Cranial Nerve Flashcards

Cranial Nerve Deck



Cranial nerve I – name [a] OLFACTORY nerve


Cranial nerve II – name [a] OPTIC nerve


Cranial nerve III – name [a] OCULOMOTOR nerve


Cranial nerve IV – name [a]TROCHLEAR nerve


Cranial nerve V – name [a] TRIGEMINAL nerve


Cranial nerve VI – name [a] ABDUCENS nerve


Cranial nerve VII – name [a] FACIAL nerve


Cranial nerve VIII – name [a] VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR nerve


Cranial nerve IX – name [a] GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL nerve


Cranial nerve XI – name [a] ACCESSORY/ SPINOACCESSORY nerve


Cranial nerve XII – name [a]HYPOGLOSSAL nerve


Cranial nerve I – function [a] smell


Cranial nerve II – function [a] vision


Cranial nerve III – function [a] activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic eye muscles


Cranial nerve IV – function [a]activation of the superior oblique muscle


Cranial nerve V – function [a] tactile senses of the face and chewing muscles


Cranial nerve VI – function [a]activation of the lateral rectus muscle


Cranial nerve VII – function [a]innervation of muscles of facial expression, taste and salivation


Cranial nerve VIII – function [a]innervation of hearing and equilibrium


Cranial nerve IX – function [a]innervation of muscles of the pharynx and carotid sinus stretch receptor


Cranial nerve X- function [a] innervation of the pharynx and larynx and aortic sinus stretch receptors


Cranial nerve XI – function [a] control of trapezius and the SCM


Cranial nerve XII – function [a]innervation of muscles of tongue


Olfactory Nerve – route[a] This nerve passes through the cribriform plate


Where does the optic nerve attach?[a] Thalamus


Which cranial nerves attach to the brainstem? [a]CN’s III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII (everthing but I and II)


Which cranial nerves sends information to the vestibular nucleus and the temporal lobe?[a] CN VIII


Which cranial nerves get information from the superior colliculi? [a]CN’s III,IV and IV (control of the eye)


Which cranial nerves perform ANS functions?[a]CN’s III, VII, IX, and X share


What do CN’s I, II and VIII have in common?[a] They are purely sensory


CN’s III, IV, and VI have in common?[a] They handle extrinsic eye function


What do CN’s I, II, VII, VIII and IX have in common?[a]They handle the special senses


CN VIII carries how many senses?[a]2 special senses


Taste is carried by how many cranial nerves?[a] two – CN’s VII and IX


Trigeminal Neuralgia is a pathology associated with which cranial nerve?[a] Trigeminal nerve


Bell’s Palsy is a pathology associated with which cranial nerve?[a] Facial Nerve


What common organ does CN’s V, VII, IX and XII serve?[a]the tongue


CN VII does what for the eyes?[a] tears


CN III innervates which intrinsic eye muscles?[a]the ciliary and circular muscle


Cranial Nerve Deck Reversed



Which numeral refers to the OLFACTORY nerve?[a]Cranial nerve I


Which numeral refers to the OPTIC nerve?[a]Cranial nerve II


Which numeral refers to the OCULOMOTOR nerve?[a]Cranial nerve III name


Which numeral refers to the TROCHLEAR nerve?[a]Cranial nerve IV


Which numeral refers to the TRIGEMINAL nerve?[a]Cranial nerve V


Which numeral refers to the ABDUCENS nerve?[a]Cranial nerve VI


Which numeral refers to the FACIAL NERVE nerve?[a]Cranial nerve VII


Which numeral refers to the VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR nerve?[a]Cranial nerve VIII


Which numeral refers to the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL nerve?[a]Cranial nerve IX


Which numeral refers to the Vagus Nerve?[a]Cranial nerve X


Which numeral refers to the ACCESSORY/ SPINOACCESSORY nerve?[a]Cranial nerve XI


Which numeral refers to the HYPOGLOSSAL nerve?[a]Cranial nerve XII


Which nerve is responsible for smell?[a]Cranial nerve I


Which nerve is responsible for vision?[a]Cranial nerve II


Which nerve is responsible for the intrinsic and extrinsic eye muscles?[a]Cranial nerve III


Which nerve is responsible for the superior oblique muscle?[a]Cranial nerve IV


Which nerve is responsible for hearing and equilibrium?[a]Cranial nerve VIII


Which nerve is responsible for muscles of the pharynx and carotid sinus stretch receptors?[a]Cranial nerve IX


Which nerve is responsible for ANS control of the pharynx and larynx and aortic sinus stretch receptors?[a]Cranial nerve X


Which nerve is responsible for control of trapezius and the SCM?[a]Cranial nerve XI


Which nerve is responsible for muscles of tongue?[a]Cranial nerve XII


Which nerve passes through the cribriform plate?[a]Olfactory Nerve


Which nerve connects to the Thalamus?[a]e optic nerve


In which part of the brain do CN’s III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII attach?[a]brainstem


Where does CN VIII send its information?[a] vestibular nucleus and the temporal lobe


Where does the information traveling in CN’s III,IV and IV come from?[a] superior colliculi?


Which common function do CN’s III, VII, IX, and X share?[a] ANS (parasympathetic)


Which CN’S are purely sensory?[a] CN’s I, II and VIII


Which CN’S handle extrinsic eye function?[a]C.N’s III, IV, and VI


Which CN’S handle the special senses?[a]; CN’s I, II, VII, VIII and IX


Which CN handles 2 special senses?[a]CN VIII


Which special sense is carried by two different CN’s?[a]Taste


Which pathology is associated with the Trigeminal nerve?[a]Trigeminal Neuralgia


Which pathology is associated with the Facial Nerve?[a]Bell’s Palsy


Which CN’s serve the tongue?[a] V(touch), VII(taste), IX(taste) and XII (muscle control)


Which CN is for tears?[a]CN VII


Which CN innervates the ciliary and circular muscle?[a]CN III


Which nerve is responsible for tactile senses of the face and chewing muscles?[a]Cranial nerve V


Which nerve is responsible for the lateral rectus muscle?[a]Cranial nerve VI


Which nerve is responsible for muscles of facial expression, taste and salivation?[a]Cranial nerve VII


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