Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards

ANS Deck 1







PARASYMPATHETIC DIVISION – overall effect[a]Rest and digest


SYMPATHETIC DIVISION – overall effect[a]Fight or flight


SYMPATHETIC DIVISION – carried by what nerves?[a]SN’s T1 to L2


PARASYMPATHETIC DIVISION – carried by what nerves?[a]CN’s III, VII, IX and X and SN’s S2, S3 and S4


PRE-GANGLIONIC NEURON – route[a]The ANS pathway begins in the nuclei of a CRANIAL NERVE or in lateral gray horn of spinal cord and ends in a PERIPHERAL GANGLION?


POST-GANGLIONIC NEURON – route[a]From an autonomic ganglion to the effector organ.




TERMINAL GANGLIA – location[a]This type of ganglia are found in the PARASYMPATHETIC SYSTEM in the wall of the organs.


SYMPATHETIC CHAIN GANGLIA – location[a] There are 22 the pairs of sympathetic ganglia extending down either side of the vertebral column.


PRE-VERTEBRAL GANGLIA – location[a] These sympathetic ganglia are attached to the Aorta.


SPLANCHNIC NERVES – route[a] These nerves connect the symathetic chain to the prevertebral ganglia?


Which type of neuron are PRE-GANGLIONIC NEURONS[a] B fibers


Which type of neuron are POST-GANGLIONIC NEURONS[a] C fibers


Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter used by these ANS neurons[a] All parasympathetic neurons and sympathetic post-ganglionic neurons


Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter used by these ANS neurons[a] sympathetic post-ganglionic neurons


ANS Deck 1 reversed







Rest and digest is the effect of which division?[a]PARASYMPATHETIC DIVISION


Fight or flight is the effect of which division?[a]SYMPATHETIC DIVISION


CN’s III, VII, IX and X and SN’s S2, S3 and S4 carry which division of the ANS?[a]PARASYMPATHETIC DIVISION


Which type of neuron in the ANS pathway begins in the nuclei of a CRANIAL NERVE or in lateral gray horn of spinal cord and ends in a PERIPHERAL GANGLION?[a]PRE-GANGLIONIC NEURON


Which type of neuron in the ANS pathway begins in an autonomic ganglion and ends in the effector organ?[a]POST-GANGLIONIC NEURON




Which type of ganglia are found in the PARASYMPATHETIC SYSTEM in the wall of the organs?[a]TERMINAL GANGLIA


Which type of ganglia are attached to the Aorta?[a]PRE-VERTEBRAL GANGLIA


Which type of nerves connect the symathetic chain to the prevertebral ganglia?[a]SPLANCHNIC NERVES


Which type of neuron are composed of type B fibers?[a] PRE-GANGLIONIC NEURONS


Which type of neuron are composed of type C fibers?[a] POST-GANGLIONIC NEURONS


Which type of neurotransmitter do the parasympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons use?[a]Acetylcholine


Which type of neurotransmitter do the parasympathetic post-ganglionic neurons use?[a]Acetycholine


Which type of neurotransmitter do the sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons use?[a]Acetycholine


Which type of neurotransmitter do the sympathetic post-ganglionic neurons use?[a]Norepinephrine


SN’s T1 to L2 carry which division of the ANS?[a]SYMPATHETIC DIVISION


ANS effects



What is the pathway of SYMPATHETIC PREGANGLIONIC neurons to Sympathetic Chain Ganglia?[a]Neurons originate in LATERAL gray horns of the spinal cord, segments T1 – L2, travel out the through the spinal nerve and WHITE RAMUS into the SYMPATHETIC CHAIN.


What is the PARASYMPATHETIC PATHWAY?[a]PRE-GANGLIONIC NEURONS originate in the nuclei of cranial nerves, III, VII, IX, X, travel the lateral gray horns of segments S2, S3, S4 and synapse in a TERMINAL GANGLIA where post ganglionic neurons travel to the effectors.


DUALLY innervated effector – define[a]This effector is innervated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.


SINGLULARY innervated effector – define[a]Thiseffector is innervated by either the sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions.


Which division of the ANS DILATES the pupil?[a] sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS CONSTRICTS the pupil?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS THINS the lens for far vision?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS THICKENS the lens for near vision?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS INHIBITS secretion of Digestive Glands?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS STIMULATES secretion of Digestive Glands?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS DILATES Bronchial Tubes?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS CONSTRICTS Bronchial Tubes?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS INCREASES heart rate?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS DECREASES heart rate?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS INHIBITS peristalsis?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS STIMULATES peristalsis?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS INHIBITS urination?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS STIMULATES urination?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes VASODILATION and ERECTION?[a]parasympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes ORGASM and EJACULATION?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes production of sweat?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes goose bumps?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS controls constriction of blood vessels?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes the Adrenals release Adrenaline and Noradrenaline?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes the kidneys to release the hormone Renin to conserve water?[a]sympathetic NS


Which division of the ANS causes the production of tears?[a]parasympathetic NS


ANS effects reversed



In which pathway do neurons originate in LATERAL gray horns of the spinal cord, segments T1 – L2, travel out the ventral root through the spinal nerve and WHITE RAMUS into the SYMPATHETIC CHAIN?[a]PATHWAY of SYMPATHETIC PREGANGLIONIC neurons to Sympathetic Chain Ganglia


In which pathway do PRE-GANGLIONIC NEURONS originate in the nuclei of cranial nerves, III, VII, IX, X, travel the lateral gray horns of segments S2, S3, S4 and synapse in a TERMINAL GANGLIA where post ganglionic neurons travel to the effectors?[a]the PARASYMPATHETIC PATHWAY


Which type of effector is innervated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions?[a]DUALLY innervated effector


Which type of effector is innervated by either the sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions?[a]SINGLULARY innervated effector


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the iris?[a] DILATES the pupil


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the iris?[a] CONSTRICTS the pupil


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Ciliary muscle?[a] THINS the lens for far vision


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Ciliary muscle?[a] THICKENS the lens for near vision


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Digestive Glands?[a] INHIBITS secretion of Digestive Glands


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Digestive Glands?[a] STIMULATES secretion of Digestive Glands


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Bronchial Tubes?[a] DILATES Bronchial Tubes


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Bronchial Tubes?[a] CONSTRICTS Bronchial Tubes


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Heart?[a] INCREASES heart rate


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Heart?[a] DECREASES heart rate


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Intestinal Smooth Muscles?[a] INHIBITS peristalsis


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Intestinal Smooth Muscles?[a] STIMULATES peristalsis


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Urinary Bladder?[a] INHIBITS urination


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Urinary Bladder?[a] STIMULATES urination


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Sex Organs?[a] VASODILATION and ERECTION


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Sex Organs?[a] ORGASM and EJACULATION


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the Sweat Glands?[a] causes production of sweat


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the arrector pili muscles?[a] causes goose bumps


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the blood vessels?[a] controls constriction of blood vessels


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the adrenal glands?[a] causes the Adrenals release Adrenaline and Noradrenaline


Which effect does the sympathetic NS have on the kidneys?[a] causes the kidneys to conserve water


Which effect does the parasympathetic NS have on the Lacrimal glands[a] causes the production of tears


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