Muscle Histology Flashcards

Muscle histology



SMOOTH MUSCLE – describe[a]This type of muscle is INVOLUNTARY and NON-STRIATED.


SMOOTH MUSCLE – location[a]This type of muscle is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels.


CARDIAC MUSCLE – describe[a]This type of muscle is STRIATED AND INVOLUNTARY.


SKELETAL MUSCLE – describe[a]This type of muscle is STRIATED AND VOLUNTARY.


SARCOLEMMA – define[a]This is the name of muscle fiber membrane.


ENDOMYSIUM – define[a]This is the name of the sheet of loose connective tissue surrounding a muscle cell.


FASCICLES – define[a]This is a group of muscle fibers surrounded by connective tissue called the PERIMYSIUM.


EPIMYSIUM – define[a]This is the name of the outer wrapping of the muscle.


MYOFIBRILS – define[a]This is the name of the fine fibers found within the sarcolemma.


MYOFILAMENTS are made of what?[a]Myosin and actin.


SARCOMERES – define[a]These are repeating subunits that make up the myofibril.


Z-lines – define[a]This is the structure that marks the ends of a sarcomere.


Tropomyosin – define[a]This is the name of the protein that covers the binding sites when the muscle is relaxed.


T-TUBULES – define[a]This is the name of the tubules that penetrate the sarcomere from the surface of the cell.


The SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM stores what?[a]This structure stores Ca++ inside the muscle cell.


MOTOR UNIT – define[a]This is a motor neuron and the muscle cells it innervates.


How many muscle cells do smaller motor units have?[a]Small motor units have as few as 3-5 muscle cells per neuron.


How many muscle cells do larger motor units have?[a]Large motor units have as many as 1000 muscle cells per neuron.


MYONEURAL or NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION – define[a]synapse between the motor neuron and the muscle cell meet.


THE ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE – define[a]This principle states: there is no such thing as a partial contraction of a muscle fiber.


Spasm – define[a]This is a sustained muscle contraction due to excessive neuromuscular activity. They can be short-term or long-term.


HYPOTONIA – define[a]Decreased muscle tone


ATONIA – define[a]Loss of muscle tone characteristic of paralysis)


HYPERTONIA – define[a]Increased muscle tone


Slow twitch muscle fibers – define[a]These are muscle fibers with lots of mitochondria, capillaries (aerobic) and resistance to fatigue.


Fast twitch muscle fibers – define[a]This are muscle fibers that are strong, rapid, and fatigue easily.


Muscle histology reversed



What muscle fibers are strong, rapid, and fatigue easily?[a]Fast twitch muscle fibers


What are muscle fibers with lots of mitochondria, capillaries (aerobic) and resistance to fatigue?[a]Slow twitch muscle fibers


Increased muscle tone is called?[a]HYPERTONIA


Loss of muscle tone is called? (Characteristic of paralysis)[a]ATONIA


Decreased muscle tone is called?[a]HYPOTONIA


What is a sustained muscle contraction due to excessive neuromuscular activity? They can be short-term or long-term.[a]Spasm


What principle states: “There is no such thing as a partial contraction of a muscle fiber?”[a]THE ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE




Where do the motor neuron and the muscle cell meet?[a]MYONEURAL or NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION


Which motor units have as many as 1000 muscle cells per neuron?[a] larger motor units, i.e. in the quads


Which motor units have as few as 2-5 muscle cells per neuron?[a]smaller motor units, i.e. in the hands and face for fine motor control


What is the structure that includes the neuron and the muscle cells it innervates?[a]MOTOR UNIT


What structure stores Ca++ inside the muscle cell?[a]The SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM


What is the name of the tubules that penetrate the sarcomere from the surface of the cell?[a]T-TUBULES


What is the name of the protein that covers the binding sites when the muscle is relaxed?[a]Tropomyosin/Troponin Complex


What is the structure that marks the ends of a sarcomere?[a]Z-lines


What is the name of the repeating subunits that compose the myofibril?[a]SARCOMERES


Myosin and actin compose what structure?[a]MYOFILAMENTS


What is the name of the fine fibers found within the sarcolemma?[a]MYOFIBRILS


What is the name of the outer wrapping of the muscle?[a]EPIMYSIUM


What is the name of groups of fibers surrounded by PERIMYSIUM?[a]FASCICLES


What is the name of the sheet of loose connective tissue surrounding a muscle cell?[a]ENDOMYSIUM


What is the name of muscle fiber membrane?[a]SARCOLEMMA




What type of muscle is MYOGENIC?[a] CARDIAC MUSCLE




What type of muscle is found in the digestive tract and blood vessels?[a]SMOOTH MUSCLE




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