Muscles of the shoulder and arm flashcards

Muscles of the shouder and arm; attachments



Origin: SERRATUS ANTERIOR[a]This muscle originates on the R1-R8, laterally and anteriorly.


Insertion: SERRATUS ANTERIOR[a]This muscle inserts on the costal surface of the vertebral border of the scapula, from superior angle to inferior angle.


Origin: TRAPEZIUS[a]This muscle originates on the nuchal lines and nuchal ligament an SP’s of C7 to T12.


Insertion: TRAPEZIUS[a]This muscle inserts on the entire spine of the scapula and the lateral aspect of the clavicle.


Origin: RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR[a]This muscle originates on the spinous processes T2-T5.


Insertion: RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR[a]This muscle inserts on the vertebral border of the scapula, from the root of the spine to the inferior angle.


Origin: RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR[a]This muscle originates on the spinous processes C7-T1.


Insertion: RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR[a]This muscle inserts on the root of the spine of the scapula.


Origin: LEVATOR SCAPULAE[a]This muscle originates on the Transverse processes C1-C4.


Insertion: LEVATOR SCAPULAE[a]This muscle inserts on the vertebral border of scapula, from superior angle of scapula to the root of the spine.


Origin: SUPRASPINATUS[a]This muscle originates on the Supraspinous fossa/scapula.


Insertion: SUPRASPINATUS[a]This muscle passes under the acromion, and inserts on the greater tubercle/humerus.


Origin: INFRASPINATUS[a]This muscle originates on the Infraspinous fossa/scapula.


Insertion: INFRASPINATUS[a]This muscle inserts on the greater tubercle.


Origin: TERES MINOR[a]This muscle originates on the superior axillary border/scapula; superior to teres major.


Insertion: TERES MINOR[a]This muscle inserts on the greater tubercle.


Origin: SUBSCAPULARIS[a]This muscle originates on the subscapular fossa/scapula.


Insertion: SUBSCAPULARIS[a]This muscle inserts on the lesser tubercle/humerus.


Origin: PECTORALIS MAJOR[a]This muscle originates on the medial clavicle, inferior border and the sternum and costal cartilage of true ribs.


Insertion: PECTORALIS MAJOR[a]This muscle inserts on the lateral lip of bicipital groove/humerus.


Origin: LATISSIMUS DORSI[a]This muscle originates on the thoracolumbar aponeurosis, spinous processes T6/T7-L5.


Insertion: LATISSIMUS DORSI[a]This muscle inserts on the medial lip of bicipital groove/humerus.


Origin: DELTOID[a]This muscle originates on the whole spine of the scapula and the lateral clavicle.


Insertion: DELTOID[a]This muscle inserts on the deltoid tuberosity/humerus.


Origin: BICEPS BRACHII[a]This muscle originates its long head on the supraglenoid tubercle and the short head on coracoid process/scapula.


Insertion: BICEPS BRACHII[a]This muscle inserts on the radial tuberosity and the common forearm flexor tendons.


Origin: BRACHIORADIALIS[a]This muscle originates on the lateral supracondylar ridge/humerus.


Insertion: BRACHIORADIALIS[a]This muscle inserts on the styloid process/radius.


Origin: TRICEPS BRACHII[a]This muscle originates on the infraglenoid tubercle/scapula and the proximal, lateral and posterior humerus.


Insertion: TRICEPS BRACHII[a]This muscle inserts on the olecranon process.


Action: SERRATUS ANTERIOR[a]This muscle performs protraction and upward rotation of scapula.


Muscles of the shoulder and arm; attachments – reversed



Which muscle inserts on the olecranon process?[a] TRICEPS BRACHII


Which muscle originates on the infraglenoid tubercle/scapula and the proximal, lateral and posterior humerus?[a] TRICEPS BRACHII


Which muscle inserts on the styloid process/radius?[a] BRACHIORADIALIS


Which muscle originates on the lateral supracondylar ridge/humerus?[a] BRACHIORADIALIS


Which muscle inserts on the radial tuberosity?[a] BICEPS BRACHII


Which muscle originates its long head on the supraglenoid tubercle and the short head on coracoid process/scapula?[a] BICEPS BRACHII


Which muscle inserts on the deltoid tuberosity/humerus?[a] DELTOID


Which muscle originates on the whole spine of the scapula and the lateral clavicle?[a] DELTOID


Which muscle inserts on the medial lip of bicipital groove/humerus?[a] LATISSIMUS DORSI


Which muscle originates on the thoracolumbar aponeurosis, spinous processes T6/T7-L5?[a] LATISSIMUS DORSI


Which muscle inserts on the lateral lip of bicipital groove/humerus?[a] PECTORALIS MAJOR


Which muscle originates on the medial clavicle, inferior border and the sternum and costal cartilage of true ribs?[a] PECTORALIS MAJOR


Which muscle inserts on the lesser tubercle/humerus?[a] SUBSCAPULARIS


Which muscle originates on the subscapular fossa/scapula?[a] SUBSCAPULARIS


Which muscle inserts on the greater tubercle?[a] TERES MINOR


Which muscle originates on the superior axillary border/scapula; superior to teres major?[a] TERES MINOR


Which muscle inserts on the greater tubercle?[a] INFRASPINATUS


Which muscle originates on the Infraspinous fossa/scapula?[a] INFRASPINATUS


Which muscle passes under the acromion, and inserts on the greater tubercle/humerus?[a] SUPRASPINATUS


Which muscle originates on the Supraspinous fossa/scapula?[a] SUPRASPINATUS


Which muscle inserts on the vertebral border of scapula, from superior angle of scapula to the root of the spine?[a] LEVATOR SCAPULAE


Which muscle originates on the Transverse processes C1-C4?[a] LEVATOR SCAPULAE


Which muscle inserts on the root of the spine of the scapula?[a] RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR


Which muscle originates on the spinous processes C7-T1?[a] RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR


Which muscle inserts on the vertebral border of the scapula, from the root of the spine to the inferior angle?[a] RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR


Which muscle originates on the spinous processes T2-T5?[a] RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR


Which muscle inserts on the entire spine of the scapula and the lateral aspect of the clavicle?[a] TRAPEZIUS


Which muscle originates on the nuchal lines and nuchal ligament an SP’s of C7 to T12?[a] TRAPEZIUS


Which muscle inserts on the costal surface of the vertebral border of the scapula, from superior angle to inferior angle?[a] SERRATUS ANTERIOR


Which muscle originates on the R1-R8, laterally and anteriorly?[a] SERRATUS ANTERIOR


Muscles of the shouder and arm; actions



Action: SUBCLAVIUS[a]This muscle performs stabilization of the clavicle to protect the joints of the shoulder girdle and slight depression of clavicle.


Action: TRAPEZIUS – Superior fibers with spine fixed[a]This muscle performs elevation, upward rotation of the scapula.


Action: TRAPEZIUS – Superior fibers with scapula fixed and unilateral contraction[a]This muscle performs lateral flexion and rotation of head to the opposite side.


Action: TRAPEZIUS – Superior fibers with scapula fixed and bilateral contraction[a]This muscle performs extension/ hyperextension of the neck and head.


Action: TRAPEZIUS – Middle fibers[a]This muscle besides rhomboids performs retraction of the scapula.


Action: TRAPEZIUS – lower fibers[a]This muscle performs depression and upward rotation of the scapula.


Action: TRAPEZIUS – all fibers together[a]This muscle besides rhomboids performs retraction of the scapula.


Action: RHOMBOIDS[a]This muscle performs retraction and downward rotation.


Action: LEVATOR SCAPULAE with spine fixed.[a]This muscle performs elevation and downward rotation of scapulae.


Action: LEVATOR SCAPULAE with the scapula fixed, unilateral contraction.[a]This muscle performs rotation of the neck to the same side with lateral flexion.


Action: LEVATOR SCAPULAE with the scapula fixed, bilateral contraction.[a]This muscle performs extension/hyperextension of the neck.


Action: SUPRASPINATUS[a]This muscle helps to initiate abduction of the humerus.


Action: INFRASPINATUS[a]This SITS muscle performs lateral rotation of the humerus.


Action: TERES MINOR[a]This SITS muscle performs lateral rotation of the humerus.


Action: SUBSCAPULARIS[a]This SITS muscle performs medial rotation, some adduction of the humerus.


COMMON ACTION: SITS muscles:[a]These muscles, as a group, perform stabilization of the head of the humerus.


Action: PECTORALIS MAJOR clavicular division[a]This muscle performs flexion, adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction of the humerus.


Action: PECTORALIS MAJOR sternal division[a]This muscle performs extension, adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction of the humerus.


Action: LATISSIMUS DORSI[a]This muscle performs extension, horizontal extension, adduction, medial rotation of the humerus.


Action: TERES MAJOR[a]This muscle performs extension, adduction, and medial rotation of the humerus.


Action: DELTOID anterior fibers[a]This muscle performs flexion, medial rotation and horizontal flexion of the humerus.


Action: DELTOID middle fibers[a]This muscle performs abduction of the humerus.


Action: DELTOID posterior fibers[a]This muscle performs extension, lateral rotation, horizontal abduction, abduction of the humerus.


Action: CORACOBRACHIALIS[a]This muscle performs adduction, flexion, horizontal flexion of the humerus.


Action: BICEPS BRACHII[a]This muscle performs flexion and adduction of the humerus and flexion and supination of the elbow.


Action: BRACHIALIS[a]This muscle performs elbow flexion only.


Action: TRICEPS BRACHII[a]This muscle performs elbow and humerus extension.


Action: ANCONEUS[a]This muscle performs extension of the humerus only.


Action: BRACHIORADIALIS[a]This muscle performs flexion of elbow with forearm in neutral position and returns forearm to neutral position from supinated or pronated position.


List the elevators of the scapula.[a] upper traps, rhomboids(slightly) and levator scapulae.


List the depressors of the scapula.[a]pec minor and lower traps.


List the retractors of the scapula.[a]rhomboids and middle traps.


List the protractors of the scapula.[a]serratus anterior and pec minor.


List the upward rotators of the scapula.[a] upper traps, lower traps, and serratus anterior.


List the downward rotators of the scapula.[a] levator scapula, rhomboids, and pec minor.


List the flexors of the humerus.[a] pec major, long head of biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, and anterior deltiod.


List the extensors of the humerus.[a] pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, long head of triceps, teres major and posterior deltoid.


List the horizontal flexors of the humerus.[a] pectoralis major, coracobrachialis and anterior deltoid.


List the horizontal extensors of the humerus.[a] pectoralis major, lats dorsi, posterior deltoid and teres major.


List the abductors of the humerus.[a] supraspinatus and deltoid.


List the adductors of the humerus.[a] pectoralis major, lats dorsi, teres major, triceps, and coracobrachialis.


List the medial rotators of the humerus.[a] subscapularis, anterior deltoid, lats dorsi, pectoralis major and teres major.


List the lateral rotators of the humerus.[a] infraspinatus, teres minor and posterior deltoid.


Muscles of the shouder and arm; actions reversed



Which action do infraspinatus, teres minor and posterior deltoid have in common?[a]These are the lateral rotators of the humerus.


Which action do subscapularis, anterior deltoid, lats dorsi, pectoralis major and teres major have in common?[a]These are the medial rotators of the humerus.


Which action do pectoralis major, lats dorsi, teres major, triceps, and coracobrachialis have in common?[a]These are the adductors of the humerus.


Which action do supraspinatus and deltoid have in common?[a]These are the abductors of the humerus.


Which action do pectoralis major, lats dorsi, posterior deltoid and teres major have in common?[a]These are the horizontal extensors of the humerus.


Which action do pectoralis major, coracobrachialis and anterior deltoid have in common?[a]These are the horizontal flexors of the humerus.


Which action do pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, long head of triceps, teres major and posterior deltoid have in common?[a]These are the extensors of the humerus.


Which action do pec major, long head of biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, and anterior deltiod have in common?[a]These are the flexors of the humerus.


Which action do levator scapula, rhomboids, and pec minor have in common?[a]These are the downward rotators of the scapula.


Which action do upper traps, lower traps, and serratus anterior have in common?[a]These are the upward rotators of the scapula.


Which action do serratus anterior and pec minor have in common?[a]These are the protractors of the scapula.


Which action do rhomboids and middle traps have in common?[a]These are the retractors of the scapula.


Which action do pec minor and lower traps have in common?[a]These are the depressors of the scapula.


Which action do upper traps, rhomboids(slightly) and levator scapulae have in common?[a]These are the elevators of the scapula.


Which muscle performs flexion of elbow with forearm in neutral position and returns forearm to neutral position from supinated or pronated position?[a] BRACHIORADIALIS


Which muscle performs extension of the humerus only?[a] ANCONEUS


Which muscle performs elbow and humerus extension?[a] TRICEPS BRACHII


Which muscle performs elbow flexion only?[a] BRACHIALIS


Which muscle performs flexion and adduction of the humerus and flexion and supination of the elbow?[a] BICEPS BRACHII


Which muscle performs adduction, flexion, horizontal flexion of the humerus?[a] CORACOBRACHIALIS


Which muscle performs extension, lateral rotation, horizontal abduction, abduction of the humerus?[a] DELTOID posterior fibers


Which muscle performs abduction of the humerus?[a] DELTOID middle fibers


Which muscle performs flexion, medial rotation and horizontal flexion of the humerus?[a] DELTOID anterior fibers


Which muscle besides lats performs extension, adduction, m. rotation of the humerus?[a] TERES MAJOR


Which muscle performs extension, horizontal extension, adduction, medial rotation of the humerus?[a] LATISSIMUS DORSI


Which muscle performs extension, adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction of the humerus?[a] PECTORALIS MAJOR sternal division


Which muscle performs flexion, adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction of the humerus?[a] PECTORALIS MAJOR clavicular division


Which muscles, as a group, perform stabilization of the head of the humerus?[a] SITS muscles:


Which SITS muscle performs medial rotation, some adduction of the humerus?[a] SUBSCAPULARIS


Which SITS muscle performs lateral rotation of the humerus?[a] TERES MINOR


Which SITS muscle performs lateral rotation of the humerus?[a] INFRASPINATUS


Which muscle helps to initiate abduction of the humerus?[a] SUPRASPINATUS


Which muscle performs retraction and downward rotation?[a] RHOMBOIDS


Which muscle besides rhomboids performs retraction of the scapula?[a]middle TRAPEZIUS


Which muscle performs depression and upward rotation of the scapula?[a] TRAPEZIUS – lower fibers


Which muscle performs extension/ hyperextension of the neck and head?[a] TRAPEZIUS – Superior fibers with scapula fixed and bilateral contraction


Which muscle performs lateral flexion and rotation of head to the opposite side?[a] TRAPEZIUS – Superior fibers with scapula fixed and unilateral contraction


Which muscle performs elevation, upward rotation of the scapula?[a] TRAPEZIUS – Superior fibers with spine fixed


Which muscle performs stabilization of the clavicle to protect the joints of the shoulder girdle and slight depression of clavicle?[a] SUBCLAVIUS


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