spasm in walls of small bronchi and bronchioles?[a]Asthma


Which term describes labored, painful, irregular breathing?[a]dyspnea


Which term describes the maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration? (4800ml)[a] Vital Capacity


Which term describes the amount of air inhaled/exhaled in normal inhalation at rest? (500ml)[a] Tidal Air Volume


Which center controls the basic rhythm of respiration?[a]Medullary Rhythmicity Center


Which state of respiration involves the internal intercostals and the abdominals?[a] Strenuous Exhalation


Which state of respiration involves the following muscles?Diaphragm, External intercostals,Sternocleidomastoid,Scalenes,Pectoralis Minor[a]Strenuous inhalation


Which state of respiration involves passive elastic recoil of lungs and thoracic wall without muscle activity?[a]Exhalation at rest


Which state of respiration involves only the diaphragm and external intercostals?[a]Inhalation at rest


exhalation aka[a]Expiration


inhalation aka[a]Inspiration


Which term describes an action done 16-20 times a minute at rest and is a fancy name for breathing?[a]Pulmonary Ventilation


Which structure consists of a tiny space between the pleural membranes filled with serous fluid?[a]Pleural cavity


Which structure is a serous membrane that lines thoracic cavity, internal rib cage, superior surface of diaphragm?[a]Parietal pleura


Which structure is a serous membrane making up the outer surface of lungs?[a]Visceral pleura


Which structures take up the most space in the thoracic cavity from above clavicle to diaphragm?[a]Lungs


Which structure includes: larynx, trachea and bronchi?[a]Lower respiratory tract


Which structure includes: nasal cavity and pharynx?[a]Upper respiratory tract


Where is the site of gas exchange between air and blood?[a]Alveoli


Which structures are composed of air sacs of simple squamous epithelium?[a]Alveoli


Which tiny tubular structures enter the alveoli?[a]ronchioles


Which tubular structure is made of a series of cartilage rings and smooth muscle that branch from the trachea and get progressively smaller?[a]Tracheobronchial tree


Which structure is a mucous membrane lined tube supported by smooth muscle and “C” shaped cartilage?[a]Trachea


Which structure prevents food from going into the trachea?[a]The epiglottis


Where are the vocal cords located?[a]larynx


Which structure opens into esophagus and larynx?[a]Laryngopharynx


Where are the palatine and lingual tonsils located?[a]oropharynx


Where are the pharyngeal tonsil and the opening for Eustachian tube located?[a]Nasopharynx


Which structure is composed of the following: nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx?[a]Pharynx


Which structure moves tears from the lacrimal glands that wash eye and drain into nose?[a]Nasolacrimal duct


Which structure does the olfactory nerve pass through?[a]Cribriform plate


In which structure are the dendrites of the olfactory nerve located?[a]Olfactory epithelium


Which structures function as resonating chambers for speech, plus warming and moistening air?[a]Paranasal sinuses


Which structures are mucous lined cavities in frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid & maxillary bones?[a]Paranasal sinuses


Which structure directs air into the sinuses and hangs off nasal septum?[a]Nasal conchae


Which structure includes the perpendicular plate of ethmoid, vomer & cartilage?[a]Nasal septum


Which membrane cleans, warms and moistens air?[a]Ciliated mucous membrane


Which membrane lines the upper and much of lower respiratory tract?[a]Ciliated mucous membrane


Which organs allow exchange of gases between blood and air in alveoli?[a]Lungs


Which structure includes two branches of the trachea, one going to each lung?[a]Bronchi


Which structure serves as an air passage below the larynx?[a]Trachea


Which structure houses the vocal cords?[a]larynx


Which structure contains a passage way for air and food?[a]pharynx


Which system includes the following: nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs?[a]RESPIRATORY SYSTEM


Which system allows gas exchange in the blood?[a]RESPIRATORY SYSTEM


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