Which muscle is innervated by the PHRENIC nerve?[a] the Diaphragm
Which nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Radialis?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates the interossei?[a] the ULNAR nerve
Which nerve innervates Brachioradialis?[a] the RADIAL nerve
Which muscles are innervated by the AXILLARY nerve?[a] Teres Minor and Deltoid
Which nerve innervates Palmaris Longus?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates the lumbricals?[a] the ULNAR nerve
Which muscles are innervated by the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve?[a] Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Coracobrachialis
Which muscles are innervated by the RADIAL nerve?[a] Tricep brachii, Anconeus, Brachioradialis, Supinator, the Wrist/Hand Extensors
Which muscles are innervated by the MEDIAN nerve?[a] Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus, Flexor Carpi Radialis, Palmaris Longus, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Pollicis Longus, the Thenar Eminence
Which muscles are innervated by the ULNAR nerve?[a] Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Digitorum Profundus, the hypothenar Eminence, the lumbricals, the interossei
Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Superficialis?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates Brachialis?[a] the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve
Which muscles may entrap the BRACHIAL PLEXUS?[a]The scalense and pectorais minor
[q]Which nerve innervates the hypothenar Eminence?[a]the ULNAR nerve
Which bones may entrap the MEDIAN nerve?[a]The carpal tunnel
Upper Extremity Nerves 2
Which nerve innervates the Diaphragm?[a] the PHRENIC nerve
Which nerve innervates Teres Minor?[a] the AXILLARY nerve
Which nerve innervates Deltoid?[a] the AXILLARY nerve
Which nerve innervates Biceps Brachii?[a] the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve
Which nerve innervates Tricep brachii?[a] the RADIAL nerve
Which nerve innervates Coracobrachialis?[a] the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve
Which nerve innervates Anconeus?[a] the RADIAL nerve
Which nerve innervates Pronator Teres?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates the Wrist/Hand Extensors?[a] the RADIAL nerve
Which nerve innervates Pronator Quadratus?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Profundus?[a] the ULNAR nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Pollicis Longus?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?[a] the ULNAR nerve
Which nerve innervates the Thenar Eminence?[a] the MEDIAN nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?[a] the ULNAR nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Profundus?[a] the ULNAR nerve
The Scalenes may entrap which plexus?[a] BRACHIAL PLEXUS
Pectorais Minor may entrap which plexus?[a] BRACHIAL PLEXUS
The carpal tunnel may entrap which nerve?[a] MEDIAN nerve
Lower Extremity Nerves
The Lumbar Plexus is formed from which spinal nerves?[a] SN’s L1-L4
The Sacral Plexus is formed from which spinal nerves?[a] SN’s L4-S3
Which nerve innervates Quadriceps?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Adductor Longus?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE
Which nerve innervates Illiopsoas?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Adductor Magnus?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE
Which nerve innervates pectineus?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Adductor Brevis?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE
Which nerve innervates Sartorius?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Obturator Externus?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE
Which nerve innervates the Oblique Abdominals?[a] the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves
Which nerve innervates Gluteus Medius?[a] the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Gluteus Maximus?[a] the INFERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Gluteus Minimus?[a] the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates the Hamstrings?[a] the SCIATIC Nerve
Which nerve innervates Tensor Fascia Latae/TFL?[a] the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Gastrocnemius?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Tibialis Anterior?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Popliteus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Peroneus Longus?[a] the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Plantaris?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Peroneus Tertius?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Soleus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Peroneus Brevis?[a] the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Longus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Extensor Digitorum Longus?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Flexor Hallucis Longus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Extensor Hallucis Longus?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates Tibialis Posterior?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve
Piriformis can impinge which nerve?[a]The sciatic nerve
Disks of L4 and L5 can impinge which nerve?[a]The roots of the sciatic nerve
Which nerve innervates the anterior thigh?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates the medial thigh?[a]the OBTURATOR NERVE
Which nerves innervate the abdominal wall?[a] the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves
Which nerve innervates the gluteal muscles?[a] the SUPERIOR and INFERIOR GLUTEAL Nerves
Which nerve innervates the Hamstrings and the whole leg?[a] SCIATIC Nerve
Which nerve innervates the posterior leg?[a]the TIBIAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates the anterior leg?[a]the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve
Which nerve innervates the lateral leg?[a] the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve
Piriformis can impinge which nerve?[a]The sciatic nerve
Lower Extremity Nerves reversed
Which structure is formed and innervated by SN’s L1-L4[a]The Lumbar Plexus
Which structure is formed and innervated by SN’s L4-S3[a]The Sacral Plexus
Which muscles are innervated by the FEMORAL Nerve[a] Quadriceps, Iliopsoas,Pectineus,Sartorius
Which muscles are innervated by the OBTURATOR NERVE[a] Adductor Longus, Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis, Gracillis
Which muscles are innervated by the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves[a] Internal and External Abdominal Obliques and Transverse Abdominis
Which muscles are innervated by the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve[a] Gluteus Medius, Minimus, and Tensor Fascia Latae/TFL
Which muscle is innervated by the INFERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve[a] Gluteus Maximus
Which muscles are innervated by the SCIATIC Nerve[a] the Hamstrings and all the muscles of the leg
Which muscles are innervated by the TIBIAL Nerve[a] Gastrocnemius,Soleus,Popliteus,Plantaris, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus, Tibialis Posterior (Girl scouts pop pills for first time.)
Which muscles are innervated by the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve[a] Peroneus Longus and Brevis
Which muscle is innervated by the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve[a]Peroneus Tertius, Extensor Digitorum Longus,Extensor Hallucis Longus, Tibialis Posterior
The sciatic nerve can be impinged by which muscle[a]Piriformis
The roots of the sciatic nerve can be impinged by which spinal feature[a]Disks of L4 and L5
Which part of the body is innervated by the FEMORAL Nerve[a] the anterior thigh
Which part of the body is innervated by the OBTURATOR NERVE[a] the medial thigh
Which part of the body is innervated by the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves[a]the abdominal wall
Which part of the body is innervated by the TIBIAL Nerve[a] the posterior leg compartment
Which part of the body is innervated by the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve[a] the anterior leg compartment
Which part of the body is innervated by the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve[a] the lateral leg compartment
The sciatic nerve can be impinged by which muscle[a]Piriformis
Cervical Enlargement – define[a]the thickened part of cord where nerves for upper extremities attach
Lumbar Enlargement – define[a] the thickened part of cord where nerves for lower extremities attach
Conus Medullaris – define[a] the inferior border of cord proper around L2
Spinal Segments – define[a] the sections of the cord that give rise to a pair of spinal nerves
Dermatome – define[a] an area of skin innervated by a specific segment
Myotome – define[a] an area of muscles innervated by a specific segment
Scleratome – define[a] an area of connective tissue innervated by a specific segment
Pia Mater – define[a] the innermost layer of meninges that adheres directly to cord
Filum Terminale – define[a] the string like continuation of Pia mater that anchors cord to sacrum
Arachnoid Mater – define[a] the middle layer of meninges
Sub Arachnoid Space – define[a] the space between Arachnoid mater and Pia mater filled with Cerebrospinal fluid for extra cushioning and protection
Dura Mater – define[a] the outer most layer of meninges which travels down to sacrum
Subdural space – define[a] the space between Dura mater and Arachnoid mater
Epidural space – define[a] the space outside Dura mater between it, the vertebrae and skull
Central Canal – define[a] the hole in the center of cord lined with ependymal cells and filled with Cerebrospinal fluid.
Posterior Grey Horn – function[a] the area where 1st order neurons synapse with second order sensory neurons
Anterior Grey Horn – function[a] the area where CNS motor neurons synapse with soma of lower motor neurons
Lateral Grey Horn – structure[a] the area composed of somas of autonomic preganglionic neurons
Dorsal Root Ganglion – define[a] the bump on dorsal root that contains cell bodies of unipolar sensory neurons
Columns/Funiculi – define[a] the Posterior, Anterior, and Lateral areas of white matter in the cord
Tracts/Fasiculi – define[a] smaller bundles of white matter within the columns of the cord which carry impulses up and down cord
Spinal Cord deck 1 reversed
Which part of the CNS is located in the vertebral canal?[a]SPINAL CORD
Which term describes the thickened part of cord where nerves for upper extremities attach?[a]Cervical Enlargement
Which term describes the thickened part of cord where nerves for lower extremities attach?[a]Lumbar Enlargement
Which term describes the inferior border of cord proper around L2?[a]Conus Medullaris
Which term describes the sections of the cord that give rise to a pair of spinal nerves?[a]Spinal Segments
Which term describes an area of skin innervated by a specific segment?[a]Dermatome
Which term describes an area of muscles innervated by a specific segment?[a]Myotome
Which term describes an area of connective tissue innervated by a specific segment?[a]Scleratome
Which term describes the innermost layer of meninges that adheres directly to cord?[a]Pia Mater
Which term describes the string like continuation of Pia mater that anchors cord to sacrum?[a]Filum Terminale
Which term describes the middle layer of meninges?[a]Arachnoid Membrane
Which term describes the space between Arachnoid mater and Pia mater filled with Cerebrospinal fluid for extra cushioning and protection?[a]Sub Arachnoid Space
Which term describes the outer most layer of meninges?[a]Dura Mater
Which term describes the space between Dura mater and Arachnoid mater?[a]Subdural space
Which term describes the space between the Dura mater and the bone surrounding it?[a]Epidural space
Which term describes the hole in the center of cord lined with ependymal cells and filled with Cerebrospinal fluid?[a]Central Canal
In which area od a spinal segment do 1st order neurons synapse with second order sensory neurons?[a]Posterior Grey Horn
In which area od a spinal segment do CNS motor neurons synapse with soma of lower motor neurons?[a]Anterior Grey Horn
In which area of a spinal segment do you find autonomic preganglionic neurons?[a]Lateral Grey Horn
Which term describes the bump on dorsal root that contains cell bodies of unipolar sensory neurons?[a]Dorsal Root Ganglion
Which term describes the Posterior, Anterior, and Lateral areas of white matter in the cord?[a]Columns/Funiculi
Which term describes smaller bundles of white matter within the columns of the cord which carry impulses up and down cord?[a]Tracts/Fasiculi
Spinal Cord deck 2
Long tracts – function[a]These tracts connect brain to cord or cord to brain
Short tracts/propriospinal tracts – function[a]These tracts connect different segments of the cord to coordinate movements and reflexes
Ascending tracts – function[a]These tracts are sensory tracts and carry info up to the brain
Descending tracts – function[a]These tracts are motor tracts that carry info down from the brain
Dorsal Root – structure[a]This root contains the PNS sensory neurons that end up in Posterior gray horn of spinal cord
Ventral Root – structure[a]Thise root contains motor neurons that begin in the Anterior and Lateral gray horns
Spinal Nerve – structure[a]These mixed nerves are formed where roots merge and exit the vertebral column through intervertebral foramina
Rami – define[a]This term describes the branches of the spinal nerves located outside the vertebral column
Posterior Ramus – structure[a]This branch of spinal nerve contains neurons that innervate the skin and muscles in a small strip just lateral to vertebral column
Anterior Ramus – structure[a]This branch of the spinal nerve contains the neurons that innervate the trunk and limbs except for the paraspinal muscles
Rami Communicans – structure[a]This branches of the spinal nerve attach the sympathetic chain ganglia to the spinal nerves
White rami communicans – structure[a] These branches of the Anterior Ramus contain sympathetic preganglionic neurons
Grey rami communicans – structure[a]This branch of the spinal nerve contains sympathetic postganglionic neurons
1st order neuron – pathway[a]These neurons travels from the receptor into the Posterior Gray Horn and synapses with 2nd order neuron
2nd order neuron – pathway[a]These neurons originate in the Posterior Gray Horn and travel in a tract up to the thalamus.
3rd order neuron – pathway[a]This neuron goes from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex Has precise localization of sensation and conscious awareness.
What kind of information travels along the Spinothalamic tracts?[a] touch
What kind of information travels along the Posterior/Anterior Spinocerebellar Pathways?[a] proprioception
Upper motor neuron – pathway[a]This neuron begins in the brain, travels down a tract, ends in the Anterior Gray Horn and synapses with the lower motor neuron.
Lower motor neuron – pathway[a]This neuron begins in the Anterior Gray Horn, travels out through the ventral root into the spinal nerve and on to the effector
What kind of information travels along the Pyramidal/Corticospinal Tracts?[a] Signals from cerebral cortex to Anterior Gray Horn for voluntary control of skeletal muscle
What kind of information travels along the Extrapyramidal tract?[a]Commands for involuntary control of skeletal muscle
What causes flaccid paralysis?[a] lower motor neuron damage
What causes spastic paralysis?[a] upper motor neuron damage
AUTONOMIC MOTOR SYSTEM- PATHWAY[a] Preganglionic neurons go from lateral gray horn/cranial nerve nuclei to an autonomic ganglion. Then Postganlionic neurons go from ANS ganglion to the effector organ.
INTERNUNCIAL POOL – define[a]A group of nearby neurons in the spinal cord which can all be facilitated by a strong enough stimulus.
Which spinal nerves form the CERVICAL Plexus?[a]spinal nerves C1 to C4/C5
Which spinal nerves form the BRACHIAL Plexus?[a] C5 to T1
Which spinal nerves form the LUMBAR Plexus?[a] L1 to L4
Which spinal nerves form the SACRAL Plexus?[a] L4 or L5 to S3
Spinal Cord Deck 2 reversed
Which type of tracts connect brain to cord or cord to brain?[a]Long tracts
Which type of tracts connect different segments of the cord to coordinate movements and reflexes?[a]Short tracts/propriospinal tracts
Which type of tracts are sensory tracts and carry info up to the brain?[a]Ascending tracts
Which type of tracts are motor tracts that carry info down from the brain?[a]Descending tracts
Which type of root contains the PNS sensory neurons that end up in Posterior gray horn of spinal cord?[a]Dorsal Root
Which type of root contains motor neurons that begin in the Anterior and Lateral gray horns?[a]Ventral Root
Which type of mixed nerve is formed where roots merge and exits vertebral column through intervertebral foramina?[a]Spinal Nerve
Which term describes the branches of the spinal nerves located outside the vertebral column?[a]Rami
Which branch of spinal nerve contains neurons that innervate the skin and muscles in a small strip just lateral to vertebral column?[a]Posterior Ramus
Which branch of the spinal nerve contains the neurons that innervate the trunk and limbs except for the paraspinal muscles?[a]Anterior Ramus
Which branches of the spinal nerve attach the sympathetic chain ganglia to the spinal nerves?[a]Rami Communicans
Which branches of the Anterior Ramus contain sympathetic preganglionic neurons?[a]White rami communicans
Which branch of the spinal nerve contains sympathetic postganglionic neurons?[a]Grey rami communicans
Which type of neuron originates in the Posterior Gray Horn and travels in a tract up to the thalamus?[a]2nd order neuron
Which type of neuron goes from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex?[a] 3rd order neuron
Which tracts transmits touch?[a]What kind of information travels along the Spinothalamic tracts?
Which tracty transmits proprioceptive info to the cerebellum for coordination of movement?[a]Spinocerebellar tract
Which type of neuron begins in the brain, travels down a tract, ends in the Anterior Gray Horn and synapses with the lower motor neuron?[a]Upper motor neuron
Which type of neuron begins in the Anterior Gray Horn, travels out through the ventral root into the spinal nerve and on to the effector?[a]Lower motor neuron
Which tracts carry signals from cerebral cortex to Anterior Gray Horn for voluntary control of skeletal muscle?[a] Pyramidal/Corticospinal Tracts
Which tract is composed of axons of neurons which travel down to the Anterior Gray Horn for involuntary control of skeletal muscle?[a] Extrapyramidal tract
Which type of condition occurs due to lower motor neuron damage?[a] flaccid paralysis?
Which type of condition occurs due to upper motor neuron damage?[a] spastic paralysis?
In which pathway do preganglionic neurons go from lateral gray horn/cranial nerve nuclei to an autonomic ganglion and postganlionic neurons go from autonomic ganglion to the effector organ?[a]AUTONOMIC MOTOR
Which structure is formed by a group of nearby neurons in the spinal cord which can be activated by a strong stimulus?[a]INTERNUNCIAL POOL
Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves C1 to C4/C5?[a]the CERVICAL Plexus?
Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves C5 to T1?[a] the BRACHIAL Plexus?
Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves L1 to L4?[a] the LUMBAR Plexus?
Which plexus is formed by spinal nerves L4 or L5 to S3?[a]the SACRAL Plexus?
Which type of neuron travels from the receptor into the Posterior Gray Horn and synapses with 2nd order neuron?[a]1st order neuron
Special Senses – list[a]vision (sight), audition (sound), olfaction (smell), gustation (taste), and equilibrium (balance).
Motor Neuron – function[a] These neurons innervate effectors.
Somatic Motor Neuron – function[a] These neurons innervate skeletal muscle cells.
Autonomic Motor Neuron – function[a]These neurons innervate cardiac, smooth muscle and glands.
Sympathetic/Thoracolumbar Division – function[a]These autonomic neurons emerge from the thoracic or lumbar segments of the spinal cord and function in “Fight or Flight” response.
Parasympathetic/Craniosacral Division – function[a] These neurons emerge from the brain/cranium and sacral part of the spinal cord and function in Rest and Digest response.
RECEPTOR – function[a] detects change in the environment and convertand converts it to a stimulus.
EFFECTOR – function[a] This structure/organ performs tasks.
INNERVATE – define[a]activate.
NERVE – structure[a] This structure in the PNS is made of the bundles of axons with no neuron bodies.
MIXED NERVE – function[a] This nerve has sensory and motor capabilities.
PROPRIOCEPTION – define[a]This function includes awareness of position and motion of all body parts in space.
INTEGRATION – define[a]This process allows sensory neurons to communicate with motor neurons. (only present in the CNS.)
Glial Cells/Neuroglia – function[a]This type of cells support and protect the neurons.
Schwann Cells/Neurolemmocytes – function[a]These cells insulate neurons with a fatty substance called myelin This allows impulses to travel quickly along the neurons and helps PNS neurons regenerate processes with the neurilemma.
Satellite Cells – function[a]This type of cells help support neurons in the ganglia of the PNS.
Which glial cells are found in the PNS?[a] The Schwann Cells and Satellite cells.
These glial cells are found in the CNS.[a]Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Ependymal cells, Microglia.
Astrocytes – function[a] These cells create the blood brain barrier.
Oligodendrocytes – function[a]These cells create the myelin sheath for the CNS but no neurilemma.
Ependymal cells – function[a]This type of ciliated epithelial cells line the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord and help produce and circulate cerebrospinal fluid.
Microglia – function[a]This type of special white blood cells in the CNS eat debris, pathogens (disease causing organisms) and dead cells.
Neurology Intro reversed
Which type of cells support and protect the neurons?[a]Glial Cells/Neuroglia
Which process allows sensory neurons to communicate with motor neurons? (only present in the CNS)?[a]INTEGRATION
Which type of cells insulate neurons with a fatty substance called myelin which allows impulses to travel quickly along the neurons and helps PNS neurons regenerate processes with the neurilemma?[a]Schwann Cells/Neurolemmocytes
Which type of cells help support neurons in the ganglia of the PNS?[a]Satellite Cells
Where are the Schwann Cells and Satellite cells found?[a] PNS
Where are the Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Ependymal cells, Microglia found?[a] CNS
Which type of cells create the blood brain barrier?[a]Astrocytes
Which type of ciliated epithelial cells line the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord and help produce and circulate cerebrospinal fluid?[a]Ependymal cells
Which type of cells create the myelin sheath for the CNS but no neurilemma?[a]Oligodendrocytes
Which type of special white blood cells in the CNS eat debris, pathogens (disease causing organisms) and dead cells?[a]Microglia
The state of the body’s dynamic equilibrium in its internal environment is described as?[a]HOMEOSTASIS
What does the fluid that bathes the cells of the body compose?[a]Internal Environment
Which type of response cancels a stimulus?[a]Negative Feedback Mechanism
Which type of response enhances a stimulus?[a]Positive Feedback Mechanism
Which system is composed of the brain and spinal cord?[a]Central Nervous System
Which type of senses include touch, temperature, pressure, pain, stretch, chemical, & proprioceptors?[a] General senses
Peripheral Nervous Systemis composed of [a] 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves
Which type of senses include vision (sight), audition (sound), olfaction (smell), gustation (taste), and equilibrium (balance)?[a]Special Senses
What type of neurons innervate effectors?[a]Motor Neuron
Which type of neurons innervate skeletal muscle cells?[a]Somatic Motor Neuron
Which type of neurons innervate cardiac, smooth muscle and glands?[a]Autonomic Motor Neuron
In which part of the nervous system do the neurons emerge from the brain/cranium and sacral part of the spinal cord and function in Rest and Digest response?[a]Parasympathetic/Craniosacral Division
Which nervous system structure detects change in the environment?[a]RECEPTOR
Which structure/organ is innervated by the NS to performs tasks?[a]EFFECTOR
Which term means “activate”?[a]INNERVATE
Which term means NERVE FIBER/CELL?[a]NEURON
Which structure in the PNS is made of the bundles of axons with no neuron bodies?[a]NERVE
Which type of nerve has sensory and motor capabilities?[a]MIXED NERVE
Which sensen includes awareness of position and motion of all body parts in space?[a]PROPRIOCEPTION
Nerve impulse transmission
Dendrites – function[a]These neural processes carry impulses toward the soma.
Soma – define[a]This term describes a neuron cell body.
Axon Hillock – define[a]This term describes the small raised area that connects soma to axon and acts as the trigger zone for most neurons.
Axon – define[a]This term describes the long single process that comes off the soma and carries the impulse away.
Axon Collateral – define[a]This term describes the branches of the main axon that carry the impulse to different places. (e.g. other muscle cells in a motor unit).
Telodendria – define[a]This term describes the small extensions at the end of the axon.
Synaptic End Bulb – define[a]This term describes the enlarged areas at the end of the telodendria.
Synaptic Vesicles – define[a]This term describes the storage areas in the synaptic end bulbs that contain chemicals called neurotransmitters.
Nodes of Ranvier – define[a]This term describes the spaces between the myelin on the neurons’ processes.
Na+/K+ Pumps – define[a]This term describes the special protein pumps embedded all along the neurons membrane that pump Na+ (sodium) and K+ (potassium) ions through the neuron membrane.
Gated Channels – define[a]This term describes the holes in the membrane of the neuron which allow ions to move in or out of the neuron passively when the gates are open.
What is the resting potential voltage?[a] -70 mV .
Stimulus – define[a]This term describes a change in the environment that allows gated channels in one section of the neuron to open.
Threshold – define[a]This term describes the level of depolarization that must be reached for the neuron to fire an impulse. (Approximately –55mv)
All or Nothing Law – define[a]This law states that when the axon hillock reaches threshold the neuron will send an impulse down the axon at constant and maximum strength.
Repolarization – define[a]This term describes when a section of a neuron goes from +30 mV back to -70 mV.
Depolarization – define[a]This term describes when Na+ enters a section of the neuron and the charge inside moves from –70mv toward 0mV on the way to +30 mV.
Continuous Conduction – define[a]This type of relatively slow conduction causes each adjacent segment to depolarize in sequence along the length of the neuron and occurs on unmyelinated neurons.
Saltatory Conduction – define[a]This type of conduction is the fastest and causes the impulse to jump from Node of Ranvier to Node of Ranvier along myelinated neurons.
Type A neurons – define[a]This type of neurons are the fastest – thick and myelinated. They convey the general and special senses and somatic motor function.
Type B neurons – define[a]This type of neurons are of medium speed – thin and myelinated.They are the first PNS neurons in the ANS pathway (preganglionic neuron) between CNS and autonomic ganglions.
Type C neurons – define[a]This type of neurons are slowest – thin and unmyelinated. They include the visceral sensory neurons, chronic pain neurons, and second ANS neuron in the pathway (postganglionic neuron) between the ganglia and the effector.
Multipolar neurons – location[a]PNS as autonomic and somatic motor neuronsand the entire CNS.
Bipolar neurons location[a]Optic and Olfactory nerves
Unipolar/Pseudounipolar – define[a]These neurons have the dendrite and axon connected directly to each other with the soma off to the side. (Sensory neurons in the PNS)
SYNAPSE – define[a]This term describes the junction between two neurons, a neuron and a muscle (neuromuscular junction), or a neuron and a gland (neuroglandular junction).
Presynaptic neuron – define[a]This type of neuron carries signals to the synapse and releases the neurotransmitter (NT) into synaptic cleft.
Synaptic cleft – define[a]This term describes the space between the two neurons through which the neurotransmitter must travel.
Postsynaptic neuron – define[a]This type of neuron receives signals across the synapse.
Axoaxonic synapse – define[a]Synapse where the axon of presynaptic connect to the axon of postsynaptic neurons.
Axosomatic synapse – define[a]Synapse where the axon of presynaptic connect to the soma of postsynaptic neurons.
Axodendritic synapse – define[a]Synapse where the axon of presynaptic connect to the dendrite of postsynaptic neurons.
Summation – define[a]The adding together of all excitatory and inhibitory signals in trigger zone of the postsynaptic neuron. (postsynaptic neuron can have 1,000s of presynaptic neurons connecting to it)
Excitatory neurotransmitter – action on gated channels[a]This type of neurotransmitter opens Na+ gates.
Inhibitory neurotransmitter – action on gated channels[a]This type of neurotransmitter opens K+ gates.
Facilitated neuron – define[a]This type of neuron has a potential between –70mv and threshold (-55mv) and is more likely to reach threshold and send an impulse.
Inhibited or hyperpolarized neuron – define[a]This type of neuron has a potential more negative than normal, below –70mv and is less likely to reach threshold and send an impulse.
What is a ganglia?[a] GREY MATTER IN PNS – clusters of neuron somas.
What is a nucleus?[a] GREY MATTER IN CNS – clusters of neuron somas.
What is a tract?[a]This term describes the WHITE MATTER IN CNS – myelinated axons.
Nerve impulse transmission reversed
Which neural processes carry impulses toward the soma?[a]Dendrites
Which term describes a neuron cell body?[a]Soma
Which term describes the small raised area that connects soma to axon and acts as the trigger zone for most neurons?[a]Axon Hillock
Which term describes the long single process that comes off the soma and carries the impulse away?[a]Axon
Which term describes the branches off the main axon that carry the impulse to different places? (e.g. other muscle cells in a motor unit)[a]Axon Collateral
Which term describes the small extensions at the end of the axon?[a]Telodendria
Which term describes the enlarged areas at the end of the telodendria?[a]Synaptic End Bulb
Which term describes the storage areas in the synaptic end bulbs that contain chemicals called neurotransmitters?[a]Synaptic Vesicles
Which term describes the spaces between the myelin on the neurons’ processes?[a]Nodes of Ranvier
Which term describes the special protein pumps embedded all along the neurons membrane that pump ions through the neuron membrane?[a]Na+/K+ Pumps
Which term describes the holes in the membrane of the neuron which allow ions to move in or out of the neuron passively when the gates are open?[a]Gated Channels
Why is -70 mV an important number?[a] It is the resting potential voltage
Which term describes a change in the environment that causess gated channels in one section of the neuron to open?[a]Stimulus
Which term describes the level of depolarization that must be reached for the neuron to fire an impulse? (Approximately –55mv)[a]Threshold
Which law states that when the axon hillock reaches threshold the neuron will send an impulse at constant and maximum strength?[a]All or None principle
Which term describes when a section of a neuron goes from +30 mV back to -70 mV?[a]Repolarization
Which term describes when Na+ enters a section of the neuron and the charge inside moves from –70mv toward 0mV on the way to +30 mV?[a]Depolarization
Which slow type conduction causes each adjacent segment to depolarize in sequence along the length of the neuron and occurs on unmyelinated neurons?[a]Continuous Conduction
Which type of conduction is the fastest and causes the impulse to jump from Node of Ranvier to Node of Ranvier along myelinated neurons?[a]Saltatory Conduction
In what direction does an impulse travel along a neuron?[a]from Dendrite to Soma to Axon
Which type of neurons are fastest – thick, myelinated, and innervate the general and special senses and somatic motor neurons?[a]Type A neurons
Which type of neurons are medium speed – thin, myelinated, and are the first PNS neurons in the Autonomic motor pathway (preganglionic neuron)[a]Type B neurons
Which type of neurons are slowest, – thin, unmyelinated and include the visceral sensory neurons, chronic pain neurons and ANS postganglionic neurons[a]Type C neurons
What are the factors that effect the speed of impulse transmission?[a]Myelination, Diameter, and Temperature of a neuron
Which neurons make up the entire CNS and the somatic motor PNS[a]Multipolar neurons
Which neurons are found only in the Olfactory and Optic nerves?[a]Bipolar neurons
Which neurons have the dendrite and axon connected directly to each other with the soma off to the side? (Sensory neurons in the PNS)[a]Unipolar/Pseudounipolar
Which term describes the junction between two neurons, a neuron and a muscle (neuromuscular junction), or a neuron and a gland (neuroglandular junction)?[a]SYNAPSE
Which type of neuron carries signals to the synapse and releases the neurotransmitter (NT) into synaptic cleft?[a]Presynaptic neuron
Which term describes the space between the two neurons through which the neurotransmitter must travel?[a]Synaptic cleft
Which type of neuron receives signals across the synapse?[a]Postsynaptic neuron
In which type of synapse does the axon of presynaptic connect to the axon of postsynaptic neurons?[a]Axoaxonic synapse
In which type of synapse does the axon of presynaptic connect to the soma of postsynaptic neurons?[a]Axosomatic synapse
In which type of synapse does the axon of presynaptic connect to the dendrite of postsynaptic neurons?[a]Axodendritic synapse
Which term describes the adding together of all excitatory and inhibitory signals in trigger zone of a neuron?[a] summation
Which type of neurotransmitter opens Na+ gates?[a]Excitatory neurotransmitter
Which type of neurotransmitter opens K+ gates?[a]Inhibitory neurotransmitter
Which type of neuron has a potential between –70mv and threshold (-55mv) and is more likely to reach threshold and send an impulse?[a]Facilitated neuron
Which type of neuron has a potential more negative than normal, (below –70mv) and is less likely to reach threshold and send an impulse?[a]Inhibited or hyperpolarized neuron
Which term describes the GREY MATTER IN PNS?[a]Ganglia
Which term describes the GREY MATTER IN CNS?[a]Nucleus
Which term describes the WHITE MATTER IN CNS?[a]Tract
Lymphatic system – functions[a]This system removes excess tissue fluid and plasma proteins leaked from capillaries into tissue space, filter/clean lymph, maintains lymphocytes and absorbs fats.
Lymphatic system structure[a]This system is composed of lymph capillaries, lacteals, lymphatic vessels, trunks and ducts.
Lymphahtic system – location[a]This system is found in all vascular tissue except bones, teeth, bone marrow and CNS.
Lacteals – define[a]This term describes the type of capillaries in the small intestine.
Lymph capillary – structure[a]This structure is composed of a single layer of endothelial cells that overlap slightly, forming minivalves.
What is the effect of hydrostatic blood pressure on the plasma in the capillaries?[a]This force moves blood plasma out of capillaries into interstitial spaces.
What is the effect of osmotic pressure on the interstitial fluid?[a]This force draws interstitial fluid into capillaries from interstitial spaces.
Lymph vessel – structure[a]This structure is composed of the same 3 tunics as veins but the walls are thinner and have more valves.
Right lymph duct – function[a]This structure drains lymph from right arm, right side of head, right thorax into the right subclavian vein.
Thoracic duct – function[a]This structure drains lymph from lower extremities, left side thorax, left upper extremity, left side of head into the left subclavian vein.
Cisterna chyli – function[a]This sac-like structure drains lymph from lower extremities and intestinal trunk into the thoracic duct.
Cisterna chyli – location[a]This sac-like structure is level with L1, L2.
How long does it take for the body to produce 3 liters of lymph?[a]How much lymph is produced by the body each day.
What drives lymph circulation?[a]This process is performed by skeletal muscle compression, respiration and smooth muscle vessel contraction.
Lymph nodes – describe[a]This structures are oval shaped capsules containing lymphocytes and macrophages.
Afferent lymphatics – direction of flow[a]These vessels allow lymph to flow into lymph nodes.
Efferent lymphatics – direction of flow[a]This vessels allows lymph to flow out of lymph nodes.
Diffuse lymphatic tissue – describe[a]This structure is unencapsulated and consists of reticular CT fibers and WBC’s.
Lymphatic nodules – describe[a]This structures are composed of concentrated oval shaped areas of lymph tissue lacking a capsule.
Diffuse lymphatic tissue – location[a]This structure is found lining mucous membranes of GI, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts.
Diffuse lymphatic tissue – function[a]This structure forms a second protective barrier behind the mucous membranes.
Primary lymph organs – function[a]These organs are the sites of B and T cell production and maturation.
Primary Lymph Organs – list[a]This type of organ includes the bone marrow and thymus.
Secondary lymph organs – function[a]These organs are where B cells and T cells live and work.
Secondary lymph organs – list[a] lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils.
Spleen – function[a] monitors blood for pathogenic organisms and has macrophages to remove old platelets, erythrocytes and debris from blood.
Spleen – describe[a] fist sized capsule located in left upper quadrant of abdomen containing blood vessels & efferent lymph vessels.
Lymphyedema – define[a]This term describes swelling of a limb often due to removal of lymph nodes and vessels.
Systemic edema – define[a]This term describes an excess of tissue fluid in entire body, often due to high blood pressure, liver failure or blockage of the lymph system.
Lymphatic System Reversed
Which term describes an excess of tissue fluid in entire body, often due to high blood pressure, liver failure or blockage of the lymph system?[a]Systemic edema
Which term describes swelling of a limb often due to removal of lymph nodes and vessels?[a]Lymphyedema
Which organ is a fist sized capsule located in left upper quadrant of abdomen containing blood vessels & efferent lymph vessels?[a]Spleen
Which organ monitors blood for pathogenic organisms and has macrophages to remove old platelets, erythrocytes and debris from blood?[a]Spleen
Which type of organs include lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils?[a]Secondary lymph organs
Where do you find B cells and T cells?[a]Secondary lymph organs
Which type of organs include the bone marrow and thymus?[a]Primary Lymph Organs
Which organs are the sites of B and T cell production and maturation?[a]Primary lymph organs
Which structure forms a second protective barrier behind the mucous membranes?[a]Diffuse lymphatic tissue
Which structure is found lining mucous membranes of GI, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts?[a]Diffuse lymphatic tissue
Which structures are composed of concentrated oval shaped areas of lymph tissue lacking a capsule?[a]Lymphatic nodules
Which structure is unencapsulated and consists of reticular CT fibers and WBC’s?[a]Diffuse lymphatic tissue
Which vessels allow lymph to flow out of lymph nodes?[a] Efferent lymphatics
Which vessels allow lymph to flow into lymph nodes?[a]Afferent lymphatics
Which structures are oval shaped capsules containing lymphocytes and macrophages?[a]Lymph nodes
Which process is performed by skeletal muscle compression, respiration and smooth muscle vessel contraction?[a]lymph circulation
How much lymph is produced by the body each day?[a]3 liters
Which sac-like structure is level with L1, L2?[a]Cisterna chyli
Which sac-like structure drains lymph from lower extremities and intestinal trunk into the thoracic duct?[a]Cisterna chyli
Which structure drains lymph from lower extremities, left side thorax, left upper extremity, left side of head into the left subclavian vein?[a]Thoracic duct
Which structure drains lymph from right arm, right side of head, right thorax into the right subclavian vein?[a]Right lymph duct
Which structure is composed of the same 3 tunics as veins but the walls are thinner and have more valves?[a]Lymph vessel
Which force draws interstitial fluid into capillaries from interstitial spaces?[a]osmotic pressure
Which force moves blood plasma out of capillaries into interstitial spaces?[a]hydrostatic blood pressure
Which structure is composed of a single layer of endothelial cells that overlap slightly, forming minivalves?[a]Lymph capillary
Which term describes the type of capillaries in the small intestine?[a]Lacteals
Which system is found in all vascular tissue except bones, teeth, bone marrow and CNS?[a]Lymphahtic system
Which system is composed of lymph capillaries, lacteals, lymphatic vessels, trunks and ducts?[a]Lymphatic system
Which system removes excess tissue fluid and plasma proteins leaked from capillaries into tissue space, filter/clean lymph, maintains lymphocytes and absorbs fats?[a]Lymphatic system
Arteries & arterioles – function[a]This type of vessel carrys blood away from the heart
Capillaries – function[a]This type of vessel allow nutrient exchange between blood and surrounding tissues
Veins & venules – function[a]This type of vessel carrys blood towards the heart
Vaso Vasorum – define[a]This term describes the networks of small blood vessels in walls of larger blood vessels which bring nutrients to deeper layers in vessel walls
Elastic/Conducting arteries – describe[a] This type of artery is located closer to heart and has a higher proportion of elastic CT in the tunica media
Tunica interna – define[a]This layer of vessel is in contact with blood, composed of simple squamous epithelium and continuous with epicardium of heart
Tunica media – define[a]This layer of vessel is the middle layer and consists of smooth muscle and elastic CT
Tunica externa – define[a]This layer of vessel is outermost and consists of elastic CT and collagen fibers
Muscular/Distributing arteries – location[a]This type of arteries are located farther from heart
Lumen – define[a]This term describes the hollow space through which blood flows
Arteries – structure[a]This type of vessels have the thickest walls and highest blood pressure
Veins – structure[a]This type of vessels have the lowest blood pressure and largest lumen
Capillaries – structure[a]This type of vessels have the thinnest walls
Venules – structure[a]This type of vessels have no tunica media but do have a tunica interna and externa
Arterioles – structure[a]This type of vessels have no tunica externa but do have a tunica interna and media
True capaillaries – structure[a]This type of vessels have only a tunica interna and precapillary sphincters
Thoroughfare channels – define[a]This type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into venules
Metaarteriole – define[a]This type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into thoroughfare channels
Fenestrated capaillaries – define[a]This type of vessels are perforated with numerous pores and located where capillary filtration or absorption is required
Sinusoids – define[a]This type of capillaries have large lumens, irregular shape, many intercellular clefts, large fenestrations, often lined with macrophages
Sinusoids – location[a]This type of capillaries are located in the liver, bone marrow and lymphoid tissue
Fenestrated capaillaries – location[a]This type of vessels are located in the kidneys, small intestines, endocrine glands, ciliary processes of eye
Arteries flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into arterioles
Veins flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into the heart
Capillaries flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into venules
Venules flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into veins
Arterioles flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into capillaries
Varicose veins – define[a]This term describes veins in which valves have failed, leaving them distended and tortuous.
Veins hold what percentage of blood?[a]Veins hold 65% of the whole blood
Aneurysm – define[a]This term describes a distention of artery wall
Vessel Structure Reversed
Which term describes a distention of artery wall?[a]Aneurysm
Which type of vessels hold 65% of the whole blood?[a]Veins
Which term describes veins in which valves have failed?[a]Varicose veins
Which type of vessels flow into capillaries?[a]Arterioles
Which type of vessels flow into veins?[a]Venules
Which type of vessels flow into venules?[a]Capillaries
Which type of vessels flow into the heart?[a]Veins
Which type of vessels flow into arterioles?[a]Arteries
Which type of vessels are located in the kidneys, small intestines, endocrine glands, ciliary processes of eye?[a]Fenestrated capaillaries – location
Which type of capillaries are located in the liver, bone marrow and lymphoid tissue?[a]Sinusoids
Which type of capillaries have large lumens, irregular shape, many intercellular clefts, large fenestrations, often lined with macrophages?[a]Sinusoids
Which type of vessels are perforated with numerous pores and located where capillary filtration or absorption is required?[a]Fenestrated capaillaries
Which type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into thoroughfare channels?[a]Metaarteriole
Which type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into venules?[a]Thoroughfare channels
Which type of vessels have only a tunica interna and precapillary sphincters?[a]True capaillaries
Which type of vessels have no tunica externa but do have a tunica interna and media?[a]Arterioles
Which type of vessels have no tunica media but do have a tunica interna and externa?[a]Venules
Which type of vessels have the thinnest walls?[a]Capillaries
Which type of vessels have the lowest blood pressure and largest lumen?[a]Veins
Which type of vessels have the thickest walls and highest blood pressure?[a]Arteries
Which term describes the hollow space through which blood flows?[a]Lumen
Which type arteries are located further from heart?[a]Muscular/Distributing arteries
Which layer of vessel is outermost and consists of elastic CT and collagen fibers?[a]Tunica externa
Which layer of vessel is the middle layer and consists of smooth muscle and elastic CT?[a]Tunica media
Which layer of vessel is in contact with blood, composed of simple squamous epithelium and continuous with epicardium of heart?[a]Tunica interna
Which type of arteries are located closer to heart and have a higher proportion of elastic CT in the tunica media?[a]Elastic/Conducting arteries
Which term describes the networks of small blood vessels in walls of larger blood vessels which bring nutrients to deeper layers in vessel walls?[a]Vaso Vasorum
Which type of vessels carry blood towards the heart?[a]Veins & venules
Which type of vessels allow nutrient exchange between blood and surrounding tissues?[a]Capillaries
Which type of vessels carry blood away from the heart?[a]Arteries & arterioles
Vessel Routes 1
Ascending aorta – carries blood to[a]the arch of the aorta and the coronary arteries
Arch of the aorta – carries blood to[a]left common carotid artery, the brachiocephalic artery, the left subclavian artery,the descending aorta