Cytology Flashcards




What is a cell?[a] BASIC UNIT OF LIFE


CELL MEMBRANE – structure [a] phospholipid bilayer with integral proteins.


NUCLEUS – define[a]This organelle contains the genetic material


CYTOPLASM – define[a]This substance contains everything between the cell membrane and the nucleus.


CYTOSOL – define[a]This is the fluid portion of the cytoplasm also known as intracellular fluid.


ORGANELLES – define[a]The discrete structures inside a cell that are enclosed in plasma membranes and have specific shapes and functions.


INCLUSIONS – define[a]Storage spaces within the cytoplasm containing raw materials for the cell.


integral proteins – define[a] various proteins located in the cell membrane such as carrier molecules, channels and receptorrs.


CILIA – define[a] numerous hair-like fibrils that project from some cells.


FLAGELLA – define[a] a whip-like fiber for propulsion extending from a cell.


MICROVILLI – define[a] finger-like extensions of cell membranes to increase surface area.


RIBOSOMES – function[a] the sites of protein synthesis.


ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM – structure [a]a network of membranes found in the enclosed space of cytoplasm.


Rough Endoplasmic reticulum – structure [a] canals in a cell bound with ribosomes.


Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum – structure [a]canals in a cell with no ribosomes


GOLGI COMPLEX – function[a]This organelle packages and delivers proteins and lipids to the cell membrane.


LYSOSOMES – structure [a] Thes membrane enclosed vesicles contain powerful digestive enzymes capable of breaking down a wide variety of molecules.


MITOCHONDRIA – function[a] the site of aerobic catabolism of glucose.


CENTRIOLES – function[a]Thes organelles coordinate the movements of chromosomes during cell division.


PASSIVE transport of material for a cell – examples [a]DIFFUSION, OSMOSIS, and FILTRATION .


DIFFUSION – define[a]This type of transport causes the movement of solute molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. (respiratory gases)


OSMOSIS – define[a]This type of transport causes the movement of a solvent (water) across a semipermeable membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration.


ACTIVE TRANSPORT of material for a cell – examples [a]PINOCYTOSIS and PHAGOCYTOSIS and Carrier molecules


PINOCYTOSIS – define[a]This cellular process encloses dissolved particles (the cell drinks).


PHAGOCYTOSIS – define[a]This cellular process encloses large, undissolved particles (the cell eats).


ENDOCYTOSIS – define[a]A processby by which a cell absorbs materials.


EXOCYTOSIS – define [a]A processby by which a cell expells materials.


Cytology reversed



What is the process by which a cell expells materials?[a]EXOCYTOSIS


What is the process by which a cell absorbs materials?[a]ENDOCYTOSIS


What is the process by which a cells encloses large, undissolved particles (the cell eats)?[a]PHAGOCYTOSIS


What is the processby by which a cell encloses dissolved particles (the cell drinks)?[a]PINOCYTOSIS


What kind of transport are PINOCYTOSIS and PHAGOCYTOSIS and Carrier molecules?[a]ACTIVE TRANSPORT


What kind of transport causes the movement of a solvent (water) across a semipermeable membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration[a]OSMOSIS


What kind of transport causes the movement of solutes from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. (i.e.respiratory gases)[a]DIFFUSION


What kind of transport is DIFFUSION, OSMOSIS, and FILTRATION?[a]PASSIVE transport of material for a cell


Which organelles coordinate the movements of chromosomes during cell division[a]CENTRIOLES


This is the site of aerobic catabolism of glucose.[a]MITOCHONDRIA


Which membrane enclosed vesicles contain powerful digestive enzymes capable of breaking down a wide variety of molecules?[a]LYSOSOMES – structure


This organelle packages and delivers proteins and lipids to the cell membrane.[a]GOLGI COMPLEX


What are membranes or canals in a cell with no ribosomes?[a]Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum


What are membranes or canals in a cell bound with ribosomes?[a]Rough Endoplasmic reticulum


What organelles are the site of protein synthesis?[a]RIBOSOMES


What are finger-like extensions of cell membranes to increase surface area?[a]MICROVILLI


What is a whip-like fiber for propulsion extending from a cell?[a]FLAGELLA


What are numerous hair-like fibrils that project from some cells?[a]CILIA


What are the proteins located in the cell membrane such as carrier molecules, channels and receptors?[a]integral proteins


What are storage spaces within the cytoplasm containing raw materials for the cell?[a]INCLUSIONS


What is the fluid portion of the cytoplasm, also known as intracellular fluid[a]CYTOSOL


Which organelle contains the genetic material?[a]NUCLEUS


What is a phospholipid bilayer with integral proteins?[a]CELL MEMBRANE


What is the fluid outside the cell?[a] interstitial fluid aka tissue fluid aka the internal body environment




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