Muscles of the trunk Flashcards

Muscles of the trunk



Origin: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM[a]This posterior abdominal wall muscle originates on the posterior iliac crest.


Insertion: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM[a]This posterior abdominal wall muscle inserts on lumbar (L1-L4) transverse processes (oblique fibers), R12.


Origin: RECTUS ABDOMINIS[a]This abdominal muscle originates on the pubic crest.


Insertion: RECTUS ABDOMINIS[a]This abdominal muscle inserts on costal cartilages of ribs 5,6,7 and xiphoid process.


Origin: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle originates on the inferior 8 ribs (5-12), interdigitating with serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi.


Insertion: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle inserts on iliac crest, linea alba via abdominal aponeurosis.


Origin: INTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle originates on the ASIS, iliac crest, and deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia.


Insertion: INTERNAL OBLIQUE[a]This abdominal muscle inserts on the linea alba and inferior ribs (9-12).


Origin: DIAPHRAGM[a]This muscle originates on the posterior xiphoid process, deep surface of lower ribs (7-12) and costal cartilages and the lumbar (L1-L3) vertebral bodies (via the CRURA, three large bundles of musculotendinous fibers).


Insertion: DIAPHRAGM[a]This muscle inserts on the central tendon — an aponeurosis which does not attach to bone but lies at the top of the muscle, where all fibers come together.


Attachments: EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle originates on a superior rib and inserts on the rib below.


Attachments: INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle originates on an inferior rib and inserts on the rib above.


List the muscles of trunk lateral flexion.[a] unilateral contraction of rectus abominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, intertransversarii.


List the muscles of trunk rotation to the left.[a] RIGHT transversospinalis group, external abdominal obliques; LEFT internal abdominal obliques.


Action: INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle does depression of the ribs to exhale.


Action: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE, INTERNAL OBLIQUE, and RECTUS ABDOMINUS[a]This 3 muscles do flexion of trunk and compression of abdomen.


Action: DIAPHRAGM[a]This muscle does inhalation as it descends.


Action: EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS[a]This muscle does elevation of the ribs to inhale.


Action: TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS[a]This muscle does compression of abdomen only.


Nickname for quadratus lumborum[a]This muscle is called the hip hiker.


List the muscles of relaxed inhalation.[a] Diaphragm, external intercostals.


This breathing action requires no muscles at all.[a]relaxed exhalation.


List the muscles of trunk flexion.[a] rectus abdominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques.


List the muscles of trunk extension.[a]: bilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, semispinalis. interspinalis, multifidus, intertransversarii, rotatores


Action: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion, elevation of pelvis.(It acts as the hip hiker with a Fixed Insertion).


Action: QUADRATUS LUMBORUM in bilateral contraction[a]This lower back muscle in bilateral contraction does extension of lumbar spine.


Action: RECTUS ABDOMINIS[a]This muscle does flexion of trunk and compression of the abdomen.


Action: TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS[a]This muscle does compression of abdomen only.


Action: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE and internal oblique in bilateral contraction[a]These 2 muscles do flexion of trunk and compression of abdomen in bilateral contraction.


Action: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion and rotation of trunk to the opposite side.


Action: INTERNAL OBLIQUE in unilateral contraction[a]This muscle in unilateral contraction does lateral flexion of the trunk and rotation to the same side.


Common Action: abdominal muscles[a]This muscle group does compression of the viscera as in forced exhalation.


Common Action: Pubococcygeus, COCCYGEUS, Iliococcygeus, Puborectalis[a]These muscles support the abdominal floor.


List the muscles of forced inhalation.[a] Diaphragm, external intercostals, scalenes, posterior superior obliques., pec minor, levatores, Quadratus lumborum, SCM, serratus anterior, pec major.


List the muscles of forced exhalation.[a]abdominals, internal intercostals, serratus posterior inferior., Quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis.


Muscles of the trunk reversed



What are the actions of: Diaphragm, external intercostals?[a] relaxed inhalation.


Which muscle is called the hip hiker?[a]quadratus lumborum


Which muscle does compression of abdomen only?[a] TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS


Which 2 muscles do flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation of the trunk as well as compression of the viscera?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE and INTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which muscle does elevation of the ribs to inhale?[a] EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


Which muscle does inhalation as it descends?[a] DIAPHRAGM


Which muscle does lateral flexion of the trunk, elevation of pelvis (Fixed Insertion)?[a] QUADRATUS LUMBORUM


Which 3 muscles do flexion of trunk and compression of abdomen?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE, INTERNAL OBLIQUE, and RECTUS ABDOMINUS


Which muscle does depression of the ribs to exhale?[a] INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


In which movement are these muscles synergists: RIGHT external abdominal obliques; LEFT internal abdominal obliques?[a] trunk rotation to the left.


In which movement are these muscles synergists: unilateral contraction of rectus abominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, intertransversarii?[a]trunk lateral flexion.


Which muscle originates on an inferior rib and inserts on the rib above?[a] INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


Which muscle originates on a superior rib and inserts on the rib below?[a]EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS


Which muscle inserts on the central tendon?[a] DIAPHRAGM


Which muscle originates on the posterior xiphoid process, deep surface of lower ribs (7-12) and costal cartilages and the lumbar (L1-L3) vertebral bodies ?[a] DIAPHRAGM


Which abdominal muscle inserts on the linea alba and inferior ribs (9-12)?[a] INTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle originates on the ASIS, iliac crest, and deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia?[a] INTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle inserts on iliac crest, linea alba via abdominal aponeurosis?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle originates on the inferior 8 ribs (5-12), interdigitating with serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi?[a] EXTERNAL OBLIQUE


Which abdominal muscle inserts on costal cartilages of ribs 5,6,7 and xiphoid process?[a] RECTUS ABDOMINIS


Which abdominal muscle originates on the pubic crest?[a] RECTUS ABDOMINIS


Which posterior abdominal wall muscle inserts on lumbar (L1-L4) transverse processes (oblique fibers), R12?[a] QUADRATUS LUMBORUM


Which posterior abdominal wall muscle originates on the posterior iliac crest?[a] QUADRATUS LUMBORUM


In which movement are these muscles synergists: bilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, interspinalis, multifidus, intertransversarii, rotatores[a] trunk extension.


In which movement are these muscles synergists: rectus abdominis, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques?[a] trunk flexion.


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