Muscles of the neck decks

Muscles of the neck



Origin: STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID (SCM)[a]This muscle originates on the manubrium/sternum and the medial, superior clavicle.


Insertion: STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID (SCM)[a]This muscle inserts on the mastoid process/temporal bone and occipital ridge.


Origin: SCALENUS ANTERIOR, MEDIUS[a]This muscle originates on the transverse processes of C2-C7.


Insertion: SCALENUS ANTERIOR, MEDIUS[a]This muscle inserts on R1.


Origin: SCALENUS POSTERIOR[a]This muscle originates on the transverse processes of C2-C7.


Insertion: SCALENUS POSTERIOR[a]This muscle inserts on R2.


Origin: SPLENIUS CAPITIS[a]This muscle originates on the nuchal ligament, spinous processes (C3-T3).


Insertion: SPLENIUS CAPITIS[a]This muscle inserts on the mastoid process/temporal bone (deep to SCM).


Origin: SPLENIUS CERVICIS[a]This muscle originates on the upper thoracic spinous processes (T3-T6).


Insertion: SPLENIUS CERVICIS[a]This muscle inserts on the transverse processes C1-C3.


Action: STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion of the head and rotation to the opposite side .


Action: scalenes in bilateral contraction[a]This muscle in bilateral contraction does neck flexion or elevation of R1 and R2 if the neck is fixed.


Action: scalenes in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion of the neck and rotation to the opposite side.


Action: SPLENIUS CAPITIS in bilatereal contraction[a]This muscle in bilateral contraction does extension/hyperextension of the head.


Action: SPLENIUS CAPITIS in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does rotation of the head to the same side and lateral flexion.


Action: SPLENIUS Cervicis in bilatereal contraction[a]This muscle in bilatereal contraction does extension/hyperextension of the neck.


Action: SPLENIUS Cervicis in unilatereal contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does rotation of the neck to the same side.


List the muscles of neck and head extension.[a]bilateral contraction of upper traps, levator scap, splenius capitis and cervicis, spinalis, longissimus, semispinalis, interspinalis, suboccipital group, multifidus, intertransversarii, rotatores.


List the muscles of neck and head in lateral flexion.[a] unilateral contraction of SCM, scalenes, upper traps, levator scap, splenius capitis and servicis, spinalis, longissimus, suboccipital group, intertransversarii.


List the muscles of neck and head rotation to the RIGHT.[a] LEFT SCM, upper traps, anterior scalene, transversospinalis group; RIGHT splenius muscles, levator scapula.


Action: STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID (bilateral contraction)[a]This muscle does neck and head flexion. (It can also do head extention on C1)


In which movement are these muscles synergists: scalenes, SCM[a] neck and head flexion.


Muscles of the neck reversed



Which muscle does neck and head flexion?[a] STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID (bilateral contraction)


In which movement are these muscles synergists: LEFT SCM, upper traps, anterior scalene, transversospinalis group; RIGHT splenius muscles, levator scapula?[a] neck and head rotation to the right.


In which movement are these muscles synergists: unilateral contraction of SCM, scalenes, upper traps, levator scap, splenius capitis and servicis, spinalis, longissimus, suboccipital group, intertransversarii?[a]neck and head lateral flexion.


In which movement are these muscles synergists: bilateral contraction of upper traps, levator scap, splenius capitis and cervicis, spinalis, longissimus, semispinalis, interspinalis, suboccipital group, multifidus, intertransversarii, rotatores?[a] neck and head extension.


Which muscle inserts on the transverse processes C1-C3?[a] SPLENIUS CERVICIS


Which muscle originates on the upper thoracic spinous processes (T3-T6)?[a] SPLENIUS CERVICIS


Which muscle inserts on the mastoid process/temporal bone (deep to SCM)?[a] SPLENIUS CAPITIS


Which muscle originates on the nuchal ligament, spinous processes (C3-T3)?[a] SPLENIUS CAPITIS


Which muscle inserts on R2?[a] SCALENUS POSTERIOR


Which muscle originates on the transverse processes of C2-C7?[a] SCALENUS POSTERIOR


Which muscle inserts on R1?[a] SCALENUS ANTERIOR, MEDIUS


Which muscle originates on the transverse processes of C2-C7?[a] SCALENUS ANTERIOR, MEDIUS


Which muscle inserts on the mastoid process/temporal bone and occipital ridge?[a] STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID (SCM)


Which muscle originates on the manubrium/sternum and the medial, superior clavicle?[a] STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID (SCM)


List the muscles of neck and head flexion.[a] scalenes, SCM


Which muscle in unilateral contraction does rotation of the neck to the same side and lateral flexion?[a] SPLENIUS Cervicis


Which muscle in bilatereal contraction does extension/hyperextension of the neck but not the head?[a] SPLENIUS Cervicis


Which muscle in unilateral contraction does rotation of the head to the same side and lateral flexion?[a] SPLENIUS CAPITIS


Which muscle in bilatereal contraction does extension/hyperextension of the head?[a] SPLENIUS CAPITIS


Which muscles in unilateral contraction do lateral flexion of the neck and rotation to the opposite side?[a] scalenes and SCM


Which muscle in bilateral contraction does neck flexion or elevation of R1 and R2 if the neck is fixed?[a] scalenes


Muscles of the trunk Flashcards

Muscles of the trunk



Origin: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM[a]This posterior abdominal wall muscle originates on the posterior iliac crest.


Insertion: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM[a]This posterior abdominal wall muscle inserts on lumbar (L1-L4) transverse processes (oblique fibers), R12.


Origin: RECTUS ABDOMINIS[a]This abdominal muscle originates on the pubic crest.


Insertion: RECTUS ABDOMINIS[a]This abdominal muscle inserts on costal cartilages of ribs 5,6,7 and xiphoid process.


Origin: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle originates on the inferior 8 ribs (5-12), interdigitating with serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi.


Insertion: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle inserts on iliac crest, linea alba via abdominal aponeurosis.


Origin: INTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle originates on the ASIS, iliac crest, and deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia.


Insertion: INTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle inserts on the linea alba and inferior ribs (9-12).


Origin: DIAPHRAGM[a]This muscle originates on the posterior xiphoid process, deep surface of lower ribs (7-12) and costal cartilages and the lumbar (L1-L3) vertebral bodies (via the CRURA, three large bundles of musculotendinous fibers).


Insertion: DIAPHRAGM[a]This muscle inserts on the central tendon — an aponeurosis which does not attach to bone but lies at the top of the muscle, where all fibers come together.


Attachments: EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle originates on a superior rib and inserts on the rib below.


Attachments: INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle originates on an inferior rib and inserts on the rib above.


List the muscles of trunk lateral flexion.[a] unilateral contraction of rectus abominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, intertransversarii.


List the muscles of trunk rotation to the left.[a] RIGHT transversospinalis group, external abdominal obliques; LEFT internal abdominal obliques.


Action: INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle does depression of the ribs to exhale.


Action: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE, INTERNAL OBLIQUE, and RECTUS ABDOMINUS[a]This 3 muscles do flexion of trunk and compression of abdomen.


Action: DIAPHRAGM[a]This muscle does inhalation as it descends.


Action: EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle does elevation of the ribs to inhale.


Action: TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS[a]This muscle does compression of abdomen only.


Nickname for quadratus lumborum[a]This muscle is called the hip hiker.


List the muscles of relaxed inhalation.[a] Diaphragm, external intercostals.


This breathing action requires no muscles at all.[a]relaxed exhalation.


List the muscles of trunk flexion.[a] rectus abdominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques.


List the muscles of trunk extension.[a]: bilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, semispinalis. interspinalis, multifidus, intertransversarii, rotatores


Action: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion, elevation of pelvis.(It acts as the hip hiker with a Fixed Insertion).


Action: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM in bilateral contraction[a]This lower back muscle in bilateral contraction does extension of lumbar spine.


Action: RECTUS ABDOMINIS[a]This muscle does flexion of trunk and compression of the abdomen.


Action: TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS[a]This muscle does compression of abdomen only.


Action: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE and internal oblique in bilateral contraction[a]These 2 muscles do flexion of trunk and compression of abdomen in bilateral contraction.


Action: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion and rotation of trunk to the opposite side.


Action: INTERNAL OBLIQUE in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion of the trunk and rotation to the same side.


Common Action: abdominal muscles[a]This muscle group does compression of the viscera as in forced exhalation.


Common Action: Pubococcygeus, COCCYGEUS, Iliococcygeus, Puborectalis[a]These muscles support the abdominal floor.


List the muscles of forced inhalation.[a] Diaphragm, external intercostals, scalenes, posterior superior obliques., pec minor, levatores, Quadratus lumborum, SCM, serratus anterior, pec major.


List the muscles of forced exhalation.[a]abdominals, internal intercostals, serratus posterior inferior., Quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis.


Muscles of the trunk reversed



What are the actions of: Diaphragm, external intercostals?[a] relaxed inhalation.


Which muscle is called the hip hiker?[a]quadratus lumborum


Which muscle does compression of abdomen only?[a] TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS


Which 2 muscles do flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation of the trunk as well as compression of the viscera?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE and INTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which muscle does elevation of the ribs to inhale?[a] EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


Which muscle does inhalation as it descends?[a] DIAPHRAGM


Which muscle does lateral flexion of the trunk, elevation of pelvis (Fixed Insertion)?[a] QUADRATUS LUMBORUM


Which 3 muscles do flexion of trunk and compression of abdomen?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE, INTERNAL OBLIQUE, and RECTUS ABDOMINUS


Which muscle does depression of the ribs to exhale?[a] INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


In which movement are these muscles synergists: RIGHT external abdominal obliques; LEFT internal abdominal obliques?[a] trunk rotation to the left.


In which movement are these muscles synergists: unilateral contraction of rectus abominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, intertransversarii?[a]trunk lateral flexion.


Which muscle originates on an inferior rib and inserts on the rib above?[a] INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


Which muscle originates on a superior rib and inserts on the rib below?[a]EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


Which muscle inserts on the central tendon?[a] DIAPHRAGM


Which muscle originates on the posterior xiphoid process, deep surface of lower ribs (7-12) and costal cartilages and the lumbar (L1-L3) vertebral bodies ?[a] DIAPHRAGM


Which abdominal muscle inserts on the linea alba and inferior ribs (9-12)?[a] INTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle originates on the ASIS, iliac crest, and deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia?[a] INTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle inserts on iliac crest, linea alba via abdominal aponeurosis?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle originates on the inferior 8 ribs (5-12), interdigitating with serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle inserts on costal cartilages of ribs 5,6,7 and xiphoid process?[a] RECTUS ABDOMINIS


Which abdominal muscle originates on the pubic crest?[a] RECTUS ABDOMINIS


Which posterior abdominal wall muscle inserts on lumbar (L1-L4) transverse processes (oblique fibers), R12?[a] QUADRATUS LUMBORUM


Which posterior abdominal wall muscle originates on the posterior iliac crest?[a] QUADRATUS LUMBORUM


In which movement are these muscles synergists: bilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, interspinalis, multifidus, intertransversarii, rotatores[a] trunk extension.


In which movement are these muscles synergists: rectus abdominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques?[a] trunk flexion.


Muscles of the spine Flashcards

Muscles of the spine



Attachments: INTERTRANSVERSARII[a]This paraspinal muscle goes from a transverse process to the next transverse process superior to it.


Attachments: INTERSPINALES[a]This paraspinal muscle goes from a spinous process to the next spinous process superior to it.


Attachments: LEVATORES[a]This paraspinal muscle goes from a transverse process to the rib immediately inferior.


Action: ERECTOR SPINAE GROUP in bilateral contraction[a]This muscle in bilateral contraction does extension of the whole spine.


Action: ERECTOR SPINAE GROUP in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion of the whole spine.


Action: SEMISPINALIS and MULTIFIUS in Bilateral contraction[a]TheseTRANSVERSOSPINALIS muscles in bilateral contraction do extension.


Action: SEMISPINALIS and MULTIFIUS in unilateral contraction[a]These TRANSVERSOSPINALIS muscles in unilateral contraction do rotation to opposite side.


Action: ROTATORES[a]This muscle does rotation of the vertebrae to the opposite side.


What are the columns of the erector spinae from lateral to medial.[a]This group is composed of ILIOCOSTALIS, LONGISSIMUS and SPINALIS.


What are the sections of the erector spinae from inferior to superior.[a] This muscle is divided into lumborum, thoracis, cervisis and capitis sections.


List the muscles of the transverso spinalis group.[a] semispinalis, multifidus and rotatores.


Action: INTERSPINALES[a]This deep back muscle only does extension of the vertebrae.


Action: LEVATORES[a]This deep back muscle does elevation of the ribs and assists in rotation of the spine.


Muscles of the spine reversed



Which deep back muscle does elevation of the ribs and assists in rotation of the spine?[a] LEVATORES


Which deep back muscle only does extension of the vertebrae?[a] INTERSPINALES


Which muscle group group is composed of semispinalis, multifidus and rotatores?[a] The muscles of the transverso spinalis group.


What muscle is divided into lumborum, thoracis, cervisis and capitis sections?[a]erector spinae from inferior to superior.


Which group is composed of ILIOCOSTALIS, LONGISSIMUS and SPINALIS?[a] The columns of the erector spinae from lateral to medial.


Which deep back muscle does only lateral flexion of the vertebrae in unilateral contraction?[a] INTERTRANSVERSARII


Which TRANSVERSOSPINALIS muscles in unilateral contraction do rotation to opposite side?[a] SEMISPINALIS and MULTIFIUS


Which TRANSVERSOSPINALIS muscles in bilateral contraction do extension?[a] SEMISPINALIS and MULTIFIUS


Which muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion of the whole spine?[a] ERECTOR SPINAE GROUP


Which muscle in bilateral contraction does extension of the whole spine?[a] ERECTOR SPINAE GROUP


Which paraspinal muscle goes from a transverse process to the rib immediately inferior?[a] LEVATORES


Which paraspinal muscle goes from a spinous process to the next spinous process superior to it?[a] INTERSPINALES


Which paraspinal muscle goes from a transverse process to the next transverse process superior to it?[a] INTERTRANSVERSARII


Muscles of the face flashcards

Face muscles



Origin: MEDIAL PTERYGOID[a]This chewing muscle originates on the medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate.


Insertion:MEDIAL PTERYGOID[a]This chewing muscle inserts on the angle of mandible, inferior surface.


Origin: LATERAL PTERYGOID[a]This chewing muscle originates on the lateral plate of pterygoid process/sphenoid.


Insertion:LATERAL PTERYGOID[a]This chewing muscle inserts on the mandibular condyle, articular disc of TMJ.


Where is Orbicularis Oculi?[a]This muscle goes around the eye.


Attachments: ORBICULARIS ORIS[a]This muscle goes around the mouth.


Attachments: ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR[a]This muscle goes from sphincter of mouth to zygomatic arch.




Action: LATERAL PTERYGOID[a]This muscle does DEPRESSION and translation (to opposite side), protrusion of the mandible.


Common Action: TEMPORALIS, MASSETER, MEDIAL PTERYGOID[a]These muscles do elevation of the mandible.


Action: ORBICULARIS OCULI[a]This muscle does squinting and closes the eye.


Action: ORBICULARIS ORIS[a]This muscle purses of the lips.


Action: ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR[a]This muscle smiles.


Action: NASALIS[a]This muscle flares nostrils to increase pathway for air and enhance smelling.


Action: FRONTALIS[a]This muscle wrinkles forehead, raises eyebrows.


Action: CORRUGATOR SUPERCILII[a]This muscle furrows space between brows.


Action: MENTALIS[a]This muscle draws lower lip forward (“pouting”).


Action: PLATYSMA[a]This muscle is used in grimacing, screaming, can assist in depression of mandible.


Origin: TEMPORALIS[a]This muscle originates on the temporal bone.


Insertion: TEMPORALIS[a]This muscle inserts on the coronoid process/mandible.


Origin: MASSETER[a]This muscle originates on the zygomatic arch.


Insertion: MASSETER[a]This muscle inserts on the angle and ramus of mandible.


Action: BUCCINATOR[a]This muscle draws cheeks inward, helps keep food in the mouth while chewing


Face reversed



Which muscle is used in grimacing, screaming, can assist in depression of mandible?[a] PLATYSMA


Which muscle draws lower lip forward (“pouting”)?[a] MENTALIS


Which muscle furrows space between brows?[a] CORRUGATOR SUPERCILII


Which muscle wrinkles forehead, raises eyebrows?[a] FRONTALIS


Which muscle flares nostrils to increase pathway for air and enhance smelling?[a] NASALIS


Which muscle smiles?[a] ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR


Which muscle purses the lips when kissing?[a] ORBICULARIS ORIS


Which muscle does squinting and closes the eye?[a] ORBICULARIS OCULI


Which muscles do elevation of the mandible?[a] TEMPORALIS, MASSETER, MEDIAL PTERYGOID


Which muscle does DEPRESSION and translation (to opposite side), protrusion of the mandible?[a] LATERAL PTERYGOID




Which muscle goes from the sphincter of the mouth to zygomatic arch?[a] ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR


Which muscle goes around the mouth?[a] ORBICULARIS ORIS


Which muscle goes around the eye?[a] Orbularis Oculi


Which chewing muscle inserts on the mandibular condyle, articular disc of TMJ?[a]LATERAL PTERYGOID


Which chewing muscle originates on the lateral plate of pterygoid process/sphenoid?[a] LATERAL PTERYGOID


Which chewing muscle inserts on the angle of mandible, inferior surface?[a]MEDIAL PTERYGOID


Which chewing muscle originates on the medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate?[a] MEDIAL PTERYGOID


Which muscle inserts on the angle and ramus of mandible?[a] MASSETER


Which muscle originates on the zygomatic arch?[a] MASSETER


Which muscle inserts on the coronoid process/mandible?[a] TEMPORALIS


Which muscle originates on the temporal bone?[a] TEMPORALIS


Arthrology and Kinesiology Flashcards




Fibrous joint – structure [a]This type of joint has a binding substance of dense fibrous connective tissue.


Fibrous joint types – list [a]Sutures, gomphoses, syndesmoses


suture – location[a]This type of joint binds the skull bones together.


gomphosis – location[a]This type of joint is formed by a tooth and its alveolus.


syndesmosis – structure [a]This type of joint is formed when the binding substance is ligament.


Cartilaginous joint – structure [a]This type of joint is formed when the binding substance is cartilage.


symphysis – structure [a]This type of joint is formed when there are two bones with disk of fibrocartilage between them.


synchondrosis – structure [a]This type of joint is formed when the binding substance is hyaline cartilage. (e.g.sternocostal joints)


Synovial joint – structure [a]This type of joint is formed by an articular capsule.


What kind of cartilage covers the articulating surfaces of bones?[a]Hyaline cartilage


periosteum – define[a]This is the highly vascular connective tissue which surrounds, protects and provides nourishment to bone.


fibrous layer of a joint capsule – define[a]This layer surrounds the joint, protects deeper structures and interweaves with periosteum of articulating bones.


synovial membrane – location[a]This is the deep layer of a joint capsule.


intracapsular ligaments – location[a]This ligaments lie within the joint capsule space such as the cruciates of the knee.


capsular ligaments – structure [a]This ligaments are actually thickenings in part of the capsule.


Synarthrotic joints – list [a]This type of joints are Sutures, Gomphoses and Synchondroses. They don’t move.


Amphiarthrotic joints – list [a]This type of joints are Syndesmoses and Symphyses. They move a little.


What kind of movement do diarthrotic joints allow?[a]This type of joints are freely movable.


non-axial joints – define[a]This type of joint has bones that glide across each other with surfaces that are flat.


uni-axial joints – list types[a]HINGE and PIVOT


bi-axial joints – list types [a] These joints include ELLIPSOID (e.g. wrist joint, first CMCJ) and saddle.


tri-axial joints – list [a]BALL & SOCKET (hip and shoulder joints)


Bursa – define[a]These are the “sacks” filled with synovial fluid within the synovial membrane.


Tendon Sheath – define[a]This covers a tendon as a tubular extension of a snynovial joint membrane.


Retinaculum – define[a]This is the band of thickened fascia which serves as a restraint for groups of tendons to prevent a “bowstring” effect.


SADDLE joints – list [a]The first CMCJ and sternoclavicular joints.


Arthrology reversed



The first CMCJ and sternoclavicular joints are which type of joints?[a]SADDLE joints


What is the band of thickened fascia which serves as a restraint for groups of tendons to prevent a “bowstring” effect?[a]Retinaculum


What covers a tendon as a “tubular” extension of the synovial joint membrane?[a]Tendon Sheath


What are the “sacks” filled with synovial fluid within the synovial membrane?[a]Bursa


BALL & SOCKET are which type of joints? (hip and shoulder joints)[a]tri-axial joints


Which type of joints are ELLIPSOID e.g. wrist joint, SADDLE and first CMCJ?[a]bi-axial joints


HINGE and PIVOT are which type of joints?[a]uni-axial joints


Which type of joint has bones that glide across each other (arthrodial) with surfaces that are flat?[a]non-axial joints


Which type of joints are freely movable?[a] diarthrotic


Which type of movement do Syndesmoses and Symphyses allow?[a]Amphiarthrotic joints allow a little movement


Which type of joints are Sutures, Gomphoses and Synchondroses?[a]Synarthrotic joints – no movement


What kind of ligaments are actually thickenings in part of the capsule?[a]capsular ligaments


What kind of ligaments lie within the joint capsule space?[a]intracapsular ligaments


What is the deep layer of a joint capsule?[a]synovial membrane


Which layer surrounds joint, protects, deeper structures and interweaves with periosteum of articulating bones?[a]fibrous layer of a joint capsule


Name the highly vascular connective tissue which surrounds, protects and provides nourishment to bone.[a]periosteum


Hyaline cartilage makes what structure in a synovial joint?[a] articular cartilage


Which type of joint is formed by an articular capsule?[a]Synovial joint


Which type of joint is formed when the binding substance is hyaline cartilage? (e.g.sternocostal joints)[a]synchondrosis


Which type of joint is formed when there are two bones with a disk of fibrocartilage between them?[a]symphysis


Symphysis and synchondrosis are both which type of joint?[a]Cartilaginous joint


Which type of joint is formed when the binding substance is ligament?[a]syndesmosis


Which type of joint is formed by a tooth and its alveolus?[a]gomphosis


Which type of joint binds the skull bones together?[a]suture


Sutures, gomphoses, syndesmoses are which type of joints?[a]Fibrous joint types


What kind of movement to uniaxial (monaxial) joints permit?[a]Movement in one plane, such as flexion/extension of the elbow.


What kind of movement to diaxial (biaxial) joints permit?[a]Movement in two planes, such as flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviation of the radiocarpal joint.


What kind of movement to triaxial joints permit?[a]Movement in three planes, such as flexion/extension, abduction/adduction and rotation of the glenohumeral joint.





Arthrology – define[a]This is the study of joints.


Kinesiology – define[a]This is the study of movement.


articulation – define[a]This is a structure where two or more bones are bound together by connective tissue.


abduction – define[a]This type of movement directs bones away from the midline of the body.


adduction – define[a]This type of movement directs bones toward the midline of the body. (return to anatomical position)


radial deviation – define[a]This is the specific name for wrist abduction.


ulnar deviation – define[a]This is the specific name for wrist adduction.


lateral flexion – define[a]This type of movement bends the vertebral column sideways.


rotation- define[a]Name the type of movement where a bone spins on its own axis or around the axis of another bone.


lateral rotation aka[a]This is another name for external rotation.


medial rotation aka[a]This is another name for internal rotation.


supination – define[a]This movement rotates the forearm so the palm faces anteriorly.


pronation- define[a]Pronation. Palm. Posterior. This movement rotates the forearm so the palm faces posteriorly.


horizontal flexion/horizontal adduction – define[a]This movement occurs when the humerus, flexed at 90 degrees, moves toward the midline of the body in the transverse plane.


horizontal extension/horizontal abduction – define[a]This movement occurs when the humerus, flexed at 90 degrees, moves away from the midline of the body in the transverse plane.


circumduction – define[a]This movement occurs when the distal end of the bone moves in a circle while the proximal end remains stationary.


true circumduction – define[a]This type of circumduction involves only one joint, such as the glenohumeral joint..


false circumduction – define[a]This type of circumduction involves more than one joint, such as the cervical vertebrae.


inversion (supination) – define[a]This movement occurs when the plantar surface of the foot moves toward the midline of the body. (medial surface raised)


eversion (pronation) – define[a]This movement occurs when the plantar surface of the foot moves away from the midline of the body. (lateral surface raised)


elevation – define[a]This movement occurs when the shoulder girdle, mandible, hyoid or ribs move in a superior direction. (eyebrows too)


depression – define[a]This movement occurs when the shoulder girdle, mandible, hyoid and ribs move in an inferior direction.


protraction – define[a]This movement occurs when the shoulder girdle or mandible move in an anterior direction.


retraction – define[a]This movement occurs when the shoulder girdle or mandible move in a posterior direction.


upward rotation of scapula – define[a]This movement occurs when the scapula rotates about its axis in so that the acromion moves superiorly and inferior angle moves laterally.


downward rotation of scapula – define[a]This movement occurs when the scapula returns to anatomical position from upward rotation.


Kinesiology reversed



Which movement occurs when the scapula returns to anatomical position from upward rotation?[a]downward rotation of scapula


Which movement occurs when the scapula rotates about its axis so that the acromion moves superiorly and the inferior angle moves laterally?[a]upward rotation of scapula


Which movement occurs when the shoulder girdle or mandible move in a posterior direction?[a]retraction


Which movement occurs when the shoulder girdle and mandible move in an anterior direction?[a]protraction


Which movement occurs when the shoulder girdle, mandible, hyoid and ribs move in an inferior direction?[a]depression


Which movement occurs when the shoulder girdle, mandible, hyoid or ribs move in a superior direction?[a]elevation


Which movement occurs when the plantar surface of the foot moves away from the midline of the body? (lateral surface raised)[a]eversion (pronation)


Which movement occurs when the plantar surface of the foot moves toward the midline of the body? (medial surface raised)[a]inversion (supination)


Which type of circumduction involves more than one joint? i.e. the cervical vertebrae[a]false circumduction


Which type of circumduction involves only one joint? i.e. the glenohumeral joint[a]true circumduction


Which movement occurs when the distal end of the bone moves in a circle while the proximal end remains stationary?[a]circumduction


Which movement occurs when the humerus, flexed at 90 degrees, moves away from the midline of the body in the transverse plane?[a]horizontal extension/horizontal abduction


Which movement occurs when the humerus, flexed at 90 degrees, moves toward the midline of the body in the transverse plane?[a]horizontal flexion/horizontal adduction


Which movement rotates the forearm so the palm faces posteriorly?[a]Pronation – Palm – Posterior


Which movement rotates the forearm so the palm faces anteriorly?[a]supination


What is another name for internal rotation?[a]medial rotation


What is another name for external rotation?[a]lateral rotation


Name the type of movement where a bone spins on its own axis or around the axis of another bone?[a]rotation


Which type of movement bends the vertebral column sideways?[a]lateral flexion


What is the specific name for wrist adduction?[a]ulnar deviation


What is the specific name for wrist abduction?[a]radial deviation


Which type of movement directs bones toward the midline of the body? (return to anatomical position)[a]adduction


Which type of movement directs bones away from the midline of the body?[a]abduction


Name the type of structure that occurs where two or more bones are bound together by connective tissue?[a]articulation


What is the study of movement?[a]Kinesiology


What is the study of joints?[a]Arthrology
