Lower Extremity Flashcards

osteology – lower extremity



Define Fovea[a]This is a slight depression on the head of the femur.


What is the pubic angle of a female?[a]A pubic angle of greater than 90 degrees is found on a female.


Define Greater Trochanter[a]This is a very large bulge at the lateral aspect of the proximal shaft of the femur.


Define Lesser Trochanter[a]This is a medial and posterior, smaller bump across from the greater trochanter.


Define Linea Aspera[a]This is a rough line all along posterior shaft of the femur with many muscle attachments.


Define Femoral Condyles[a]These are huge, rounded processes which articulate with the TIBIA to form part of the knee joint.


Define Patellar Surface[a]This is an anterior space between the condyles of the femur. The PATELLA rides along this groove and rests in it.


Define Intercondylar Notch[a]This is a posterior and inferior notch between the two condyles.


Define Popliteal Surface or Space[a]This is a triangular space on the posterior, distal femur formed by the supracondylar lines.


Define Adductor Tubercle[a]This is a small bump on the superior edge of medial epicondyle of the femur.


Define Medial/Lateral Condyles of Tibia[a]These are the two flat condyles which articulate with medial/lateral condyles of femur to form part of the TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT (knee).


Define Intercondylar Eminence[a]This is a peg-like projections of the tibia that fits into the intercondylar notch of the femur.


Define Tibial Tuberosity[a]This is a large, prominent bump on anterior, proximal shaft of the tibia.


Define Tibial Crest[a]This is a sharp edge on the anterior shaft of the tibia.


Define Medial Malleolus[a]This is the medial “ankle bone. Part of the tibia.


Define Soleal Line[a]This is a rough oblique line on posterior, proximal shaft of the tibia.


Define PATELLA[a]This is a sesamoid bone that everyone has.


Define Meniscus[a]These are the semilunar cartilages.


Define Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligaments[a]These are intracapsular ligaments of the knee.


Define FIBULA[a] the lateral leg bone.


Define Lateral Malleolus[a] lateral “ankle bone”, part of the fibula.


Define Interosseous Membrane[a]This membrane lies between the tibia and fibula.


Define Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis[a]This is the amphiarthrotic joint where ligaments bind the distal ends of the tibia and fibula.


Which group of 7 bones is in the foot?[a] tarsals


This group of 14 bones is in the foot?[a]phalanges


Define Talus[a]This is the most proximal tarsal.


Define Calcaneous[a]This is the most posterior and largest of the tarsals … heelbone.


Define Navicular[a]This bone is anterior to the talus on the medial aspect of the foot.


Define Cuneiforms[a]These are the three small bones anterior to the navicular numbered I, II, III (medial, intermediate, and lateral).


Define Cuboid[a]This is the tarsal lateral to cuneiforms and anterior to calcaneus.


osteology – lower extremity reversed



What is the tarsal lateral to cuneiforms and anterior to calcaneus?[a]Cuboid


What are the three small bones anterior to the navicular numbered I, II, III (medial, intermediate, and lateral)?[a]Cuneiforms


Which bone is anterior to the talus on the medial aspect of the foot?[a]Navicular


Which is the most posterior and largest of the tarsals … heelbone?[a]Calcaneous


What is the most proximal tarsal?[a]Talus


What is the number of phalanges in one foot?[a]14 bones


What is the number of tarsals in one foot?[a] bones


What is the amphiarthrotic joint where ligaments bind the distal ends of the tibia and fibula?[a]Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis


What are the criss-crossing of ligaments between the tibia and fibula?[a]Interosseous Membrane


Which is the lateral “ankle bone”, part of the fibula?[a]Lateral Malleolus


Which is the lateral leg bone?[a]FIBULA


Which are intracapsular ligaments of the knee?[a]Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligaments


What are the semilunar cartilages?[a]Meniscus


What is a sesamoid bonethat everyone has?[a]PATELLA


What is a rough oblique line on posterior, proximal shaft of the tibia?[a]Soleal Line


What is the medial “ankle bone?[a]Medial Malleolus


What is a sharp edge on the anterior shaft of the tibia?[a]Tibial Crest


What is a large, prominent bump on anterior, proximal shaft of the tibia?[a]Tibial Tuberosity


What is a peg-like projections of the tibia that fits into the intercondylar notch of the femur?[a]Intercondylar Eminence


Which are the two flat condyles which articulate with medial/lateral condyles of femur to form part of the TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT (knee)?[a]Medial/Lateral Condyles of Tibia


What is a small bump on the superior edge of medial epicondyle of the femur?[a]Adductor Tubercle


What is a triangular space on the posterior, distal femur formed by the supracondylar lines?[a]Popliteal Surface or Space


What is a posterior and inferior notch between the two condyles?[a]Intercondylar Notch


What is an anterior space between and proximal to the condyles of the femur? The PATELLA rides along this groove and rests in it.[a]Patellar Surface


What are huge, rounded articular processes which articulate with the TIBIA to form part of the knee joint?[a]Femoral Condyles


What is a rough line all along posterior shaft of the femur with many muscle attachments?[a]Linea Aspera


What is a medial and posterior, smaller bump across from the greater trochanter?[a]Lesser Trochanter


What is a very large bulge at the lateral aspect of the proximal shaft of the femur?[a]Greater Trochanter


A pubic angle of greater than 90 degrees is found on a male or a female?[a] female


What is a slight depression on the head of the femur?[a]Fovea


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