Terminal Nerve Decks

Upper Extremity Nerves 1



Which muscle is innervated by the PHRENIC nerve?[a] the Diaphragm


Which nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Radialis?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates the interossei?[a] the ULNAR nerve


Which nerve innervates Brachioradialis?[a] the RADIAL nerve


Which muscles are innervated by the AXILLARY nerve?[a] Teres Minor and Deltoid


Which nerve innervates Palmaris Longus?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates the lumbricals?[a] the ULNAR nerve


Which muscles are innervated by the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve?[a] Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Coracobrachialis


Which muscles are innervated by the RADIAL nerve?[a] Tricep brachii, Anconeus, Brachioradialis, Supinator, the Wrist/Hand Extensors


Which muscles are innervated by the MEDIAN nerve?[a] Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus, Flexor Carpi Radialis, Palmaris Longus, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Pollicis Longus, the Thenar Eminence


Which muscles are innervated by the ULNAR nerve?[a] Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Digitorum Profundus, the hypothenar Eminence, the lumbricals, the interossei


Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Superficialis?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates Brachialis?[a] the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve


Which muscles may entrap the BRACHIAL PLEXUS?[a]The scalense and pectorais minor

[q]Which nerve innervates the hypothenar Eminence?[a]the ULNAR nerve


Which bones may entrap the MEDIAN nerve?[a]The carpal tunnel


Upper Extremity Nerves 2



Which nerve innervates the Diaphragm?[a] the PHRENIC nerve


Which nerve innervates Teres Minor?[a] the AXILLARY nerve


Which nerve innervates Deltoid?[a] the AXILLARY nerve


Which nerve innervates Biceps Brachii?[a] the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve


Which nerve innervates Tricep brachii?[a] the RADIAL nerve


Which nerve innervates Coracobrachialis?[a] the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve


Which nerve innervates Anconeus?[a] the RADIAL nerve


Which nerve innervates Pronator Teres?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates the Wrist/Hand Extensors?[a] the RADIAL nerve


Which nerve innervates Pronator Quadratus?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Profundus?[a] the ULNAR nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Pollicis Longus?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?[a] the ULNAR nerve


Which nerve innervates the Thenar Eminence?[a] the MEDIAN nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?[a] the ULNAR nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Profundus?[a] the ULNAR nerve


The Scalenes may entrap which plexus?[a] BRACHIAL PLEXUS


Pectorais Minor may entrap which plexus?[a] BRACHIAL PLEXUS


The carpal tunnel may entrap which nerve?[a] MEDIAN nerve


Lower Extremity Nerves



The Lumbar Plexus is formed from which spinal nerves?[a] SN’s L1-L4


The Sacral Plexus is formed from which spinal nerves?[a] SN’s L4-S3


Which nerve innervates Quadriceps?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Adductor Longus?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE


Which nerve innervates Illiopsoas?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Adductor Magnus?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE


Which nerve innervates pectineus?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Adductor Brevis?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE


Which nerve innervates Sartorius?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Obturator Externus?[a] the OBTURATOR NERVE


Which nerve innervates the Oblique Abdominals?[a] the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves


Which nerve innervates Gluteus Medius?[a] the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Gluteus Maximus?[a] the INFERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Gluteus Minimus?[a] the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates the Hamstrings?[a] the SCIATIC Nerve


Which nerve innervates Tensor Fascia Latae/TFL?[a] the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Gastrocnemius?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Tibialis Anterior?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Popliteus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Peroneus Longus?[a] the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Plantaris?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Peroneus Tertius?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Soleus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Peroneus Brevis?[a] the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Digitorum Longus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Extensor Digitorum Longus?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Flexor Hallucis Longus?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Extensor Hallucis Longus?[a] the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates Tibialis Posterior?[a] the TIBIAL Nerve


Piriformis can impinge which nerve?[a]The sciatic nerve


Disks of L4 and L5 can impinge which nerve?[a]The roots of the sciatic nerve


Which nerve innervates the anterior thigh?[a] the FEMORAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates the medial thigh?[a]the OBTURATOR NERVE


Which nerves innervate the abdominal wall?[a] the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves


Which nerve innervates the gluteal muscles?[a] the SUPERIOR and INFERIOR GLUTEAL Nerves


Which nerve innervates the Hamstrings and the whole leg?[a] SCIATIC Nerve


Which nerve innervates the posterior leg?[a]the TIBIAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates the anterior leg?[a]the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve


Which nerve innervates the lateral leg?[a] the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve


Piriformis can impinge which nerve?[a]The sciatic nerve


Lower Extremity Nerves reversed



Which structure is formed and innervated by SN’s L1-L4[a]The Lumbar Plexus


Which structure is formed and innervated by SN’s L4-S3[a]The Sacral Plexus


Which muscles are innervated by the FEMORAL Nerve[a] Quadriceps, Iliopsoas,Pectineus,Sartorius


Which muscles are innervated by the OBTURATOR NERVE[a] Adductor Longus, Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis, Gracillis


Which muscles are innervated by the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves[a] Internal and External Abdominal Obliques and Transverse Abdominis


Which muscles are innervated by the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve[a] Gluteus Medius, Minimus, and Tensor Fascia Latae/TFL


Which muscle is innervated by the INFERIOR GLUTEAL Nerve[a] Gluteus Maximus


Which muscles are innervated by the SCIATIC Nerve[a] the Hamstrings and all the muscles of the leg


Which muscles are innervated by the TIBIAL Nerve[a] Gastrocnemius,Soleus,Popliteus,Plantaris, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus, Tibialis Posterior (Girl scouts pop pills for first time.)


Which muscles are innervated by the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve[a] Peroneus Longus and Brevis


Which muscle is innervated by the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve[a]Peroneus Tertius, Extensor Digitorum Longus,Extensor Hallucis Longus, Tibialis Posterior


The sciatic nerve can be impinged by which muscle[a]Piriformis


The roots of the sciatic nerve can be impinged by which spinal feature[a]Disks of L4 and L5


Which part of the body is innervated by the FEMORAL Nerve[a] the anterior thigh


Which part of the body is innervated by the OBTURATOR NERVE[a] the medial thigh


Which part of the body is innervated by the ILLIOHYPOGASTRIC and ILLIOINGUINAL Nerves[a]the abdominal wall


Which part of the body is innervated by the TIBIAL Nerve[a] the posterior leg compartment


Which part of the body is innervated by the DEEP PERONEAL Nerve[a] the anterior leg compartment


Which part of the body is innervated by the SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL Nerve[a] the lateral leg compartment


The sciatic nerve can be impinged by which muscle[a]Piriformis


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