Vessel Structure and Routes Flashcards

Vessel Structure



Arteries & arterioles – function[a]This type of vessel carrys blood away from the heart


Capillaries – function[a]This type of vessel allow nutrient exchange between blood and surrounding tissues


Veins & venules – function[a]This type of vessel carrys blood towards the heart


Vaso Vasorum – define[a]This term describes the networks of small blood vessels in walls of larger blood vessels which bring nutrients to deeper layers in vessel walls


Elastic/Conducting arteries – describe[a] This type of artery is located closer to heart and has a higher proportion of elastic CT in the tunica media


Tunica interna – define[a]This layer of vessel is in contact with blood, composed of simple squamous epithelium and continuous with epicardium of heart


Tunica media – define[a]This layer of vessel is the middle layer and consists of smooth muscle and elastic CT


Tunica externa – define[a]This layer of vessel is outermost and consists of elastic CT and collagen fibers


Muscular/Distributing arteries – location[a]This type of arteries are located farther from heart


Lumen – define[a]This term describes the hollow space through which blood flows


Arteries – structure[a]This type of vessels have the thickest walls and highest blood pressure


Veins – structure[a]This type of vessels have the lowest blood pressure and largest lumen


Capillaries – structure[a]This type of vessels have the thinnest walls


Venules – structure[a]This type of vessels have no tunica media but do have a tunica interna and externa


Arterioles – structure[a]This type of vessels have no tunica externa but do have a tunica interna and media


True capaillaries – structure[a]This type of vessels have only a tunica interna and precapillary sphincters


Thoroughfare channels – define[a]This type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into venules


Metaarteriole – define[a]This type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into thoroughfare channels


Fenestrated capaillaries – define[a]This type of vessels are perforated with numerous pores and located where capillary filtration or absorption is required


Sinusoids – define[a]This type of capillaries have large lumens, irregular shape, many intercellular clefts, large fenestrations, often lined with macrophages


Sinusoids – location[a]This type of capillaries are located in the liver, bone marrow and lymphoid tissue


Fenestrated capaillaries – location[a]This type of vessels are located in the kidneys, small intestines, endocrine glands, ciliary processes of eye


Arteries flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into arterioles


Veins flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into the heart


Capillaries flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into venules


Venules flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into veins


Arterioles flow into what?[a]This type of vessels flow into capillaries


Varicose veins – define[a]This term describes veins in which valves have failed, leaving them distended and tortuous.


Veins hold what percentage of blood?[a]Veins hold 65% of the whole blood


Aneurysm – define[a]This term describes a distention of artery wall


Vessel Structure Reversed



Which term describes a distention of artery wall?[a]Aneurysm


Which type of vessels hold 65% of the whole blood?[a]Veins


Which term describes veins in which valves have failed?[a]Varicose veins


Which type of vessels flow into capillaries?[a]Arterioles


Which type of vessels flow into veins?[a]Venules


Which type of vessels flow into venules?[a]Capillaries


Which type of vessels flow into the heart?[a]Veins


Which type of vessels flow into arterioles?[a]Arteries


Which type of vessels are located in the kidneys, small intestines, endocrine glands, ciliary processes of eye?[a]Fenestrated capaillaries – location


Which type of capillaries are located in the liver, bone marrow and lymphoid tissue?[a]Sinusoids


Which type of capillaries have large lumens, irregular shape, many intercellular clefts, large fenestrations, often lined with macrophages?[a]Sinusoids


Which type of vessels are perforated with numerous pores and located where capillary filtration or absorption is required?[a]Fenestrated capaillaries


Which type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into thoroughfare channels?[a]Metaarteriole


Which type of vessels have no precapillary sphincters and drain into venules?[a]Thoroughfare channels


Which type of vessels have only a tunica interna and precapillary sphincters?[a]True capaillaries


Which type of vessels have no tunica externa but do have a tunica interna and media?[a]Arterioles


Which type of vessels have no tunica media but do have a tunica interna and externa?[a]Venules


Which type of vessels have the thinnest walls?[a]Capillaries


Which type of vessels have the lowest blood pressure and largest lumen?[a]Veins


Which type of vessels have the thickest walls and highest blood pressure?[a]Arteries


Which term describes the hollow space through which blood flows?[a]Lumen


Which type arteries are located further from heart?[a]Muscular/Distributing arteries


Which layer of vessel is outermost and consists of elastic CT and collagen fibers?[a]Tunica externa


Which layer of vessel is the middle layer and consists of smooth muscle and elastic CT?[a]Tunica media


Which layer of vessel is in contact with blood, composed of simple squamous epithelium and continuous with epicardium of heart?[a]Tunica interna


Which type of arteries are located closer to heart and have a higher proportion of elastic CT in the tunica media?[a]Elastic/Conducting arteries


Which term describes the networks of small blood vessels in walls of larger blood vessels which bring nutrients to deeper layers in vessel walls?[a]Vaso Vasorum


Which type of vessels carry blood towards the heart?[a]Veins & venules


Which type of vessels allow nutrient exchange between blood and surrounding tissues?[a]Capillaries


Which type of vessels carry blood away from the heart?[a]Arteries & arterioles


Vessel Routes 1



Ascending aorta – carries blood to[a]the arch of the aorta and the coronary arteries


Arch of the aorta – carries blood to[a]left common carotid artery, the brachiocephalic artery, the left subclavian artery,the descending aorta


Coronary arteries – carry blood to[a]the myocardium


Brachiocephalic trunk – carries blood to[a] the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery


Right common carotid artery – carries blood to[a] the right internal and external carotid arteries


Right internal carotid artery – carries blood to[a] the circle of Willis


Circle of Willis – carries blood to[a] the cerebral arteries


Cerebral arteries – carries blood to[a] the brain


Brain – blood drains into[a] the venous sinuses


Venous sinuses – drain blood into[a] internal jugular veins


Internal jugular veins – drain blood into[a] the brachiocephalic veins


Brachiocephalic vein – drains blood into[a] the Superior Vena Cava (SVC)


Superior Vena Cava (SVC) – drains blood into[a] the right atrium


External jugular veins – drain blood into[a] the subclavian vein


Basilar artery – carries blood to[a]Circle of Willis


Vertebral arteries – carry blood to[a] the basilar artery


Subclavian artery – carries blood to[a] the axillary artery


Axillary artery – carries blood to[a] the brachial artery


Brachial artery – carries blood to[a] radial and ulnar arteries


Radial and ulnar arteries – carry blood to[a] palmer arches


Palmer arches – carry blood to[a] the digital arteries


Digital veins – drain blood into[a] the palmer venous arches


Palmer venous arches – drain blood into[a]the radial and ulnar veins


Radial & ulnar veins – drain blood into[a] the brachial veins


Brachial veins – drain blood into[a]the axillary veins


Axillary veins – drain blood into[a] the subclavian veins


Basilic veins – drain blood into[a] the brachial veins


Cephalic veins – drain blood into[a] the subclavian veins


External carotid arteries – carry blood to[a] the face and skull


External jugular veins – drain blood from[a] the face and skull


Thoracic aorta – carries blood to[a] superior phrenic, esophageal, mediastinal and intercostal arteries


Abdominal aorta – carries blood to[a] celiac, superior, inferior mesenterinc, renal, suprarenal & lumbar arteries


Abdominal aorta – carries blood to[a]the right and left Common Iliac arteries


Celiac trunk – flows into[a]the hepatic, splenic and left gastric arteries


Superior & inferior mesenteric, gastric, esophageal, pancreatic and splenic veins – drain blood into[a] the hepatic portal vein


Hepatic portal vein – drains blood into[a] the liver


Hepatic artery – carries blood to[a]the liver (oxygenated)


Liver – drains blood into[a]the hepatic veins


Hepatic veins – drain blood into[a] the IVC


Vessel Routes 1 Reversed



From which vessel does the liver receive deoxygenated blood?[a]Hepatic portal vein


From which vessels does the hepatic portal vein receive blood?[a]Superior & inferior mesenteric, gastric, esophageal, pancreatic and splenic veins


From which vessel do the hepatic, splenic and left gastric arteries receive blood?[a]Celiac trunk – flows into


From which vessel do the right and left Common Iliac arteries receive blood?[a]Abdominal aorta


From which vessel do the celiac, superior, inferior mesenterinc, renal, suprarenal & lumbar arteries receive blood?[a]Abdominal aorta


From which vessel do the superior phrenic, esophageal, mediastinal and intercostal arteries receive blood?[a]Thoracic aorta


Which vessels drain the face and skull[a]External jugular veins


Which vessels nourish the face and skull?[a]External carotid arteries


From which vessels do the subclavian veins receive blood?[a]Cephalic veins and Axillary veins


From which vessels do the brachial veins receive blood?[a]Basilic veins


From which vessels do the axillary veins receive blood?[a]Brachial veins


From which vessels do the brachial veins receive blood?[a]Radial & ulnar veins


From which vessels do the radial and ulnar veins receive blood?[a]Palmer venous arches


From which vessels do the palmer venous arches receive blood?[a]Digital veins


From which vessels do the digital arteries receive blood?[a]Palmer arches


From which vessels do the palmer arches receive blood?[a]Radial and ulnar arteries


From which vessels do the radial and ulnar arteries receive blood?[a]Brachial artery


From which vessels does the brachial artery receive blood?[a]Axillary artery


From which vessels does the axillary artery receive blood?[a]Subclavian artery


From which vessels does the basilar artery receive blood?[a]Vertebral arteries


From which vessels does the subclavian vein receive blood?[a]External jugular veins


From which vessels does the right atrium receive blood?[a]Superior Vena Cava (SVC) and Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) and coronary sinus


From which vessels does the Superior Vena Cava (SVC) receive blood?[a]Brachiocephalic vein


From which vessels do the brachiocephalic veins receive blood?[a]Internal jugular veins


From which vessels do the internal jugular veins receive blood?[a]Venous sinuses


The venous sinuses drain blood from which organ?[a]Brain


From which vessels does the brain receive blood?[a]Cerebral arteries


From which vessels do the cerebral arteries receive blood?[a]Circle of Willis


From which vessels does the circle of Willis receive blood?[a]Internal carotid arteries and Basilar artery


From which vessels do the right internal and external carotid arteries receive blood?[a]Right common carotid artery


From which vessel does the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery receive blood?[a]Brachiocephalic trunk


From which vessels does the heart receive blood?[a]Coronary arteries


From which vessel does the descending aorta receive blood?[a]Arch of the aorta


From which vessel does the left subclavian artery receive blood?[a]Arch of the aorta


From which vessel does the left common carotid artery receive blood?[a]Arch of the aorta


From which vessel does the brachiocephalic artery receive blood?[a]Arch of the aorta


From which vessel do the coronary arteries receive blood?[a]Ascending aorta


From which vessel does the arch of the aorta receive blood?[a]Ascending aorta


Vessel Routes 2



The renal veins drain blood into[a] the IVC


The kidneys drain blood into[a]the renal veins


Common iliac artery carries blood to[a] the internal and external iliac arteries


The internal iliac artery carries blood to[a] the groin


The external iliac artery carries blood to[a] the femoral artery


The femoral artery carries blood to[a] the popliteal artery


The poplitel artery carries blood to[a] the anterior and posterior tibial arteries


The posterior tibial artery carries blood to[a] the medial and lateral plantar arteries


The anterior tibial artery carries blood to[a] the dorsalis pedis artery


The posterior tibial artery carries blood to[a] the peroneal artery


The azygos vein drains blood into[a] the SVC


The right ascending lumbar vein drains blood into[a] the azygos vein


The hemiazygos vein drains blood into[a] the azygos vein


The accessory hemiazygos vein drains blood into[a] the azygos vein


The right side of the chest and abdominal walls drain into[a] the azygos vein?


The left side of the abdominal wall drains blood into[a] the hemiazygos vein?


The left side of the chest wall -drains blood into[a] into the accessory hemiazygos vein?


The lateral leg compartment drains blood into[a] area does the peroneal vein


The posterior leg compartment drains blood into[a] the posterior tibial vein


The anterior leg compartment drains blood into[a] the anterior tibial vein


The great saphenous vein drains blood into[a] the femoral vein


The small saphenous vein drains blood into[a] the popliteal vein


The anterior and posterior tibial veins drain blood into[a] the popliteal vein


The popliteal vein drains blood into[a]the femoral vein


The femoral vein drains blood into[a] the external iliac vein


The external and internal iliac veins drain blood into[a] the common iliac vein


The right and left common iliac veins -merge and drain blood into[a] the IVC (located at L4)


Varicose Vein – define[a] a distended vein that is caused by a leaky valve


Aneurysm – define[a] a distension in an artery


Myocardial infarct – define[a] a blockage of a coronary artery causes cardiac tissue to become ischemic and die


Stroke (CVA) – define[a] blockage of a cerebral artery causes brain tissue to become ischemic and die


Anastamosis – define[a] an alternate route for blood to flow


Median cubital vein is an anastamosis between what vessels?[a] the basislic and cepahlic veins


The descending aorta splits and carries blood to[a]the right and left common iliac ateries


The right and left brachiocephalic veins merge and drain blood to[a] the SVC


The internal jugular and subclavian veins merge and drain blood into[a] brachiocephalic veins


In which arteries can a pulse be felt?[a] radial, axillary, superficial, temporal, carotid, femoral and dorsalis pedis arteries


Vessel Routes 2 reversed



From which vessels do the brachiocephalic veins receives blood?[a]The internal jugular and subclavian veins


From which vessels does the SVC receives blood?[a]The right and left brachiocephalic veins


From which vessels (located at L4) do the right and left common iliac ateries receive blood?[a]The descending aorta


Which vessel is an anastamosis between the basislic and cepahlic veins?[a]Median cubital vein


Which term describes an alternate route for blood to flow?[a]Anastamosis


Which term describes when blockage of a cerebral artery causes brain tissue to become ischemic and die?[a]Stroke (CVA)


Which term describes when a blockage of a coronary artery causes cardiac tissue to become ischemic and die?[a]Myocardial infarct


Which term describes a distension in an artery?[a]Aneurysm


Which term describes a distended vein that is caused by a leaky valve?[a]Varicose Vein


From which vessels does the IVC (located at L4) form a junction and receive blood?[a]The right and left common iliac veins


From which vessels does the common iliac vein receive blood?[a]The external and internal iliac veins


From which vessels does the external iliac vein receive blood?[a]The femoral vein


From which vessel does the popliteal vein receive blood?[a]The tibial, common peroneal and small saphenous vein


From which vessel does the femoral vein receive blood?[a]The popliteal and great saphenous vein


From which body area does the anterior tibial vein receive blood?[a]The anterior leg compartment


From which body area does the posterior tibial vein receive blood?[a]The posterior leg compartment


From which body area does the peroneal vein receive blood?[a]The lateral leg compartment


Which area of the body wall drains directly into the accessory hemiazygos vein?[a]The left side of the chest wall -drains blood into


Which area of the body wall drains directly into the hemiazygos vein?[a]The left side of the abdominal wall


Which area of the body wall drains directly into the azygos vein?[a]The right side of the chest and abdominal walls


From which vessel does the hemiazygos vein receive blood?[a]The left ascending lumbar vein


From which vessel does the azygos vein receive blood?[a]The hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos vein


From which vessel does the azygos vein receive blood?[a]The right ascending lumbar vein


From which vessel does the SVC receive blood?[a]The azygos vein


From which vessel does the peroneal artery receive blood?[a]The posterior tibial artery


From which vessel does the dorsalis pedis artery receive blood?[a]The anterior tibial artery


From which vessel do the medial and lateral plantar arteries receive blood?[a]The posterior tibial artery


From which vessel do the anterior and posterior tibial arteries receive blood?[a]The poplitel artery


From which vessel does the popliteal artery receive blood?[a]The femoral artery


From which vessel does the femoral artery receive blood?[a]The external iliac artery


From which vessel does the groin receive blood?[a]The internal iliac artery


From which vessel do the internal and external iliac arteries receive blood?[a]Common iliac artery


From which organs do the renal veins receive blood?[a]The kidneys


From which vessels does the IVC receive blood?[a]The R and L Common Iliac Veins


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